Seed funding Archives - Newskart Stories on Business, Technology, Startups, Funding, Career & Jobs Wed, 14 Feb 2024 11:54:49 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Seed funding Archives - Newskart 32 32 157239825 Seed Funding And Early-Stage Funding; Know The Key Difference Tue, 02 Oct 2018 14:45:33 +0000 Seed Funding And Early-Stage Funding; Know The Key Difference
Seed Funding And Early-Stage Funding; Know The Key Difference

Starting a startup or a business and implementing idea into reality needs funding in each stages since it is an expensive game which needs money as well as a lot of patience with solid determination to make the product or startup a Success.

Sometimes getting money funded to your startup is harder than simply starting or running a business itself. Fundraising is hard work every entrepreneur knows, as it need endless meetings, pitches, and negotiations on the desk of investors.

So if you are determined for the startup you have given life, the same determination you need to show in front of the investors. We have already covered the stages of startups funding in another article, now let us see the key differences in Seed Funding/Capital and Early Stage Funding/Capital

Seed Funding/Seed Capital

As we have already covered the seed capital in our earlier article link given above, however Seed capital is the first source of investment your startup requires when it is in prototype stage or you have developed an initial product i.e. a minimum viable product (MVP). The seed capital can be sourced from friends and family (F&F), crowdfunding, credit cards, your personal savings, Syndicate funding (includes a startup, a lead investor and backers), P2P Lending Platforms etc.

The purpose of the money you are raising at this stage is commonly focused on research and development for an initial product, team building and sometimes marketing also.

There are many angel investors and seed accelerators who provide seed capital to the startups against some equities and partnership for the certain percentage in your company. These angel investors and seed accelerators not only invests in your startup but also potential enough to develop and pitch your solution to potential investors of next level.

Before reaching to the investor, first take the time to prepare, research, and validate your idea then approach them for a higher likelihood of acceptance. Apart from above, there are many of the venture capital firms also who are providing seed investments to the startups.

Once you received seed funding, you should provide tangible deliverable and milestones and update the investor regularly on your progress.

Later, when the business is up and running and turning a profit, you can pay them back, or they can sell their stakes to others who are looking for startup investment opportunities.

Early Stage Funding/Early Stage Capital

After the seed funding, when the product has been completely developed or achieved the stage where this can be floated in the market or shipped to the customers and now you want to expand the startup by adding employees or streamlining your production. At this stage, you may get profit out of your startup but that profit is not that enough to cover the costs of daily operations and the expansion, then early stage of funding comes where preferred stocks are allotted to the investors.

Early-stage financing comes in two parts, either Pre-Series A or Series A financing. This stage of funding generates more funding than seed funding usually the risks are equally higher. Angel investors or Venture capitalists are most likely to invest in your business at this stage when the startup has assembled key management, prepared a business plan and made market studies.

Such funding stages are followed by Series A+, Series B, Series C… rounds for additional funding when the startup is getting profitable.

Series B funding is used to make your product more sophisticated, to create aggressive marketing plan and to compete head-on with competitors. During this stage, the criteria for funding is evaluating the profit forecasts, how your company stacks up against its main competition, and whether intellectual property is involved and if so, its value in the marketplace. The funding limits are higher than Series A, but the risks are somehow lower.

Image credit- Canva

Differences In Startup Funding Stages-A Complete Guide Sat, 29 Sep 2018 11:12:36 +0000 Differences In Startup Funding Stages - A Complete Guide
Differences In Startup Funding Stages – A Complete Guide

Having an startup idea and implementing that idea into the real grounds are different things and each step taken by the startup needs crystal clear vision and to solidify that vision into reality founder needs funding flow to let visualize the idea.

Money is the fundamental resource to keep the lights on, to build strong team, to build the strong product, to market the product, gaining traction etc.

Raising money/funding may not have been required when you started building the company, but in later stages it is required to gain the sustained growth and traction. There are different types of investors in the market to fund the startups, however different stages are there to understand to get funded from the investors and venture capitalists.

The five startup funding stages outlined below provide a foundation to get you started-

1. Seed Capital

Seed capital is the first source of investment your startup requires. Seed capital as one of the first Startup Funding Stages may be sourced from channels such as friends and family (F&F), crowdfunding, credit cards, your personal savings, Syndicate funding (includes a startup, a lead investor and backers), P2P Lending Platforms. No matter whom you raise money from, there is no free money, and interest on their investment in your startup should be clearly defined. You should provide tangible deliverable and milestones and update them regularly on your progress. The purpose of the money you are raising at this stage is commonly focused on research and development for an initial product, or a minimum viable product (MVP). There are different seed accelerators who are potential options if above mentioned channels are not fruitful. In my view, accelerators are one of the best options available who invests in both your startup and your potential to develop and pitch your solution to potential investors. First take the time to prepare, research, and validate your idea then approaching an investor for a higher likelihood of acceptance is the best idea. Apart from accelerators, there are many of the venture capital firms also who are providing seed investments to the startups.

