Internet Archives - Newskart Stories on Business, Technology, Startups, Funding, Career & Jobs Fri, 15 Mar 2024 15:28:27 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Internet Archives - Newskart 32 32 157239825 Dealing With The Future Of Telecommunication Mon, 24 Sep 2018 18:23:27 +0000 Dealing With The Future Of Telecommunication
Dealing With The Future Of Telecommunication

As a matter of fact, you can without any small doubt bring the most advanced outcomes to the life of millions of people around the world if you run a real company that can take care of their mailing services. You will have a wide range of communication services in order to develop the user experience when it comes to the life of many professional companies and starts up for sure. All that you have to do is to develop their need and experience when you deal with the most revolutionary technologies of nowadays.

In Canada, there is an increasing demand on whole the new technologies that can make you feel more and more motivated when you deal with the world of business and money. As a matter of fact, you can surely rock the world of communication if you only start a new business company that can develop the portfolio of many users and internet users around the country. Since many leaders in the field have been working on such technology you can surely manifest your greatness in this particular area for sure. All that you have to do is boost your potential and come up with a unique idea in the field of telecommunication for sure to strengthen the future of telecommunication.

Change the Vision of the Networking Infrastructure in the World

As a matter of fact, you can also maximize your earning rate if you are establishing the giant company’s technologies. You can easily start rocking the world of money and business in order to seek a new vision to your work destiny. No one can deny that we are living in the golden age of the most advanced tips and tricks. You have to bring the most professional rules to the life of millions of people around the world. This is why you can astonish the best of your life whenever you bring the new technologies to your workplace for sure.

The Deep Contribution of the Internet of Things in Telecommunication

In addition to that, your work needs to cover all the aspects of the new technologies. As an example, we can deal with the IoT wave. It has a deep impact, on the whole, the world destination for sure. With some small objects, electronics ones, you can outcome that ever you want in the world of telecommunication. Many giant companies are using this tactic to build new and revolutionary infrastructure to deal with the superpower of many contributors around the world. All that you have to do is to bring the best outcomes to your company by thinking outside the box.

Image credit- Canva

Samsung And Google Collaborated And Working On RCS Messaging For Android To Take On WhatsApp Fri, 14 Sep 2018 14:08:39 +0000 Samsung And Google Collaborated And Working On RCS Messaging For Android To Take On WhatsApp
Samsung And Google Collaborated And Working On RCS Messaging For Android To Take On WhatsApp

Samsung Electronics Co. and Internet giant Google Inc. are working together to offer improved messaging experiences to allow users to engage in group chats and video calls and transfer large files without the need for additional apps. The move comes at a time when many people are opting to use popular messaging apps, such as WhatsApp and WeChat instead of traditional SMS messaging.

As per the reports and Samsung mobile press release, in this collaboration, Android Messages and Samsung Messages will work together seamlessly, and it will boost coverage of Rich Communication Services (RCS), an upgrade to the SMS messaging system.

The South Korean tech giant said it would work to bring RCS features to existing mobile phones beginning with the Galaxy S8 and S8 Plus. It also said its new Galaxy smartphones will natively support RCS messaging, starting with those on a set of carriers that have or will soon launch RCS.

“By furthering our robust partnership with Google, we will bring a richer messaging experience to our customers, letting them seamlessly chat with their friends and family across messaging platforms,” Patrick Chomet, Executive Vice President at Samsung’s Mobile Communications Business, said in comments posted on the website of Samsung Mobile Press on Wednesday.

“This collaboration will help further the industry’s momentum toward advanced messaging and global RCS coverage.”

Anil Sabharwal, Vice President for Communications Products and Photos at Google, said, “Our partnership will further advance our shared vision of a substantially improved messaging experience on Android for users, brands and the broader Android ecosystem.”

What is Rich Communication Services (RCS)

Rich Communication Services (RCS) messaging is the next evolution of SMS Text Messaging (sendmode[dot]com/what-is-rcs-messaging). With Google announcing the expansion of its RCS and the rolling out an Early Access Program for the service and Android Messages application will replace the current native messaging app for android – which will be powered by the Jibe RCS Cloud. Rich Communication Services is the communication between mobile carriers and between phone and carrier. It is aiming to replacing SMS messaging with a text-message system that is richer and more interactive to the user. Similar to Apples iMessage system, RCS will offer group chat, high-resolution photo sharing, read receipts etc.

About Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.

Samsung inspires the world and shapes the future with transformative ideas and technologies. The company is redefining the worlds of TVs, smartphones, wearable devices, tablets, digital appliances, network systems, and memory, system LSI, foundry and LED solutions.

About Google LLC.

Google’s mission is to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful. Through products and platforms like Search, Maps, Gmail, Android, Google Play, Chrome and YouTube, Google plays a meaningful role in the daily lives of billions of people and has become one of the most widely-known companies in the world. Google is a subsidiary of Alphabet Inc.

Image credit- Canva

Are The Coworking Spaces Suitable For Business Travelers? Fri, 07 Sep 2018 09:18:44 +0000 Are The Coworking Spaces Suitable For Business Travelers?
Are The Coworking Spaces Suitable For Business Travelers?

Coworking spaces are also called shared workspace where single building or floor is designed in such a way so that it may accommodate various small units of businesses either one or many with all the amenities such as conference room, internet, audio-visuals, cafeteria shared by all and some dedicated space is also provided on demand.

Occupants in these coworking spaces may be freelancers, startups or entrepreneurs, small business units or frequent business travelers who can avail all the office type facilities in such shared workspace.

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Coworking Spaces for Business Travelers

Coworking Spaces, If you often travel for work, then you must be facing issues regarding procuring the right workspace for accomplishing your work during your business travel. In case you often visit a city where there is no office of your company, then finding a great place to work productively can become quite a challenging job. A hotel is likely to be the very first thought which seems to be the most convenient option but what if you are working only for a day and coming back to your city by the evening?

For example, you flew early in the morning from New Delhi to Mumbai, your meeting with a new client is scheduled at 12 noon and your departure flight is at 8.30 pm. So, it becomes an issue for you to work most of the time of the day. So, you probably head to the airport much earlier and then pass your time in the lounge of the airport.

How To Register A Company or Startup Online In India – Complete Guide 2019

Also, at times you are stuck in the middle of the city and the airport is way too far. Under such circumstances, you try to find an empty corner in some coffee shop which is usually filled with commotion and noises. The tables in the coffee shops are also very small and the chairs are not adequately conducive for you to work productively for long hours.

The above two mentioned options of working while traveling to another city have been very common over the passage of several years but the most convenient option that has emerged in the recent years from the gig or the shared economy is the option of coworking space. This can be a great option to choose while you are traveling to a distant city where your company does not have an office. You can very flexibly rent a desk or a conference room for a short period of time which can be for a few hours or for a day. And as the global workforce is exceedingly becoming mobile, the millennial workforce prefers such flexible options over the conventional office environments where such flexibilities do not exist.

