Internet of Things Archives - Newskart Stories on Business, Technology, Startups, Funding, Career & Jobs Wed, 14 Feb 2024 07:38:19 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Internet of Things Archives - Newskart 32 32 157239825 Deep Understanding of IoT with Correlation to AI Wed, 11 Nov 2020 17:20:45 +0000 Deep Understanding of IoT with Correlation to AI
Deep Understanding of IoT with Correlation to AI

Data is being created all the time, from devices, applications, and users, because it’s digital and measurable, but what about offline? The data is waiting to be discovered by the action you perform offline and its information on the physical world. Devices that can capture, convert, and save the newly discovered data can help many businesses. It is an excellent way for any business or industry to measure its operation with this real-time data to make decisions further and target the right customers.

With the help of data collected through devices, they can forecast and anticipate the event proactively. They can solve the issue before they become more prominent and affect the whole business. No matter which field you are into, one can measure the real-time performance of their products in all the places that matter.

Wondering how IoT can help us collect that massive data? Here we are with a straightforward explanation on the same.

While connecting to the Internet, what all devices do you expect to be connected to? Mobile phones, tablets, computers, etc., right?

What if I say that any device could connect to the Internet and exchange data with each other (in the form of collecting and sharing), and this is the concept of the Internet of things.

With the price of processors and wireless equipment becoming cheaper and smartphone usage becoming commonplace, it has become possible to turn any device into an Internet of Things device. There is an opportunity for everything to be connected to the Internet, hence interconnected to any other device.

IoT can help improve human beings’ efficiency by eliminating the less critical time gaps in daily human schedules and making them more productive. Let us see an example for better understanding- Sandra has her important meeting at 09:00 A.M. Her alarm rings at 07:00 A.M, which further passes on the bathroom geyser’s information to automatically switch on for bathing.

The sensors and connectivity will pass on the info. The coffee machine starts performing its work by the time Sandra reaches the breakfast table, and after that, the car will begin to show the route with less traffic so Sandra can arrive on time. If by any chance due to traffic she got late from the time, an automatic message will be sent to the office intimating about the delay. So here, all the devices are smart and connected to the Internet, passing on information and improving time management. All the appliances are interconnected, making things seamless and smooth.

AI (Artificial Intelligence) and IoT (Internet of things) Relativity

Understanding the need and potential of IoT and AI, companies are investing in these sectors. The combination of these two super-powerful technologies has redefined the way businesses, economies, and industries function. Above we have discussed how IoT performs, but the question arises: how are they getting to know all this data, and how can they be more efficient?

The answer is while IoT deals with machine communication using the Internet, AI makes sure the appliances gather knowledge from their figures and experience. And this helps data scientists to predict the upcoming demand and business insights using time series analysis which eventually helps in better decision making and performing intelligent tasks.

IoT+ AI = AIoT (Artificial Intelligence of Thing)

When artificial intelligence is added to the Internet of things, it means that AI empowers IoT to create intelligent machines that cause imaginative understanding, correlating, decision making, support, and act smartly with significantly less or no humanoid involved.

Here are some examples in which the corporate world changes over with the introduction of IoT and AI.

1. Automatic Homes/ Smart Homes

In the concept of smart homes or automated homes, these are gadgets included- CCTV camera, AC, fridge, oven, water purifier, security systems armed with sensors in the home perform like intelligent devices and connected with IoT applications. Here, Artificial Intelligence acts as a powerhouse in collecting data, analysis, and decision-making systems to act spontaneously.

2. Automated Security

The security system should be solid and reliable; implementing an automatic locking system using IoT can escalate this risk. AI can collect the daily pattern of accessing doors or systems of the employees and understand the regular pattern of different individuals. AI can detect or alert us of any suspicious activity.

3. Smart Alarm

Like the fire alarm set in the buildings, AI can make the machines intelligent. So they can not only buzz the alarm at the time of the fire, but they can also call the relevant number, send a system alert, and start to sprinkle water.

