Instagram Marketing Archives - Newskart Stories on Business, Technology, Startups, Funding, Career & Jobs Sat, 10 Feb 2024 11:29:14 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Instagram Marketing Archives - Newskart 32 32 157239825 Top 5 Ways to Grow Your Business Using Instagram Marketing Tue, 10 Mar 2020 19:12:30 +0000 Top 5 Ways to Grow Your Business Using Instagram Marketing
Top 5 Ways to Grow Your Business Using Instagram Marketing

If you are not yet into Instagram marketing but you are in a business then you are running into a great loss. Instagram has been proven to be one of the best marketing platforms since its inception. This is an important tool that helps in the powerful marketing of their business. Instagram increases the visibility of the product in their business.

Do you know that you see more of promotions on Instagram (pls refer IG Analytics)than your friend’s vacation picture or your neighbor’s trip to Europe?

There is a lot more than what you actually see on Instagram, very efficiently and very cleverly your competition in the market is using Instagram marketing to sell their products more and also to make a strong brand presence in social media. Social media gives us huge connectivity but the difficulty lies in finding out who would like your business and you can get an idea about this on your Instagram page only.

1. Instagram Purchase 

It might surprise you that over 1/3rd of the Instagram users purchase products from Instagram directly. Sales are very important for any business, directly or indirectly all the businesses are dependent on sales. In the past 1.5 to – 2years the sale has increased through the Instagram purchase immensely.

It is the job of the sales team to increase the sale of their product but with the emergence of digital marketing and specifically Instagram marketing the sale has increased in the businesses. More than 70% of users have used Instagram to increase their purchase all across the world. Among the 75% of the users take action which is also known as the call to action which means that they will visit the official site of the product and click further to check the service or the product.

Even if the user does not buy the product but the importance of the click remains, it takes you one step closer to your potential customer.

2. Inbound Traffic Increases

Instagram marketing increases your customer because without Instagram marketing your flow of customers will be limited to your website only. The increase in the inbound traffic will happen on the increase of Instagram Marketing. The latest and the best way to do digital marketing is through social media marketing which also includes Instagram marketing. There are different types of people with different backgrounds on Instagram and your product might cater to people of different economic strength hence the inbound traffic will be much more.

3. Conversion Rate Increases

As much the visibility of your business increases the more is the opportunity to convert. Every blog post or a like on your blogpost can reach your TG to your website.  This kind of marketing gives a better image to your business through humanization. Interactive brands or the brands that also do conversational marketing are able to much better in the conversion of their target audience. It has been proved that spending time with the consumer is much valuable addition to their business. In recent years about 66% of businessmen have successfully felt that lead generation is maximum through social media. This will also help you to get an understanding of what your product has and how can it be improved in the future.

4. Save Money

Social Media marketing, especially Instagram marketing save you a lot of money. If you want to create brand awareness through your Instagram account then all you have to do is make some creative posts for your site and post them on Instagram. This will save you a lot of money, Instagram Marketing is very much cost-effective.  Being cost-effective is such an advantage because you can see a greater return on investment and retain a bigger budget for other marketing and business expenses.

If you want to do paid advertisement then do not spend bulk in the first go. Spend little and understand what should you expect from this paid advertisement. Only then spend more when you know what will you get back in return for what you have spent.

5. Being a Leader

Posting some well written sensible posts on your official website can give you the privilege of being a leader in the future.  If you wish to be a social media expert then you will have to be much more communicative. Making good relation with your consumer or your customer is very important that will help you be a leader in social media.

When you connect with your consumer, it makes easier for them to rely on you and purchase your item on Instagram of social media itself. This will also help you become an influencer too in your social media.

The last but not the least! Get Started with the ideas, it is important to get started with all your like and share at least that will fetch you somewhere till you get into the business. Start finding out better SEO and you will be able to start your business from the peak asap.

Image credit- Canva

You Will Be Surprised At What You Can Achieve Through A Proper Instagram Analytics Wed, 31 Oct 2018 11:27:08 +0000 You Will Be Surprised At What You Can Achieve Through A Proper Instagram Analytics
You Will Be Surprised At What You Can Achieve Through A Proper Instagram Analytics

If you want to make the most of your business marketing strategy using social media platform, then you must go for a wider reach and better engagement. You can achieve this feat only if you deliver high-quality contents consistently through Instagram and real Instagram likes to the right target.

You can also achieve two more things:

  • Strengthen your connection with the existing audience as they will come back for newer and more content and
  • Enjoy greater engagement levels to help you leverage the algorithm of Instagram thereby creating more exposure with your content.

With the help of better contents and the platform itself, you will be able to cast a much wider net.

The Instagram Algorithm

The Instagram algorithm is considered to be notorious due to its non-chronological order of newsfeed. It makes leveraging it a bit difficult which is why people refrain from using it. However, if you can use it properly and know the right way for it, you can achieve your desired benefits and results. Remember, Instagram is not after you. In reality, it wins when you win, and therefore you must show engaging and relevant visual contents to the users for you as well as for the best interest of Instagram. This means that the users will stay on the platform for a long time.