Coworking spaces is a swanky shared office which is proving to be a great option for several remote employees who used to previously work from home offices. Such coworking space are equally beneficial for the business travelers who need workspaces in distant cities for a short term.

Things to look for, before choosing a coworking space during your business travel

There are various kinds of coworking spaces or share workspace available in India but you require choosing a model which is most conducive for the purpose of business travel.

Want To Be Rich & Successful; Do Opposite Off The Given Headings

Here is the criteria that you should look for while choosing a coworking space during your business travel.

    1. You should ideally go for a coworking space which allows you to reserve the workspace on an hourly or daily basis. Some coworking space have the policy of reserving the spaces on monthly basis. You should ideally avoid such coworking spaces during your business travel.
    2. You should ideally opt for a coworking space which is completely accessible and convenient. This should be ideally near the client’s headquarters or near the convention centre where you are supposed to visit during your business travel. It would be an icing on the cake if the coworking space is located near the bus, train or metro station.
    3. You should ideally choose a coworking space which features all that you require. For instance, if you are working with very sensitive information, then you should opt for a dedicated desk instead of Hot Desking in a jam-packed common area of a coworking space.
    4. You should make it a point to go for only a well-equipped and well-designed coworking space with all modern facilities. The coworking space should necessarily have a high-speed internet connectivity which you would require to work seamlessly. There should be printing facilities. Also, you should ensure that the Wi-Fi offered is completely secure and fast.


Following the above check-list would help you in staying connected, efficient and productive during your frequent business travels and you may also find diverse workforce operating from a single coworking space and can get familiar with cultural diversity found in coworking spaces.

Since freelancers and startups are growing in India as well as overseas. They travel to different cities or countries for meeting, pitches or due to business collaborations. The visit to these cities often of short duration and utmost need during such travels is the time management and doing the assigned tasks. To fulfill all the demands on time, such shared workspaces with full of business amenities are becoming potential need which provide collaborative community, flexible hours and voluntary work style.

Many of the shared workspaces hire professional services such as printing, incorporation, consulting, medical staff for the routine checkups and legal advisors etc. for all as shared amenities and services.

Some of the coworking spaces running successfully are iKeva, MyHQ, Colife, Garage, BHIVE, Wired Hub, and many others.

Image credit- Canva

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The Importance of Innovation for the Entrepreneur Sat, 01 Sep 2018 13:14:44 +0000 The Importance of Innovation for the Entrepreneur
The Importance of Innovation for the Entrepreneur

What makes an entrepreneur create a business out of nothing? How can an idea scribbled on a piece of paper become a successful company? How does Cameron Chell (cameronchell[dot]com) an entrepreneur find clients to whom the new product or service Port Vale has just created is necessary? It is innovation.

Innovation is at the root of the creation of any business that starts the entrepreneur. The ability to innovate goes hand in hand with his ability to undertake. Its an art that is learned through the practice.

It’s innovation!

The concept of innovation that Cameron Chell Calgary (startupmindset[dot]com/cameron-chell-tech-entrepreneur-describes-his-triumph-over-adversity-in-power-of-success-event) an entrepreneur manages is different from the one that one learns to manage in a large company. In fact, the definition of a textbook that explains innovation through four types, product, processes, customer and business, has little use in the profession of an entrepreneur and innovator.

Thinking about classifying the results of innovation according to the department of the organization (this is the concept of the four types of innovation) makes sense in the productive structure of a large company. It is a way of coping with the collateral effects that the growth of large organizations has on keeping their managers away from the desire to innovate.

There are really as many types of innovation as sources of inspiration you can observe. That’s why some training is needed.

The word innovation is easily abused. And start-up businesses on the Internet or tech start-up companies are no exception. Have you witnessed any presentation in which the founder or founders do not proclaim from the rooftops that their business, their start-up is not only innovative, but is the most innovative of all? All ideas boast the title of “innovators” by their creators. Even when the downside of those ideas is that they do not go beyond being “good” ideas.

Where do the innovative ideas with which entrepreneurs can succeed in their business come from? There are random and unexpected encounters. But that to get up one day with a happy idea only happens in stories and minds prepared.

Successful Business Instincts Explore Innovative Ideas with Questions

A simple recipe that a good business offers to business entrepreneurs on the Internet is to explore innovative ideas with the help of questions. Not all entrepreneurs must or can redefine a market. There is a lot of space in all those ideas that improve well-known problems and that anyone quickly understands that they make sense. For example, take an idea of ​​the physical world and take it to digital.

The only condition for a good innovative idea is that it offers some positive advance. That the client when comparing it with the previous thing can see the advantages that supposes. If you are passionate about innovation and want to learn and better understand the technological market visit business to learn more about how to manage your business and earn more money.

Image credit- Canva

A quick guide to debt consolidation loan-Process and policy Wed, 01 Aug 2018 08:26:19 +0000 A quick guide to debt consolidation loan-Process and policy
A quick guide to debt consolidation loan-Process and policy

In simple words, a debt consolidation loan means a loan taken to pay off earlier or existing loans and liabilities. This loan helps in refinancing the past debts of an individual, a business or a nation as a whole. In many countries, the government also uses it to pay off various corporate loans or to get over its fiscal policy. Such loans prove to be helpful when an individual or a particular entity wants to have a systematic way of paying off his entire loan only to a single debtor.

Process and Policy

The method of applying for a debt consolidation loan varies from nation to nation as per the country’s rules and regulations. In some countries, it may even vary from region to region depending upon its governance.

Usually, an individual debt comprises of housing loan, credit card bills, medical bills, and education loans, etc. On providing the listed set of documents, a debt consolidation loan is given by a lending and secured institution. The receiver of this loan can then pay off this loan in installments within the desired period (usually a month). These consolidations loans, however, charge a specific rate of interest, fees, points, etc. on the amount borrowed.


Not all individuals can apply for such a loan; there are certain constraints to it. The following factors are taken into consideration while approving these loans:

  • The individual should be an earning person, and his salary should be little more than the total cost of his installment.
  • He should be an adult and must complete a certain age as per the country’s rules and regulations.
  • He should not be bankrupt which means that he should have a certain amount of savings and should be earning a favorable income to maintain a balance between his personal life and financial stability.
  • Other factors such as the desired credit score, residential stability, job stability, etc. also matter in general but may differ from nation to nation.


Many times, it happens that even after several attempts an individual fails to get his loan. In this case, he can follow the following ways to get one instantly:

  • Online application – In the modern times, there is nothing that one cannot find online. The internet has access to almost each and everything today. You can search for online loan providers as there are many available in the market. Many times, online loan applications are straightforward, less documentation is needed, and approval also is quick; hence it’s not a bad option to apply online.
  • Approaching local banks – Local banks are the one who usually does not ask for a lot of documents as the account holders are a part of their bank since a long time due to which the application process is applier friendly. The bank considers its account holders as loyal people as they have an association with the bank for a long time it grows the chances of approval of a debt consolidation loan.
  • Securing loan against property – Though, this option is not recommended, but if one is urgently in need of a debt consolidation loan then he can secure his assets such as a house, vehicle, jewelry, etc. and apply for the desired loan.