4. Smart Parking

The sensor at the parking area can alert the potential parkers for the availability of parking, which AI empowers by using the map destination data and can show the available parking space by offering the parking area route. It is another essential time-saving aspect, which resolves through the alliance of AI and IoT.


The final word of this informative blog is, Both IoT and AI are superheroes and can make things, businesses, and lifestyles brighter, and their alliance can make a big difference. The combination of two can help in achieving more extraordinary digital transformation. IoT and AI are the two most deadly industries that require relevant skills and expertise. Businesses are aggressively investing the money to realize their potential.

Image credit- Canva

Dealing With The Future Of Telecommunication Mon, 24 Sep 2018 18:23:27 +0000 Dealing With The Future Of Telecommunication
Dealing With The Future Of Telecommunication

As a matter of fact, you can without any small doubt bring the most advanced outcomes to the life of millions of people around the world if you run a real company that can take care of their mailing services. You will have a wide range of communication services in order to develop the user experience when it comes to the life of many professional companies and starts up for sure. All that you have to do is to develop their need and experience when you deal with the most revolutionary technologies of nowadays.

In Canada, there is an increasing demand on whole the new technologies that can make you feel more and more motivated when you deal with the world of business and money. As a matter of fact, you can surely rock the world of communication if you only start a new business company that can develop the portfolio of many users and internet users around the country. Since many leaders in the field have been working on such technology you can surely manifest your greatness in this particular area for sure. All that you have to do is boost your potential and come up with a unique idea in the field of telecommunication for sure to strengthen the future of telecommunication.

Change the Vision of the Networking Infrastructure in the World

As a matter of fact, you can also maximize your earning rate if you are establishing the giant company’s technologies. You can easily start rocking the world of money and business in order to seek a new vision to your work destiny. No one can deny that we are living in the golden age of the most advanced tips and tricks. You have to bring the most professional rules to the life of millions of people around the world. This is why you can astonish the best of your life whenever you bring the new technologies to your workplace for sure.

The Deep Contribution of the Internet of Things in Telecommunication

In addition to that, your work needs to cover all the aspects of the new technologies. As an example, we can deal with the IoT wave. It has a deep impact, on the whole, the world destination for sure. With some small objects, electronics ones, you can outcome that ever you want in the world of telecommunication. Many giant companies are using this tactic to build new and revolutionary infrastructure to deal with the superpower of many contributors around the world. All that you have to do is to bring the best outcomes to your company by thinking outside the box.

Image credit- Canva

How Safe is Internet of Things? Thu, 28 Jun 2018 06:24:47 +0000 How Safe is Internet of Things?
How Safe is Internet of Things?

The Internet of Things, or IoT, has completely changed how we use technology by allowing systems and devices to be seamlessly integrated for increased efficiency and convenience. The security and safety of this networked ecosystem are becoming major concerns, despite the fact that IoT offers many advantages.

People are buying internet connected appliances for their own use as they see an increased efficiency and output through these devices in their day-to-day life. Internet has always seem to make the lives of the user easier through connecting to other people by computer or smart phones; now it looks to connect through the ‘Things’ installed in houses, streets, shops, organizations and multiple other places. The range of devices include smart TVs, smart wearables, sensors, smart grid, smart cameras, smart home appliances and many more. As we all know that these devices interact with each other in order to give an individual the desired result so that he/she can take an appropriate decision based on the findings. Every piece of information is recorded through the smart devices which stores it in a manner which can be retrieved later.

In this article I’ll examine the safety features of the Internet of Things and the steps implemented to protect consumers in this rapidly developing digital environment.

Before IoT

Back in prehistoric times when cavemen first ignited fire; must’ve thought, is it safe? Over the years there have been many breakthroughs in day-to-day appliances which have affected our lives and has made the world a better place. We never knew for sure that what is safe for us and what isn’t but we have always learned newer ways to make our lives easier by implementing certain techniques and technologies. When it comes to Internet of Things, there is a lot to learn as we are still learning about the technology and we can successfully apply it our daily routine. There are multiple areas which are poised to be the best places to install a device in order to connect with other devices for sharing of data so that the appliances can serve us. Due to distribution of data to multiple connected devices, some might say the privacy of data goes for a toss. When there are devices installed in various areas which are connected with each other and continuously transfer data, concerns regarding data privacy rise giving birth to data theft which leads to inappropriate use of data.