It is for this reason that the algorithm scours through different contents on the platform to find the awesome ones and show it to more and more people. This will result in more viewers, and you can track the traffic on your website from Instagram. With better analytics, you can increase your reach and ensure better engagement with your followers.

Be more Strategic in Instagram

It is even more important to be more strategic in your business development and marketing campaign. Few specific ways to follow include:

  • Tracking the traffic flow from Instagram to your channel
  • Determine the next algorithm change to know more about your business presence and following
  • Try to direct as much as traffic as you can to your channel and have better control and
  • Send more visitors to your website.

It will take some effort on your part but you can use the Like4Like app and at the same time simply insert the URL of your website into your Instagram bio. If you do not then be sure that you are losing a lot of insightful information and data.

Few moves to make in Instagram

There are a few specific moves recommended if you want to gain the necessary insight from Instagram analytics:

Create a special landing page on your website for the Instagram traffic. As this is the first page users will see on your site, this must be created especially with an aerial view of your company. You may also use multiple links going in all directions keeping in mind that the users want to learn more having already reached the touch point on Instagram with your brand.

Traffic on Instagram is mostly mobile therefore keep it as clear as possible for more massive free Instagram likes and pleasant mobile experience.

Image credit- Canva

How to Efficiently Use the Space Provided by the Online Platform for Promotion Tue, 30 Oct 2018 10:04:34 +0000 How to Efficiently Use the Space Provided by the Online Platform for Promotion
How to Efficiently Use the Space Provided by the Online Platform for Promotion

Running a business is a huge affair for anyone in any field. All businesses require a lot of effort and care. Business owners who are established and those who are starting their journey in this field have a specific business goal in mind. If the business goal is defined, then fewer problems occur in the conduction of the business. However, in the online field, it is very easy to get confused by the number of platforms present for advertising one’s business. The rising number of business organizations that function online is also another matter of concern. Hence it is very important to know the multiple avenues available for effectively conducting the business.

1. The significance of knowing the platforms present for establishing business enterprises

In the virtual world, there are multiple spaces present for establishing a business. Since the online platform is expanding at a rapid pace, it is very important to identify the areas where the business can be established and actively promoted. Websites, shopping sites, blogs, and social media are to name a few of the platforms present on the online zone for business propagation. However, it is important to understand the suitability of the platform for the business. Some platforms specifically cater to the music business and if the business is not related to that then using those platforms will be useless. Hence when a person is taking up a particular trade, then it is vital to chalk out the places where the product can be promoted and sold.

2. The utilization of multiple online platforms for running a business

In the present world, it can be said without a shadow of a doubt that people believe in multiple platform marketing. Therefore when it comes to social media one doesn’t use only one social site for promoting the business brand but subsequently uses all other allied sites for effective promotion. Advertising on the internet or on social media is very easy but getting that advertising content viewed by others on the virtual platform is the most difficult thing. Hence it can be stated that getting noticed is the hardest task on the online platform and for that purpose, most people use multiple platforms for advertising their business content. The methods which are applied by online marketers include the following:

  • Identifying the suitable platform for the business enterprise:

Selecting the correct online areas for promoting or establishing the business is of vital importance. All social media platforms are suitable for business promotion, and many shopping sites sell business products on behalf of particular sellers. Many other service providers help the business owner to create an individual shopping site featuring the products of the business owner. However, making a list of the platforms that will be used for proceeding with the business is the most important factor.

  • Maintaining parity and clarity while posting promotional content on multiple platforms:

On social media sites, one can come across Instagram followers on the site of Instagram and similarly on other social sites there will be a number of people who follow a particular account. The business owner aims to ensure that all the followers in all the social media accounts get concise information regarding the brand that they are following. Content has to be well crafted for that purpose, and it is important to tweak the content while posting it on multiple platforms because if the same content is posted, then it will appear uninteresting. The main point or message of the content can be kept the same, but the visuals should be adjusted so that diversity is maintained while formulating the content. The message which is to be delivered through the post should be distinct and easy to understand because a convoluted message is never appreciated by anyone.

  • The responsiveness with regard to comments and queries:

When the business is being conducted online, then it is very important to ensure that good customer relationship are forged. Hence it is extremely important to respond to comments especially the negative ones so that the commenter’s know that their opinion is valued. The use of multiple platforms will give rise to comments from multiple social sites or online sources. The task of the business owner is to ensure that no platform is ignored when it comes to customer queries. All the platforms should be checked, and quick replies should be given as and when required.

  • Usage of links to social profiles:

In each and every online platform which is being used for business purposes, there will be a section which will be present for describing the person or the company. This is generally known as the introductory section. In this section, the business owner can insert the important social links that are related to the business so that if a person visits a particular social profile of the business owner, then he/she will be able to get information about the other social profiles of the same business owner at the very beginning.