Factors leading to a denial of debt consolidation loan

Sometimes it can happen that even after many attempts the individuals’ application for a debt consolidation loan is rejected. The following are some of the possibilities for the rejection of application:

  • Low income: One of the main factors for denial may be low income. If an individual has a favorably low income to repay his debt amount his application can get rejected on his income basis. The approval of a debt consolidation loan needs certain income requirements, and if it does not meet its need, it’s denied.
  • A bad or low credit score: If an individual has a poor score his application is rejected as debt consolidation loan requires certain criteria of credit score so that they can be able to grant the loan. Also, if the applier has a history of late payment of dues or no payment at all, there are high chances that the bank will reject his debt consolidation loan application. The lending institutions generally check the credit background of the applier and offer them a loan. 
  • No security against loan: Sometimes it is vital for an individual to secure his loam against some of his assets so that the lending institution can recover their loss in case the applier fails to repay his debts. So, if the borrower does not have any asset to secure against his loan his application the bank can reject the loan. 
  • High debt: Usually the lending institutions offer debt consolidation loan on a particular ratio against the income of an individual. In case the income of the individual does not match with the desired ratio and his debt ratio is too high the authorities deny lending debt consolidation loan to any such individual. 
  • Stability factors: The lending institutions generally look up to certain stability factors when it comes to approval of debt consolidation loan. In this case, the bank considers the stability of the borrower regarding professional background and residential changes .E.g., if they notice that the individual is a frequent job changer, then there are chances that his debt consolidation loan application can get rejected.

From the above overview of the debt consolidation loan (DCL), on the whole, we can say that this is an excellent option for individuals who are stuck up in different loans. Debt consolidation loan offers a significant amount to the individuals so that they can pay off their several small loans. Usually, not much documentation is needed for applying for such loans, but you must keep certain factors in mind before applying for the same.

Image credit- Canva

MobiKwik Integrates UPI On Its Platform; Offers Its Own Virtual Payment Address Handle @Ikwik Thu, 24 May 2018 07:52:20 +0000 MobiKwik Integrates UPI On Its Platform; Offers Its Own Virtual Payment Address Handle @Ikwik
MobiKwik Integrates UPI On Its Platform; Offers Its Own Virtual Payment Address Handle @Ikwik

Digital payments, e-wallet and financial services platform, MobiKwik, has integrated Unified Payments Interface (UPI) on its platform via its own VPA (Virtual Payment Address) handle @ikwik.

MobiKwik has its own customized VPA handle “@ikwik” for making payments unlike existing UPI based services offered by non-banking entities.The company has claimed that safety has been given utmost priority in MobiKwik UPI app and users can be rest assured about their data security, even in case of loss of SIM or device.

MobiKwik is the first in the industry to offer UPI access to a huge base of 3 million merchants on its app. It is also amongst the first few in the industry to offer Bharat QR, UPI QR and Intent Functionality for merchant payments.

Additionally, all MobiKwik users will be able to do P2P bank transfers using UPI. The company claims that its UPI app is 100% in compliance with the NPCI guidelines and is the most secured UPI app till date as per NPCI.

MobiKwik’s users can use their mobile number as their own VPA which will be ‘@ikwik’. They will also be able to link multiple bank accounts with just one VPA and can change primary account as per their requirements. Users can simply scan and generate UPI QR functionality to send and receive money using VPA and phone number from the contact list. If the receiver is also registered in Mobikwik UPI ecosystem, sender can send money by selecting his contacts from the phone book without remembering VPA domain. It will also be possible for users to request money using UPI on the MobiKwik app.

On this development, Bipin Preet Singh, Founder and CEO, MobiKwik, said, “Our strength lies in user experience, the wide network of merchants and the numerous daily life use-cases we power. We intend to provide all payments options, including wallets, virtual cards and UPI, to ensure convenience across our user base. Mobikwik will be first player of scale to include all inter-operable features in its UPI launch app. We believe that with UPI on our platform, we will be able to empower our users with the power of transferring between bank accounts in an extremely safe and simple manner. With the roll out of UPI, we expect a reduction in the usage of debit cards and internet banking on the MobiKwik app, as UPI will offer a better user experience. Keeping in mind our reach on the merchant side, we hope to substantially increase momentum of merchant transactions on UPI. We will be adding more payment options for the benefit of our users in the times to come.”

Promoted by the Government of India, UPI powers multiple bank accounts into a single mobile application of any participating bank, merging several banking features, aimed at offering seamless routing of fund and merchant payments from this single platform.

Image credit- Canva

Xiaomi Redmi S2 With 18:9 Display – Dual-lens Camera Thu, 10 May 2018 06:30:33 +0000 Xiaomi Redmi S2 With 18:9 Display - Dual-lens Camera
Xiaomi Redmi S2 With 18:9 Display – Dual-lens Camera

Chinese smartphone maker, Xiaomi, is all set to launch a new smartphone for the Indian and Chinese market in its Redmi series of budget Android smartphones the Redmi S2.

Redmi S2 will be launched today in China and later on in coming days it will be launched in India as well though there is no official word from Xiaomi about the India launch of the Redmi S2.

Redmi S2 Price

  1. 2GB RAM and 16GB internal storage is expected to be priced at CNY 1,000, which roughly translates to Rs 10,500
  2. 3GB RAM + 32GB storage is expected to cost under Rs 12,000
  3. 4GB RAM and 64GB storage version – no price specifications found anywhere but expected to be priced under Rs 15,000

Redmi S2 Specifications

As per Chinese certification agency TENAA and the Chinese e-commerce major AliExpress-

  1. 5.99-inch HD+ display with 18:9 aspect ratio
  2. Resolution of 720 x 1440 pixels
  3. Android 8.1 Oreo-powered MIUI 9 interface
  4. Qualcomm Snapdragon 625 processor and Adreno 506 GPU
  5. 16MP front camera with portrait mode
  6. Dual-lens camera setup with a 12MP primary sensor and a 5MP secondary sensor as the rear camera
  7. 3,080 mAh battery
  8. Weigh 170 grams
  9. Rose Gold, Pink, Red, White, Black and Silver color options

Xiaomi India’s Mi Home Experience Store in Delhi

In an expansion drive and to lure customers for its future products, Xiaomi India has opened its Mi Home Experience Stores. After launching one in Chennai and Mumbai each, the company has launched one in Delhi as well.

The aim to open these Home Experience Stores to displays a variety of smart products available in the international market along with the offerings launched in the country to the customers.

