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Health can be maintained through some workout and following some food habits which can boost the muscle power. There are certain foods that are necessary for the brain health, be the regular user of brain food, these things should be adopted as soon as possible. Here we have tried to write some must follow health tips.
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- As the first tip, one should avoid refined oils, flour based foods. This is the time to redefine the eating habits so that the intake of processed foods could be minimized. Such foods are devoid of any real nutritional content so must be stopped or at least should be minimized right now. This is one of the most fundamental health tips to be adopted.
- Take some fish oils which may help combat depression, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes.
- Take green tea, which is full of powerful antioxidants, rich in catechins (antioxidants which fight and may help prevent cell damage). Due to its high amount of antioxidants necessary to fight with the current environment full of pollution, it is must to adopt in your daily life and included in fundamental health tips.
- Take little sun shine to boost your body’s vitamin D levels. 15-20 minutes of sunlight daily is sufficient, don’t avoid it from your life as one of the most important health tips.
- Don’t overeat.
- At least 20-30 minutes of high-intensity exercise three times per week is must.
- Take proper sleep of 6-8 hours at least, sound sleep and relaxed body ensures feeling your best, maintaining good health, promoting a healthy body weight, and reducing the signs of aging.
- Make good circle of friends, which can boost your social status. Having a good dose of social support can help ward off depression and heart disease.
- Take enough water at least 4-6 liters a day, hydrated body ensures quality in life. Stay hydrated with the right beverages. Choose clear water more regularly to detoxify your system and make sure you cleanse waste from the body.
- Take vegetables regularly in your diet.
- Say no to processed foods as they tend to load your system up with toxins and may lead to disease over time, take natural forms of protein.
- Meditation is more than just a great way to reduce stress. Devote 10-15 minutes per day to sitting quietly to meditate or simply be with your own thoughts. In the busy pace of life, taking time to just be still is essential. One of the most important habit to get fit and included in must-read health tips.
- Avoid often medications, avoid over-the-counter drugs for minor aches and pains.
- Start your day with balanced breakfast and smoothies. They are the blend of all three macronutrients—proteins, carbohydrates, and dietary fats.
- Take berries and nuts, they are loaded with antioxidants, fiber, and vitamins, berries are among the healthiest fruits you can consume. Blueberries and raspberries are particularly packed with free radical fighters, but any berry can make a great addition to your daily diet plan.
- Take all colors of fruits and vegetables, diet that’s rich in colorful, nutrient-dense fruits and vegetables helps ensure that you take in a full spectrum of vitamins and minerals.
- Fish is one of the healthiest protein sources you can add to your diet, they are good source of omega-3.
- Walk more, take stairs than lifts.
- Take part in activities such as gardening, home cleaning and social welfare works.
- As per “American Society for Clinical Nutrition,” study, a diet rich in foods with a low glycemic index is one of the best ways to promote a lower risk of heart disease. Add plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, lentils, and nuts into your diet rather than refined carbohydrate choices.
- Do strength-based exercises into your routine for positive rewards.
- Olive oil is light tasting and versatile, add it into your diet as it is great source of monounsaturated fatty acids and antioxidants that may help lower your risk of cancer and heart disease.
- Don’t diet, stay moderate and take balanced foods. Fasting fortnightly is good.
- Keep annual record of your weight and analyze it.
- Read good books on health and fitness.
- Be happy and keep others happy, laugh as you can and start your day with the laugh as Laughter is an excellent mood booster.
- Improve your body posture, stand straight and sit straight. Poor posture can increase suffering and may cause neck and shoulder pain, leading to tension headaches. They are the must followed in basic health tips.
- Read regularly which improves concentration power and increases your knowledge. Keep your mind young with the daily doses of right information.
- Inspire others and get inspired from others. Effort should be to keep learning all the time. The minute you stop learning is the minute you accelerate the process of aging. A young mind is one that has a never-ending thirst for knowledge. Keep your mind sharp. Consider learning another language, taking up an instrument, or sitting down with the Sunday crossword. Then go exercise.
- Avoid caffeine related products such as coffee and soft drinks. Taking 2 cups of coffee a day is good but more than that is a risk.
- Try to go vegetarian, it may boost your nutrient intake, promote greater feelings of satiety, help banish hunger, and improve weight loss.
- Control your hunger with Nuts as they are fantastic snacks to have throughout the day. They are rich in healthy fats, contain a good dose of dietary fiber, and will help you stay satiated.
- Take dark chocolates as it has high flavonoids concentrations that can help your health.
- Do stretching, as it increases flexibility, and improves circulation, balance, and coordination.
- Avoid sugars but don’t replace it with artificial sweeteners.
- Take green leafy vegetables in your diet such as kale, spinach, and broccoli. They’re loaded with antioxidants, fiber and the vitamins K, C, and A. Kale contains more iron than beef. Plus, these power veggies come virtually calorie-free.
- Do some cardiovascular exercises, follow weight loss tips, do regular walk and exercises, no matter at what age you are in. Foremost and important thing in your daily must followed health tips.
- Don’t take water after meals for at least one hour. Rather you can take some water in between the meals.
- Improve gut health, eat probiotic foods such as live yogurt and sauerkraut. Take probiotic supplements, take fiber in your diet. Fiber functions as fuel for the gut bacteria.
- Don’t take high fried or overcooked food as it lead to the formation of harmful compounds that raise the risk of cancer.
Image credit- Canva
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