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eCourts Services-Check Current Status Of Court Cases By SMS

If you are, by any chance, involved in court cases and now you need to check current status of court cases online, eCourts Services App comes in light. With the launch some time ago, eCourts Services App has gained momentum and enabled people, litigants, lawyers, police and Judges to access information about court cases anytime and anywhere with the ease of mobile apps which can be downloaded for Android and iOS as well as people and know the current status of their cases by return SMS as well.
This is the surely a big step towards digitization of courts and making the system transparent across the Indian courts whether District, High Courts or Supreme court. One can search the court cases by CNR (Case Number Record – a unique number assigned to each case filed in district and taluka courts), can check the Case Status, Cause List etc. online with a single click or touch.
From the eCourts Services App or the eCourts Services Website, one can search case status party name, case number, filing number, advocate name, FIR number or Act type also.
How To Know Current Status Of Your Case By Return SMS?
You can also send SMS your CNR number to this number 9766899899 through your mobile number and in return SMS you can see current status of your case – SMS ECOURTS<space><your CNR Number> To 9766899899
eCourts Services App
You can download Android app from Google play store and download iOS app from App store.
You can also get notifications of next date hearing of the case, judgments copies can be downloaded from the mobile app without waiting for a long to access the hard copy of the judgment. If there is any QR code related to court then you can access information by just scanning it.
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At present, the eCourts Services App is linked to 25 high courts (total 39 complexes), 631 districts, 3187 court complexes and 6934 total establishments in the country.
Steps To Navigate eCourts Services Portal And eCourts App for District, Taluka level courts and High Courts in India
- Go to eCourts portal (ecourts[dot]gov[dot]in/ecourts_home/)
- Click on NJDG (National Judicial Data Grid – ecourts[dot]gov[dot]in/ecourts_home/index1.php) tab in the portal which comprises of district and taluka courts in India.
- In the Drill down section/tab, you can check all the cases either civil, criminal or miscellaneous cases state and district wise.
- In the Pending Dashboard, all the pending cases can be seen state and district wise.
- In the Disposed Dashboard, all the disposed cases can be seen state and district wise up to 5 years of tenure.
- In the Alerts tab, you can check the cases state wise filed on the date. You can select your state, click on the particulars related to you. Suppose you have clicked on Undated/Civil case numbers then select your district, then click on the numbers against the Establishment. Give captcha code and search your case. You can check your next hearing date and the purpose of hearing in the section.
- In the Information Management section, you can check the summary reports of the courts and cases.
- Likewise you can check the same for High Courts of the country by clicking on the High Court NJDG at the right hand side.
You can also check all the information related to cases, advocates and Judges of Supreme court of India (main[dot]sci[dot]gov[dot]in/) also.
List Of High Courts In India
Here is a list of 25 High Courts in India with the links to navigate to respective High Courts.
- Allahabad High Court (allahabadhighcourt[dot]in)
- Hyderabad High Court (tshc[dot]gov[dot]in)
- Bombay High Court (bombayhighcourt[dot]nic[dot]in)
- Calcutta High Court (calcuttahighcourt[dot]gov[dot]in)
- Chhattisgarh High Court (highcourt[dot]cg[dot]gov[dot]in)
- Delhi High Court (delhihighcourt[dot]nic[dot]in)
- Gauhati High Court (ghconline[dot]gov[dot]in)
- Gujarat High Court (gujarathighcourt[dot]nic[dot]in)
- Himachal Pradesh High Court (hphighcourt[dot]nic[dot]in)
- Jammu & Kashmir High Court (jkhighcourt[dot]nic[dot]in)
- Jharkhand High Court (jharkhandhighcourt[dot]nic[dot]in)
- Karnataka High Court (karnatakajudiciary[dot]kar[dot]nic[dot]in)
- Kerala High Court (hckerala[dot]gov[dot]in)
- Madhya Pradesh High Court (mphc[dot]gov[dot]in)
- Madras High Court (hcmadras[dot]tn[dot]nic[dot]in)
- Manipur High Court (hcmimphal[dot]nic[dot]in)
- Meghalaya High Court (meghalayahighcourt[dot]nic[dot]in)
- Orissa High Court (orissahighcourt[dot]nic[dot]in)
- Patna High Court (patnahighcourt[dot]gov[dot]in)
- Punjab & Haryana High Court (highcourtchd[dot]gov[dot]in)
- Rajasthan High Court (hcraj[dot]nic[dot]inhcraj)
- Sikkim High Court (hcs[dot]gov[dot]inhcs)
- Tripura High Court (thc[dot]nic[dot]in)
- High Court for State of Telangana (tshc[dot]gov[dot]in)
- Uttarakhand High Court (highcourtofuttarakhand[dot]gov[dot]in)
How To Check Case Status, Court Order And Cause List District Wise?
- Go to eCourts Home portal.
- Click on District court (districts[dot]ecourts[dot]gov[dot]in/) tab in the portal at the right hand side.
- Select your state and district from the drop down.
- Click on one of the links from Case Number, FIR Number, Party Name, Advocate Name, Case Code, Act, Case Type from the Services section given at the right hand side for the case status.
- Fill respective fields along with the captcha code to retrieve information about your cases.
- Click on one of the links from Case Number, Court Number, Party Name and Order Date for the Court orders.
- Click on the Cause List link to see the cases date wise in the respective courts/establishments.
Image credit- Canva
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