These Home Experience store displays smartphones, TV, router and accessories along with Mi Laptops, Mi Cycle, Mi Robot, Mi Home Thermostat Electric Kettle, Mi Electric Scooter, Mi Rice Cooker, Mi Smart Shoes, Ninebot Mini, and many others.

Such stores help Xiaomi to get the feedback from the customers that again helps the company to understand consumer interest and plan future launches accordingly.

Manu Jain, Vice President, Xiaomi and Managing Director, Xiaomi India, says, “We are delighted to open the first experience store for all our Mi Fans in the national capital of New Delhi. Mi Home Experience Store is an opportunity for us to provide our Mi Fans with the best that we have to offer and in return gain their valuable feedback to continue to delight them with our offerings. We have always given a lot of significance to the feedback that we have received from our users and this is another step towards that direction.”

Apart from the Home Experience stores in Chennai, Mumbai and Delhi, the company has offline presence through 36 Mi Home stores across India and it is planning to open 100 Mi Home stores in 2018.

Most recently, Xiaomi has launched internet-based services Mi Music and Mi Video in India as the pre-installed audio and video apps respectively.

Recently, smartphone maker Xiaomi announced 3 smartphone manufacturing plants in India and also to invest 6000 to 7000 crores in 100 Indian startups in next 5 years.

Image credit- Canva

Top 10 Most Popular Android Photography Apps You should Use Now Sun, 01 Apr 2018 08:47:03 +0000 Top 10 Most Popular Android Photography Apps You should Use Now
Top 10 Most Popular Android Photography Apps You should Use Now

Photography with high end smartphones now a days is a passion, smartphone users are definitely more or less photography enthusiasts who can do much more on their smartphones than just editing photos, adding new filters and making GIFs. With the latest iOS & android photography apps, not only you can change its brightness, contrast, orientation or anything else to make the photos more catchy but also you can transfer them directly to your desktop/laptop without using Bluetooth or any other data transfer means.

Android and iOS App developers are trying to offer more and more unique experiences to users through their photography apps and video apps. Here is the top 10 list of the latest photo and video apps for Android and iOS smartphone users based on real users experiences and number of downloads.

1. Just a Line – Draw Anywhere, with AR


Google’s new app Just A Line allows Android users to draw their own AR (augmented reality) stickers over any objects or space in front of the phone’s camera. Users can doodle anything using the white lines on the app’s screen and then save it in GIF-like short video files. Touch the screen to draw, then hit record and share what you make with #justaline. Just a Line works on any devices that support ARCore such as Google Pixel, Asus ZenFone AR and OnePlus 5, which support Google’s ARCore platform.

For this, Camera is needed to let you draw in AR and record videos, Microphone is needed to let you record videos of drawings you make and Photos/Media/Files are needed to let you save videos of drawings on your device makes it one of the best photography apps.

2. Picstun


Picstun is a professional photo animation app for pictures, which can be used to add some amazing animated video effects to a pic and animate it.

Take a snap using the camera option or select a picture from the photo gallery, crop and rotate it, add a colorful photo animation effect to animate photo, preview the animated pic, share and save it, using this free photo animator and video maker hd, or live photo editor app and video maker new.

3. vimage


Created by a Hungary-based developer, vimage is a unique photo app which can bring photos to life by adding a looping motion wherever users wants. You can add wonderful, super-realistic looped effects to your photos making them a great-looking cinema-graph.

You need to pick or take a photo, choose the effect or motion, do some editing job and save & share the vimage.

4. Snapseed


Snapseed is a complete and professional photo editor developed by Google which offers 29 Tools and Filters, including Healing, Brush, Structure, HDR etc.

5. Pixlr


With Pixlr – the free photo editor, you can capture any moment and make it beautiful with over 2 million combinations of free effects, overlays, and filters. Once you’re done, share your finished work directly to Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, or your other favorite social networks.

6. Adobe Photoshop Express


Adobe Photoshop Express is one of the best photo editing and collage maker tool for easy, quick and powerful editing on mobile devices. It has 60+ professional looks and advance corrections like Denoise and Defog for free. It gives you flexibility and control of images ranging from layouts, border size, color, individual pan, and zoom.

7. Photos Companion – A Microsoft Garage project


Microsoft’s Photos Companion app is another attempt by the Redmond company to improve file sharing experience between Windows 10 PC and an Android smartphone or Apple iPhone. Users can connect their smartphone to any Windows PC by scanning a QR code on the Photos app on PC and then share any photos between them without involving Bluetooth or a USB cable. The only catch is that both devices should be on the same Wi Fi network.

8. PicsArt Photo Studio: Collage Maker & Pic Editor (Beta)


PicsArt is the photo editor and pic collage maker on mobile with +500 million installs. It has free clipart library. PicsArt is all about making awesome pictures and having fun by remixing free-to-edit pictures into awesome collages and memes.

9. DSLR Camera : Photo Editor


In this app, Image blur tool allows you to blur the background of your photo very fast to create amazing photos with blurred background.

You can select image from your gallery, crop your image, blur image background on finger movement, use Photo editing tools like Brush Size, Undo, Redo, and more to accurately blur photos.
Also, you can Add Text, Sticker on image, Set Brightness and effects on image.

10. Photo Lab Picture Editor: face effects, art frames


This app make your image look creative in seconds without using a professional editor and set it as a contact icon, a wallpaper, send a signed virtual postcard to a friend or share it to any social network.

Image credit- Canva

WhatsApp Users Can Migrate Data To New Number With This Update Sun, 01 Apr 2018 04:50:44 +0000 WhatsApp Users Can Migrate Data To New Number With This Update
WhatsApp Users Can Migrate Data To New Number With This Update (Image by Sallman Hayat from Pixabay)

WhatsApp rolled out a new feature in a Beta update where users can migrate their data to a new number without any issue. Users of iOS, Android and Windows Phone will soon be enabled with this update.

The new “Change Number” feature update is currently available in the 2.18.97 Android beta update on Google Play Store. It will come in iOS and Windows devices later.

“It adds many improvements to the old change number feature. You will be able to choose specific contacts to notify, and the chat history will be moved in the new chat on the recipients’ phone. This deletes the problem of duplicated chats,” tweeted WABetaInfo, a fan website that tracks upcoming WhatsApp features.

The user can now choose if he wants to also notify some or all contacts. “You can also choose to notify contacts who you have a chat with,” the report said.

Steps to change number in WhatsApp

To change the phone number in WhatsApp, you need to migrate your account and profile information, groups and settings from your old phone number to new phone number and need to delete the account associated with old phone number so that your contacts may not see your old number in their WhatsApp contact list.

If you use Change number feature in the WhatsApp, then your chat history will remain on your existing phone with the new phone number. But if you’re using new SIM/new contact number on new smartphone, then you need to change your number in old phone first and then follow data migration steps given in the next heading.