IoT offers various benefits to consumers by creating numerous ways to interact with technology as the connected applications will offer ease in living while merging the virtual and the physical world by combining the data. There are some concerns which are related to security, privacy and safety of the data created and shared by the Internet of Things. Huge amount of data is created when these devices are interconnected and they interact with each other to combine data for an end result which an individual can use for one purpose or another.

Major Safety concerns in using Internet of Things (IoT)

How Safe is Internet of Things arises concerns regarding the authenticity of these devices are always questioned because they not only collect sensitive data but also transfer it which opens windows for misuse of data as the devices shares observations about daily activity of a person and thus consumers will obviously want data privacy. As IoT evolves, there will be billions of connected devices in the years to come which will generate loads of data. Every device raises a security concern for a business, organization or a house owner because it shows potential threat of data leak through any of the connection which might lead to an attack by cyber criminals. The threats under IoT are broadly classified under these three areas which are Safety, Security and Privacy of data. There have been reports on IoT devices which suggest that attacks through these devices can even cripple systems to cause failure and lack of downtime will lead to loss in business. Since IoT has critical infrastructure components, it makes it a very strong target for attackers and information espionage within organizations. The safety of such infrastructure is critical as it holds important information.

How Safe is Internet of Things privacy is another major concern when these devices carry such important data of millions of citizens. One thing we need to know that IoT is still in development phase and no one has mastered the application of these devices. There can be areas of failures and we are still trying to improve and get things right and so we need to be very observant while these machines act autonomously and generate and distribute our personal data. Last but not the least, security is another major concern and it can collapse your entire infrastructure along with loss of crucial data. It is essential to keep an eye on the devices which are connected and see to it that no on tampers with them. Attackers change functionality of the machines and request them to act in a slick way so that they can change the operation of the devices while not following the device owner’s commands. Attackers fiddle with connected devices to make inappropriate use of the data collected by them.

1. Data Security
The enormous volume of data generated and transferred between devices is a major IoT worry. To avoid unwanted access and data breaches, it is essential to have strong encryption and safe data transfer procedures.

2. Device Authentication
It is crucial to make sure that every device that is connected to the network is verified and allowed to communicate. The integrity of the entire Internet of Things network can be jeopardized by inadequate authentication procedures.

3. Privacy Concerns
Real privacy problems are raised by the Internet of Things’ proliferation of sensors and data-gathering devices. Protecting private and sensitive data is crucial to avoiding abuse and preserving user privacy.

4. Firmware and Software Security
Firmware and software updates on a regular basis are essential to fix vulnerabilities and improve security. The vulnerability of outdated software to potential vulnerabilities highlights the importance of proactive security maintenance.

5. Network Security
IoT devices are networked, which opens the network up to cyberattacks on a larger scale. Protecting against external assaults requires putting strong network security measures in place, such as intrusion detection systems and firewalls.

Challenges and Risks associated with IoT

1. Lack of Standardization
One issue is that there are no consistent security standards throughout the Internet of Things. Different security implementations and protocols can lead to vulnerabilities and impede the creation of a unified security framework.

2. Resource Constraints
Since many IoT devices have limited resources, putting strong security measures in place can be difficult. It’s critical to strike a balance between security and functionality, particularly for devices with limited resources.

3. Overreliance on Manufacturers
Manufacturers’ implementation of strong security features is typically critical to the security of IoT devices. But not all manufacturers place a high priority on security, which results in a variety of security stances across IoT devices.

4. Complexity and Scale
Effective management and security of every connected item is difficult due to the IoT ecosystem’s immense size and complexity. The potential attack surface increases with the number of IoT devices.

Mitigating IoT Security Risks

1. Security by Design
It’s crucial to incorporate security during the IoT device design process. Device security can be greatly improved by putting features like hardware-based security and secure boot processes into place.