2. Angel Investment

After the seed funding a startup taken and created a minimum viable product through it, now the time comes to let your startup grow and to this you need to increase funding. This kind of funding is required towards product development, marketing, expand your team to keep up the momentum. For this, angel investors come as a solution. If your startup is raising money at this stage, your business model canvas should be proven. At this stage, angel investors not only help startups in funding point of view but also they help the startups gain success, provide strategic assistance as well as play roles such as advisers also. Angels are different from other investment entities such as Venture Capital firms since they are using their own money and should be treated as such when solicited for funding. They may invest individually or also pool their money with a group. Since the money raised at this stage can be significantly higher than in the seed round, investors will also expect a compelling and well-researched pitch as well as partnerships such as equities in the startups.

3. Venture Capital Funding

Venture Capital Funding comes after the angel investment where the size of such funding is much larger. It is used to scale the business to new business channels, customer segments, or to increase marketing efforts for additional customer acquisition. At this stage, your startup might be either profitable or could benefit from offsetting the negative cash flow with this new wave of investment while the business continues to grow. Multiple rounds of funding such as Pre-series A, Series A, Series B etc. may happen at this stage of funding, and investors may also join the organization and provide additional expertise. In this stage also, various offerings such as equity, SAFE (Simple Agreement for Future Equity), and convertible notes are provided to the investors/venture capital firms. Since VCs are investing other people’s money, their job is to make a sound investment in businesses that are likely to yield a meaningful ROI for their clients. VCs make a careful and critical examination of startups regularly, so when you pitch to them, be engaging and be prepared.

4. Mezzanine Financing & Bridge Loans

This is the stage where your startup seems to be growing significantly with a commercially available product, revenue should be coming in regularly although the startup is not yet profitable. The raised capital at this stage is used towards expansion of startup to new horizons, new mergers, new acquisitions, or the founders may be preparing for an IPO. Investors at this stage want to see a clear road-map towards profit shortly. For example, mezzanine financing can cover the expenses that an IPO involves. With the profits made from the IPO, the mezzanine investor is paid back with interest.

5. IPO (Initial Public Offering)

Very few startups reach at this point where for many this is not the end goal. IPO is an option to expand their business further. All of the investors who have invested their money for equity until this point will ideally recoup their investment along with additional profit, some investors may retain their shares, and some of them sell their stock at the beginning to reap the rewards of getting in early. After the IPO, stock options for a growing company can be leveraged to attract top talent and the increased access to capital can provide resources to push the momentum of your business forward. Planning for an should begin 24 months before since all such as reconstituting the board, setting corporate governance in place, raising a secondary round if required, identifying and discussing with merchant bankers, getting the documentation right takes time. IPO market way is the route where company is in high growth business and gaining profitability and revenues.

Also read- How to create/register a company for startups online in India.

Image credit- Canva

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WhatsApp Web Client – You Can Access WhatsApp On Desktops Fri, 23 Jan 2015 01:46:48 +0000 WhatsApp Web Client - You Can Access WhatsApp On Desktops
WhatsApp Web Client – You Can Access WhatsApp On Desktops

WhatsApp (A cross-platform mobile messaging app which allows you to exchange messages without having to pay for SMS and works under subscription business model) has launched a web client for the web browser that acts same as the phone application does.

The web browser “mirrors conversations and messages from your mobile device — this means all of your messages still live on your phone”, said a blog post on the WhatsApp blog (https://blog[dot]whatsapp[dot]com/whats-app-web).

Steps To Access WhatsApp On Desktops and Laptops

  1. To connect your web browser to your WhatsApp client, simply open web[dot]whatsapp[dot]com in your Google Chrome browser.
  2. Open WhatsApp in your mobile.
  3. Tap on three vertical dots in upper right hand side in WhatsApp mobile.
  4. Tap on WhatsApp Web
  5. Scan QR code given at web[dot]whatsapp[dot]com in desktop/laptop browser from WhatsApp in your mobile
  6. Once QR code is recognized then pairing of WhatsApp on your mobile and the WhatsApp web client has established.

Since it is mirroring your phone, the device will need to be connected to the net at all times. there is no web client for iOS users due to Apple platform limitations. With over 500 million users globally, WhatsApp till now was available only on smartphones across operating systems Android, iOS, Windows and BlackBerry.

Image credit- Canva