To change your phone number, you can follow below steps-

  1. Insert new SIM card into your phone
  2. Open WhatsApp and verify that your old phone number is currently verified by tapping on three vertical dots (more option) >> Settings >> tap on your profile photo.
  3. Now again tap on more option >> Settings > Account > Change number.
  4. Click on Next button which will ensure changing your phone number will migrate your account information, groups and settings.
  5. Enter your old phone number in the first box with country code.
  6. Enter your new phone number in the second box.
  7. Tap Next (here you can notify your all contacts by selecting Notify Contacts or can select Custom to notify your changes to selected contacts)
  8. Tap Done and then you’ll be prompted to verify your phone number, so do it to verify your new contact number by entering verification code sent to you by WhatsApp.

Steps to migrate data from old number to new number in WhatsApp

After the migration, in the recipient’s phone, all shared messages in the old chat will be transferred in the new one and in the chat will appear a new bubble, indicating that the user has a new number, WABetaInfo said.

WhatsApp now has 1.5 billion monthly active users (MAUs) who are exchanging nearly 60 billion messages on a single day. It has over 200 million users in India.

If you are using WhatsApp on the existing phone then you don’t need to migrate data from your old phone number to new phone number or contact number but if you’re using new device as well then you need to migrate data as well.

Follow below steps to migrate your WhatsApp data associated with your old contact number to new contact number which will be used in new device or smartphone.

  1. First follow above steps to change number in Whatsapp
  2. Since WhatsApp chats are automatically backed up and saved daily to your phone’s memory depending on your settings, also you can periodically back up your WhatsApp chats to Google Drive.
  3. If you uninstall WhatsApp from your old phone, then on changing your phone number you can manually back up your chats on new phone before uninstalling it from the old phone.

1. How to take backup of WhatsApp Chat to Google Drive?

To take backup of WhatsApp chat to the Google Drive, you should have an active Gmail/Google account on your phone. Google Play services, an app that’s used to update Google apps and apps from the Google Play Store, should be installed on your phone.

  1. To take backup of your chat, tap on more options > Settings > Chats > Chat backup > tap on BACK UP (if you’re using Google Drive for the WahtsApp chat backup).
  2. Select a backup frequency to Daily, weekly or monthly.
  3. Select the Google account you’d like to back up your chat history to.
  4. Tap Back up over Wi-Fi or Wi-Fi or Cellular to choose the network you want to use for backups.
  5. Toggle Yes to include video if you want to take backup of.

If you’re using iPhone then you can take backup to and from iCloud drive.

2. How to export WhatsApp Chat History?

  1. Open the individual or group chat.
  2. Tap on More options >> More >> Export chat.
  3. Choose whether to export Without Media (40000 messages) or Include Media (10000 messages) and tap on respective options.

An email will be composed with your chat history attached as a .txt document.

3. How to restore your WhatsApp chat history from Google Drive?

You can transfer your WhatsApp data to a new phone by restoring from Google Drive and to do so follow below steps-

  1. Uninstall and reinstall WhatsApp.
  2. Open WhatsApp and verify your number by entering verification code.
  3. RESTORE propmt comes to restore your chats and media from Google Drive.
  4. Once the restoration is done, tap NEXT to complete the initialization. Now your chat messages will start appearing and subsequently your media files will be restored.

4. How to restore your WhatsApp chat from a local backup?

If you want to use backup from your local storage, then it can be done transferring files from your local computer or phone storage as below-

  1. Your phone will store up to the last seven days worth of local backup files which are automatically created every day at 2:00 AM and saved as a file in your phone. You can check your data in /sdcard/WhatsApp/ folder or you can find it at “internal storage” or “main storage” folders of your phone and tap to Restore when prompted after reinstall WhatsApp.
  2. or you can download a File Manager app in your smartphone, navigate to sdcard/WhatsApp/Databases in File Manager app. Rename the backup file you want to restore from msgstore-YYYY-MM-DD.1.db.crypt12 to msgstore.db.crypt12 and tap to Restore when prompted after reinstall WhatsApp.

WhatsApp is continuously upgrading the features of the app, in recent past WhatsApp reported about the peer to peer payment system and then introduced QR code for the same payment system.

Already, WhatsApp users can use single app for multiple accounts and also this can be used in Desktop/Laptop as well.

Other instant messaging Apps are also on the floor but they are far behind Whatsapp messaging app.

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Register A Company or Startup Online In India – Complete Guide Fri, 30 Mar 2018 09:39:35 +0000 Register A Company or Startup Online In India – Complete Guide
Register A Company or Startup Online In India – Complete Guide

Now-a-day there are number of startups opening and gaining success as well worldwide. Either it is online or offline, all the businesses and startups have to follow some/all of the guidelines laid out by their governments and related ministries/offices in their respective countries.

Register A Company or Startup Online In India

In India, registering a company or startup or any business has become quite easy. First and foremost, there are some official procedures a startup or a business has to follow in order to register them in Indian official records. MCA (Ministry of Corporate Affairs) is the central point where all the businesses/startups falls in and gets their registrations done.

Types of companies to register in India

  1. Private Limited Company
  2. Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)
  3. One Person Company (OPC, this is also a private limited company with one person as Director)
  4. Sole Proprietorship
  5. General Partnership

From above types of entity registration, if you have a startup in which you need to raise funding in future through equity as the most preferred way, entrepreneurs have the option to get private limited company registered which limits the liability as well.

Process to register a company

MCA in recent days made it very simple to register any startup or business as a company in a few days only whereas it was very cumbersome few years back. Companies in India are registered with the Registrar of companies(ROC) under Companies Act 2013. Please find below on how to go about these processes when you want to register your company-

    • You can apply for registration just sitting at home. The registration includes some must follow rules and some registration like Digital Signature Certificate (DSC), Director Identity Number (DIN) and filing for an e-form.
    • These are four major steps:
    • Acquiring Digital Signature Certificate (DSC)
    • Acquiring Director Identification Number (DIN)
    • Preparing and filing Form INC-32
    • Incorporate the company, obtaining PAN/TAN/GST identification number and opening a bank account

Ministry of Corporate Affairs Introduced SPICe or Form INC-32. With this form (INC-32) Company registration has merged few processes like Getting Business Name Approval, Director’s Identification Number (DIN) and Incorporation Application into one single process.

Documents required to register a company

Before applying for the company, documents are required from the members/individuals need to be associate/partner/director of the new company as below-

  1. Passport-sized photograph
  2. Copy of PAN Card/Aadhaar Card
  3. Latest Bank Statement/Telephone or Mobile Bill/Electricity or Gas Bill whatever available
  4. Voter’s ID/Passport card
  5. Notarized Rental Agreement in English
  6. No-objection Certificate from property owner
  7. Utility Bill for the registered address

Steps to register a company

1. Acquiring Digital Signature Certificate (DSC)

In order to ensure the security or authenticity of documents filed electronically The Information Technology  Act, 2000 demands a valid Digital Signature on the documents submitted in electronic form.