2. Regular Security Audits
Regular vulnerability assessments and security audits aid in locating and addressing possible flaws in the Internet of Things ecosystem. Security incidents can be avoided before they happen by taking proactive actions.

3. Education and Awareness
It is essential to educate manufacturers and users on best practices for IoT security. A safer Internet of things is achieved by urging manufacturers to emphasize security and educating users on how to secure their devices.

4. Collaboration and Standardization
To create a more secure IoT landscape, industry collaboration and the creation of standardized security procedures are vital. Developing standards and best practices can assist in reducing hazards throughout the ecosystem.

The rapidly growing trend of IoT devices is catching eyeballs of every citizen as they wish to implement this technology in their day-to-day life itself. But with every technology there is one issue which follows it which is the security measures which needs to be taken in order to smoothly implement and use the technology without harming any individual. How Safe is Internet of Things, is a major question over privacy of user data as well as authenticity of IoT enabled devices.

The safety of the Internet of Things is an ongoing challenge that requires a concerted effort from manufacturers, developers, policymakers, and users. While the benefits of IoT are immense, addressing security concerns is imperative to ensure a trustworthy and resilient interconnected future. As technology evolves, a proactive and collaborative approach will be key to navigating the dynamic landscape of IoT security.

Image credit- Canva

Neutral Internet Exchange AMS-IX To Set Up Point-of-Presence in GPX’s Mumbai Data Center Wed, 28 Feb 2018 07:46:09 +0000 Neutral Internet Exchange AMS-IX To Set Up Point-of-Presence in GPX’s Mumbai Data Center
Neutral Internet Exchange AMS-IX To Set Up Point-of-Presence in GPX’s Mumbai Data Center

A neutral Internet Exchange (IX), AMS-IX India, is pleased to announce the launch of a third AMS-IX India PoP (Point-of-Presence) in GPX’s Mumbai data center.

With the addition of a third PoP AMS-IX India has a presence in all areas of Mumbai – South, Central and North.

The PoP at GPX DC, which has the richest ecosystem of Carriers and Content providers, will be operational in Q2 2018. However, five GPX customers have already committed and are ready to join and peer at AMS-IX India reported in a Press Release sent to Newskart.

On this development, Onno Bos, Sales Director, AMS-IX said, “By opening a third POP in Mumbai we are expanding our AMS-IX India footprint in one of the world’s fastest growing internet markets. Furthermore, it makes it easier for customers to connect to AMS-IX India. We are therefore very pleased to be present at GPX and are confident that this will enhance the growth of AMS-IX India.”

Manoj Paul, MD, GPX India, added, “GPX’s Mumbai data centre is True Carrier Neutral and IX neutral and is the most interconnected data center in India with the largest number of Telecom Service Providers (TSPs), Internet Service providers (ISPs), and is also the hub for all major content providers. The addition of AMS-IX India’s Internet Exchange platform allows our customers, mainly the ISPs and Content providers, to enhance their connectivity, reduce costs, introduce new products, and increase the level of their customer’s experience and satisfaction”.

About AMS-IX India

AMS-IX India is a collaboration between the India based Information and Communications Technology (ICT) service provider, Sify Technologies, and the European based AMS-IX.

Customers are able to connect to the IX via dedicated ports with speeds in multiples of 1Gbps or 10Gbps. AMS-IX India serve as a neutral and independent peering platform with unrivalled quality, offering both private and public peering services at carrier-grade level to Internet Service Providers (ISPs), Internet Content Providers (ICPs), and telecom operators. By connecting to the exchange, content providers and eyeball networks can exchange their internet traffic and benefit from reduced latency and costs.

About GPX

GPX develops and operates state-of-the-art, private, carrier-neutral Data centers in emerging, but fast-growing commercial markets within the MENA, South Asia markets. GPX’s Data centers are thriving carrier-neutral internet ecosystems, and home to the largest carriers, content providers, cloud service providers, and internet companies.

Other data centers operational are VMWare, Arkin Net, StrataCloud etc.

Image credit- Canva