  • The building of the social pages and websites:

Designing is of prime importance because if the visual aesthetics are not present in a particular social page or shopping site, then the task of gaining organic visitors will become extremely hard. The website has to be interactively designed, and the posts have to be kept visually vibrant and meaningful for the audience. The implication of interactive designing can be regarded as a form of designing where the user experience is given paramount importance. The social page should have posts that load easily and are rich in content but should not be overpowering. Similarly, websites should be fast so that the virtual visitor doesn’t have to wait for the website to open on the browser.

Hence, many factors govern successful brand promotion across multiple online platforms. For business owners, it is important to keep all the factors in mind so that advertising is carried out in an effective as well as seamless manner.

Image credit- Canva

Building Business Mailing List-Getting Subscribers from Instagram Fri, 26 Oct 2018 12:05:20 +0000 Building Business Mailing List-Getting Subscribers from Instagram
Building Business Mailing List-Getting Subscribers from Instagram

From the very beginning of the concept of online marketing, email marketing holds the dignity of being one of the best and evergreen channels for marketing. Marketers identify e-mail marketing a very cost effective and easy to accomplish avenue which also offers assured ROI (return on investment).

Regardless of the marketing budget, anyone from an individual service freelancer to big corporate may use digital marketing as a quick and easy mode of promotion and personalized communication. Email is also an effective way to keep your customers updated about various offers and deals and also a powerful way to keep your prospective customers engaged.

Building a relevant mailing list

There are different ways to add and build your email database. However, there is no benefit in making a random list, but the need is to maintain a quality list of prospects who may be genuinely interested in your brand, products, or services.

There are conventional ways as you can place an easy to spot call to action button on your blog requesting the readers to sign up for newsletters. You may also embed an email capturing box for the checkout process, or collect user info through a contact form on the product page. Another smart idea is to give off some promo codes or special offers to those who sign up with their details.

Effectively segment your mailing list

Even though you have a top quality mailer list, your efforts may go in vain if you don’t have a proper e-mail marketing strategy. All customers are not the same for which reason all of them shouldn’t be fed with the same message. Segmentation of email database is the key to segregate different customer types and then ensure that each segment receives the most relevant signals based on their interests and priorities.

You have to master the art of creating personalized and tailor-cut messages which answer specific queries of various customers and fulfill their desires. The basic principle of segmenting the prospects is by defining:

    • Who they are, and
    • What they want or what they have done

Who they define the general demographics like as gender, age, location, and income, etc. What they want of what they’ve done is their previous action on your website. Further, we will discuss one of the latest avenue marketers use to build a relevant mailing list, the Instagram.

Growing your mailing list with Instagram

Social media, as a whole, put forth an excellent opportunity to explore new marketers and more customers by making yourself visible to them. Effective actions on social media can surely help generate more leads for your business. Instagram is a more of a self-enclosed network, but smart marketers can surely milk it out for high-quality leads.

The biggest catch in building an email list of followers for Instagram is that majority of these leads in this list may be your raving fans. The may have explored or bought your products and willing to sing up for further information. It can also be interpreted as they love your product and want more from you. However, few people consider Instagram as a mighty tool for lead generation, but it is, let’s explore.

1. Have an occasional mention

The easiest and straightforward way to build a list out of Instagram is to ask the existing followers to sing up for the mailer. However, don’t be so persuasive on asking them to do so and asking too often also may turn them off. It is advisable to create a post once in a while which highlights the benefit of signing up for the newsletters. Deliver some value to get a good response.

2. Gently take them off Instagram

Ensure that you create an alluring bio and put a link to your product or landing page. Don’t only send them off to wander around your webs pages, but be specific on leading them to a gentle call to action process.  It is ideal to create a particular page of the app for the cohesive brand experience. Give them a reason to join and put a signup form just underneath it.

3. Provide them a good reason

How can you get more people to click through your landing page and share their contact info? This is possible only if you put forth an irresistible offer to them as a good reason to do so. Bo beside just sharing a URL or a registration form, explain in your bio itself why you want to them to go off Instagram and check it out. All top Instagram bios are meant to attract people and then convert them into brand followers and subscribers.

4. Leverage ads

With Instagram ads, you can fulfill various business objectives and also get additional tools to focus on the right target audience. You may invest in creating a beautiful advertisement and a short description with a call to action to land on your website. Again, try to give away something worthy for free. It may be a downloadable resource, free sample of your product, or entry to a contest to win big prizes. Depending on the category of an audience of the target with the ads, even if it is the first interaction with your brand, make it memorable.

While doing this, also don’t forget to create a thank you page to track how many people reached up to that level by fulfilling your needs. Doing so will help you to track the actual conversion rate and then try to reword and optimize it to ensure maximum conversion.

Instagram can surely be a handy tool than the traditional platforms to help grow your email list and drive in more leads to your business. However, on this platform, you have to be a bit more creative and intelligent in execution.

However, even though Instagram is an excellent tool for e-mail database building, it is only one step to in your whole sales funnel. As Instagram is not owned by you, even if you have thousands of followers on it, you may have to focus on capturing their email address and build a database owned by you to establish a more reliable direct communication channel.

Image credit- Canva