This is the only and safest way that one can submit their documents electronically. As such, all filings done by the companies/LLPs under MCA 21 e-Governance programme are required to be filed using Digital Signatures by the person authorized to sign the documents.

DSC is e-signature to help you complete the new company registration online. It Normally takes 2 days to obtain DSC after the submitting the documents.

2. Acquire Director Identification Number(DIN) through SPICe or Form INC-32

Each director of the company should obtain their identification number. As per the amendment act 2006, acquiring a DIN is compulsory for every director i.e. as such every existing and intending directors have to obtain their DIN.

Register yourself on MCA Website first and have a login id. The process includes Director’s Identification Number ( DIN number ), Name approval, Memorandum and Articles of association (e-MoA(INC-33) and e-AoA (INC-34)), Registered office verification and Appointment letters and declaration.

Once all these documents are ready, we have to file the forms for company formation after which we get the certificate of incorporation.

3. Create a account on MCA Portal – New user registration

This is about having a registered user account on MCA Portal for filing a eForm, for online fee payment, for different transactions as registered and business user. Creating an account is totally free of cost. To register yourself on the MCA portal, click on the register link.

4. Apply for the company to be registered

This is the final major step in a registration of your company which includes incorporating company name, Registering the office address or notice of situation of office and notice for appointment of company directors, manager and secretary.

5. Apply for company’s PAN and TAN

Once you get the certificate of incorporation, PAN & TAN is applied in the income tax department and finally open the bank account of the company.

6. Apply for company’s GST identification number

Depending upon the type and size of the business, you will need to apply for GST identification number.

This information may help you registering a new entity for your business and basic insight about the idea of company registration. Registering a new company online though a tough process and one needs to adhere various procedures and have strong knowledge of all if & but so better advised to get the help of any expert like CA/CS/Advocate who have experiences in this field. However, online procedures are not so tough now-a-days (as online help to do everything is available in the internet) which you can’t try…Good Luck

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How To Pay Income Tax Returns Online? Fri, 30 Mar 2018 05:22:29 +0000 How To Pay Income Tax Returns Online?
How To Pay Income Tax Returns Online?

Filing income tax returns became earlier online and the last date to file it is March, 31. You can also pay your advance income tax through the internet, using the net-banking facility.

Steps To Pay Income Tax Returns Online

To pay your tax online, here are the simple steps to be followed as below-

  1. Login to the Income tax website
  2. Click on Services > e-payment
  3. Select the relevant challan i.e. ITNS 280, ITNS 281, ITNS 282, ITNS 283, ITNS 284 or Form 26 QB demand payment (only for TDS on sale of property) as applicable.
  4. Enter your PAN/TAN number and all the other mandatory challan details including accounting head under which payment is made, address of the taxpayer and the bank through which payment is to be made etc.
  5. After the relevant data is entered, Submit it.
  6. A ‘confirmation screen’ is displayed. If the PAN/TAN entered is valid and matches with the ITD PAN/TAN master, then the full name of the taxpayer as per the master will be displayed on the confirmation screen, validate the same.
  7. On confirmation of the data entered (that appears on the screen), the taxpayer will be directed to the Netbanking website of the bank where one needs to pay the tax.
  8. Login to the Netbanking website using the bank’s user ID/password for net-banking.
  9. Enter the payment details on the bank’s website.
  10. Once the payment has been made successfully, a challan counterfoil is displayed. This contains CIN, payment details and bank name through which e-payment has been made. This counterfoil is the proof of the payment that you have made.

You can also pay your income-tax using government apps like Umang and Aaykar Setu.

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Want Multiple WhatsApp Accounts On Desktop, It Is Possible, Know How? Sun, 25 Mar 2018 13:21:41 +0000 Multiple WhatsApp Accounts On Desktop, Know How?
Multiple WhatsApp Accounts On Desktop, Know How? (Image by Sallman Hayat from Pixabay)

Want Multiple WhatsApp Accounts On Desktop, It Is Possible, Know How?; WhatsApp is one of the most popular instant messaging app with a user base of 1.5 billion worldwide. With the WhatsApp only, about 60 million messages being sent across everyday.

Facebook acquired WhatsApp in the year 2014 and in order to generate more revenue and expand its user base, the company introduced the WhatsApp Web version and freed it on all the devices, though earlier it was a chargeable service.

I have covered earlier in more detail how to use WhatsApp application on PC?

If you have two WhatsApp accounts then you can can easily use both the accounts simultaneously on a your smartphone but you can do the same on a PC or Laptop as well.

Steps To Access Multiple WhatsApp Accounts On Desktop

In order to access WhatsApp web, users need to have the WhatsApp account on their smartphone along with a stable internet connection on both the devices. Moreover, users should also have the updated version of the web browser of their choice.

  1. Firstly you have to open web[dot]whatsapp[dot]com in your web browser and also on the smartphone or tablet.
  2. Once done you have to scan the QR code appearing on the screen with your tablet or smartphone to start using the WhatsApp account.
  3. Now, in order to open your different WhatsApp account in the same browser you have to open a new tab, then paste this link in the tab- and click enter.
  4. Once done you will see the same screen with a QR code. Now, again scan the code using your other WhatsApp account from the device and you are done.

Now you can access two different WhatsApp accounts in the same browser.

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WhatsApp-Google Duo-Facebook Messenger-Choose The Best Video Calling App Mon, 19 Mar 2018 09:32:48 +0000 WhatsApp-Google Duo-Facebook Messenger-Choose The Best Video Calling App
WhatsApp-Google Duo-Facebook Messenger-Choose The Best Video Calling App

With the increase in number of smartphones and increased telecom bandwidth in India, people are exploring video calling apart from the normal day to day calls with their dear ones. The voice calls are still a first choice for many and is hardly to be replaced by video calls, but that doesn’t mean video calls are a dud.

Most promising video calling apps are available for android and iOS users but the most popular apps in India that come with video calling feature are WhatsApp, Google Duo, and Facebook Messenger.

Let’s take a look of features these video calling apps are offering and comparing them as well that which one suits best in the field of speed and size.

1. WhatsApp Messenger

WhatsApp is undoubtedly the most popular messaging app. Currently it has over 200 million monthly active users in India only. The Facebook-owned app introduced the video calling feature in 2016.

During WhatsApp video calling, user can switch the cameras between the front and rear – the video being captured by your camera will be at the bottom right in a small rectangular widget that can be tapped to make full screen. You also see mute button, and a disable video call button, in addition to the end call button. In case you’re on a voice call on WhatsApp, you will now be able to switch to a video call by tapping a button in the call interface in the latest WhatsApp version for Android and iOS.

2. Google Duo

Google has several video calling apps such as Hangouts, however at the I/O conference in 2016, Google realized to focus more on messaging and calling apps. It launched the Google Allo and Google Duo apps at the conference.

Google Duo is comparatively simpler than WhatsApp since it doesn’t support textual messaging. It comes with voice and video calls only.

The Google Duo has an interesting feature called Knock Knock that lets the person who you are calling see your video before the call is answered. The app was recently updated with a fresh contact list and a recent list.

3. Facebook Messenger

Facebook Messenger was initially launched as one of the suite of apps from the social media giant. Facebook launched its Messenger independent of your Facebook profile however you can use Messenger with your Facebook account as well.

Alternatively you can sign up with your mobile number without having to create a Facebook profile if you don’t wish to.

If to think about which app is better, we can say Facebook Messenger has a lot more features than WhatsApp and Google Duo like lot of stickers, games, automated responses from brand pages, and chatbots, separate tab where your voice and video calls are saved, group calling, better interface, the video call screen has mute, video chat off and end call option.

Apart from above , there are two buttons Chat and Camera. Tapping on chat icon will bring you the chat screen while your video call is still running in a Picture-in-Picture (PiP) mode.

WeChat, a Chinese multimedia messaging app recently crossed 1 Billion download which is also offering load of features.

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How To Do LIC Premium Payments And Status Enquiries Online? Tue, 13 Mar 2018 11:58:21 +0000 How To Do LIC Premium Payments And Status Enquiries Online?
How To Do LIC Premium Payments And Status Enquiries Online?

If you are thinking of providing the utmost level of security to your family members and yourself, nothing can beat the contribution of insurance policies. Every living person on earth has different needs and requirements and in order to fulfill each demand, it is always safe to have a financial backup from Life Insurance Corporation of India. Moreover, for continuing to receive the service throughout your life, you need to need to know all about LIC premium payments.

Established in 1956, LIC has the most popular and largest insurance company in India as the estimated value of the organization is approximately US$250 billion. Due to the effective and efficient policies, the organization is able to dominate the Indian market on a large scale. Spreading all across the country, the company has acquired over 2000 branches that have around 14 lakh insurance agents helping every interested person regarding LIC premium payments online.

Know about LIC and its Services

The Life Insurance Corporation of India has gained its fame due to the unbelievable services and easy LIC online premium payment. After getting the policy, you can inquire about the policy status and its unpaid premium, policy schedule and its due date, bonus status and loan status. Easing people’s lives each passing day, the policyholders can make payments through UPI, BHIM, Credit Card, Debit Card and Net banking.

Register Yourself First for LIC Premium Payment

If you are not a registered LIC member, you have to register yourself first by following few steps. You need to get the registration form from LIC premium payment at first and then create an account following certain guidelines.

  • For making LIC premium payment in future, you have to choose a proper username that will have alpha and numeric with special characters including and score.
  • Create a strong password for easy LIC premium payment options with 8-30 characters.
  • Chosen pin code must not exceed the limit of six digits. For averting fraudulent cases regarding password hacks, you must not share your password with anyone. In this way, you can have a smooth experience on LIC premium payment portal.
  • By entering a valid email ID, you can enable the services regarding LIC premium payment offers.

If you want to proceed with LIC premium payment, you have to know the status of the LIC policy first. After going through the guidelines and policy related information and registering yourself for LIC premium payment online payment, you have to log in to the online portal.

How to check LIC Policy Status?

After being done with the registration and login stages, you will have to undertake the easy process of knowing LIC premium payment details including the status.

  • At first, you are required to visit the official web portal LIC premium payment and entering username and password.
  • Then choose the option that indicates policy status and fill out certain details.
  • The details include LIC policy number, your date of birth, amount of the LIC premium payment and registered email ID.
  • After providing details, you will be redirected to a new page where you will be shown all the policies that you have enrolled.
  • On the page showing enrolled policies, you will see the dates of LIC premium payment and the amount of vested bonus.
  • Only by clicking on the policy number then, you are shown LIC premium payment status.

Know Status of the Policy without Having Registration

 For future use of LIC premium payment, knowing the status is essentially required and if you are not a registered user, you might face certain constraints. You can opt for a phone call or SMS service for enjoying the best of the policies continuously. Moreover, everyone is not gifted with an internet connection, for them, the phone call or SMS service can be a great option for staying updated with the due dates of LIC premium payments.

  • If you have to go for LIC premium payment, you need to send message writing ASKLIC STAT for inquiring about the IPP policy status.
  • In order to know about annuity amount, you will be advised to send a text message mentioning the code ASKLIC AMOUNT.
  • If you are keen to know whether you are gifted with bonus, you need to send a text writing ASKLIC BONUS and pay the LIC premium payment accordingly.
  • For LIC premium payment without registration, the policyholders can give a call to 12151. If you have any query regarding LIC premium payment, the phone call service can help you out on a large scale as it offers 24×7 customer support.

Using advent technology, for LIC, the sky is now the limit as it is the only one organization that has been able to capture the market growth guiding every policyholder from LIC premium statement to LIC premium payments online. The convenient service lives to make people more secure and efficient through its service.

Check top Life and General insurance companies in Newskart.

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Multimedia Messaging App WeChat Crosses One Billion Account Mark – Know What It Offers Fri, 09 Mar 2018 08:49:45 +0000 Multimedia Messaging App WeChat Crosses One Billion Account Mark - Know What It Offers
Multimedia Messaging App WeChat Crosses One Billion Account Mark – Know What It Offers

Ubiquitous social multimedia messaging app WeChat, developed by Chinese technology giant Tencent, has crossed the one billion accounts mark  as its messaging, game and shopping services attract more and more users worldwide.

The symbolic threshold was announced by Pony Ma, the founder and CEO of its parent company Tencent.

“WeChat’s worldwide monthly active users have surpassed the critical one billion mark,” said Ma, who is a delegate at the two-week session of the Communist Party-controlled National People’s Congress. “In the future we hope to use technological innovation to push forward the next developmental step of reform and opening,” Ma said.

WeChat falls behind Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp, whose active users reportedly stood at 2.1 billion and 1.5 billion respectively as of last year.

The popularity of WeChat—and profits from its addictive mobile games—have pushed Tencent’s earnings and share price sharply upwards.

Another popular feature of WeChat is its payment service, which allows people to pay at restaurants, buy goods from shops or even send money to friends.

Features of WeChat which made it popular

  • Multimedia Messaging: Send Video, Photo, Text, And Voice Messages.
  • Group Chat & Calls: Create Group Chats With Up To 500 People And Group Video Calls Up To 9 People which is just double offered by its rival WhatsApp.
  • Free Voice & Video Calls: High-Quality Free Calls To Anywhere In The World.
  • WeChat Out Calls: Make Calls To Landlines And Mobile Around The Globe At Low Rates (In Certain Regions Only).
  • Sticker Gallery: Hundreds Of Free, Fun, Animated Stickers To Express Your Feelings From Some Of Your Favorite Cartoons And Movies.
  • Moments: Share Your Best Moments On Your Personal Photo Stream.
  • Better Privacy: WeChat Gives You The Highest Level Of Control Over Your Privacy. It’S The Only Messaging App To Be Certified By Truste.
  • Meet New Friends: Use “Friend Radar”, “People Nearby” And “Shake” To Meet Others.
  • Realtime Location: Instead Of Having To Tell Others Where You Are, Just Use Real-Time Location Sharing.
  • Language Support: Localized In 20 Different Languages And Can Translate Messages To Any Language.
  • More other features like Desktop App, Custom Wallpapers, Custom Notifications, And Official Accounts make it more interesting among other chatting and multimedia apps.

Recently its rival WhatsApp added new feature to delete the sent message to everyone and extended its time limit.

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You Should Know How Many Digital Payment Methods Exists In India? Thu, 08 Mar 2018 10:32:30 +0000 You Should Know How Many Digital Payment Methods Exists In India?
You Should Know How Many Digital Payment Methods Exists In India?

As per the reports by Google (Alphabet Inc.) and Boston Consulting Group, India is headed for an exponential increase in digital payments methods and the digital payments industry in India becoming Asia’s third-largest economy. It is estimated that it will grow by 10 times to touch $500 billion by 2020 and contribute 15% of gross domestic product (GDP), the report predicted.

Introduction of smartphones, the entry of several non-banking institutions offering payment services, consumer readiness to adopt digital payments, progressive changes in the regulatory framework will power the trend, it said.

Also, the Digital India program is a flagship program of the Government of India with a vision to transform India into a digitally empowered society and knowledge economy. “Faceless, Paperless, Cashless” is one of professed role of Digital India.

As part of promoting cashless transactions and converting India into less-cash society, various modes of digital payments are available as below-

1. Banking Cards (Debit / Credit / Cash / Travel / Others)

Banking cards offer consumers more security, convenience, and control than any other payment method. The wide variety of cards available – including credit, debit and prepaid – offers enormous flexibility, as well. These cards provide 2 factor authentication for secure payments e.g secure PIN and OTP. RuPay, Visa, MasterCard are some of the example of card payment systems. Payment cards give people the power to purchase items in stores, on the Internet, through mail-order catalogues and over the telephone. They save both customers and merchants’ time and money, and thus enable them for ease of transaction.

2. Unstructured Supplementary Service Data (USSD)

The innovative payment service *99# works on Unstructured Supplementary Service Data (USSD) channel. This service allows mobile banking transactions using basic feature mobile phone, there is no need to have mobile internet data facility for using USSD based mobile banking. It is envisioned to provide financial deepening and inclusion of under banked society in the mainstream banking services.

*99# service has been launched to take the banking services to every common man across the country. Banking customers can avail this service by dialing *99#, a “Common number across all Telecom Service Providers (TSPs)” on their mobile phone and transact through an interactive menu displayed on the mobile screen. Key services offered under *99# service include, inter-bank account to account fund transfer, balance inquiry, mini statement besides host of other services. *99# service is currently offered by 51 leading banks & all GSM service providers and can be accessed in 12 different languages including Hindi & English as on 30.11.2016 (Source: NPCI). *99# service is a unique inter-operable direct to consumer service that brings together the diverse ecosystem partners such as Banks & TSPs (Telecom Service Providers).

3. Aadhaar Enabled Payment System (AePS)

AEPS is a bank led model which allows online interoperable financial transaction at PoS (Point of Sale / Micro ATM) through the Business Correspondent (BC)/Bank Mitra of any bank using the Aadhaar authentication.

4. Unified Payments Interface (UPI)

Unified Payments Interface (UPI) is a system that powers multiple bank accounts into a single mobile application (of any participating bank), merging several banking features, seamless fund routing & merchant payments into one hood. It also caters to the “Peer to Peer” collect request which can be scheduled and paid as per requirement and convenience. Each Bank provides its own UPI App for Android, Windows and iOS mobile platform(s) such as Axis Pay, SBI Pay, PhonePe App, Google Tez App, BHIM UPI App, Bonus App – PNB UPI.

5. Mobile Wallets Or E-Wallets

A mobile wallet or E-Wallet is a way to carry cash in digital format. You can link your credit card or debit card information in mobile device to mobile wallet application or you can transfer money online to mobile wallet. Instead of using your physical plastic card to make purchases, you can pay with your smartphone, tablet, or smart watch. An individual’s account is required to be linked to the digital wallet to load money in it. Most banks have their e-wallets and some private companies and various startups have also launched E-Wallets in India. e.g. PayTM, Freecharge, Mobikwik, Oxigen, mRuppee, Airtel Money, Jio Money, SBI Buddy, itz Cash, Citrus Pay, Vodafone M-Pesa, Axis Bank Lime, ICICI Pockets, SpeedPay etc . are digital payment methods.

6. Banks Pre-Paid Cards

Prepaid debit cards, sometimes referred to as bank prepaid cards, are credit instruments that banks issue that give people an easy and adaptable way to manage their finances. Prepaid cards are independent of bank accounts, in contrast to conventional debit or credit cards that are connected to checking or credit accounts. Rather, they preload money onto the card, which they then use for a variety of payments up to the available balance.

7. Point Of Sale

A point of sale (PoS) is the place where sales are made. On a macro level, a PoS may be a mall, a market or a city. On a micro level, retailers consider a PoS to be the area where a customer completes a transaction, such as a checkout counter. It is also known as a point of purchase.

8. Internet Banking

Internet banking, also known as online banking, e-banking or virtual banking, is an electronic payment system/digital payment methods that enables customers of a bank or other financial institution to conduct a range of financial transactions through the financial institution’s website.

9. Mobile Banking

Mobile banking is a service provided by a bank or other financial institution that allows its customers to conduct different types of financial transactions remotely using a mobile device such as a mobile phone or tablet. It uses software, usually called an app, provided by the banks or financial institution for the purpose. Each Bank provides its own mobile banking App for Android, Windows and iOS mobile platform(s) which is one of the most popular digital payment methods now a days. 

10. Micro ATMs

Micro ATM meant to be a device that is used by a million Business Correspondents (BC) to deliver basic banking services. The platform will enable Business Correspondents (who could be a local kirana shop owner and will act as ‘micro ATM’) to conduct instant transactions.

The micro platform will enable function through low cost devices (micro ATMs) that will be connected to banks across the country. This would enable a person to instantly deposit or withdraw funds regardless of the bank associated with a particular BC. This device will be based on a mobile phone connection and would be made available at every BC. Customers would just have to get their identity authenticated and withdraw or put money into their bank accounts. This money will come from the cash drawer of the BC. Essentially, BCs will act as bank for the customers and all they need to do is verify the authenticity of customer using customers’ UID. The basic transaction types, to be supported by micro ATM, are Deposit, Withdrawal, Fund transfer and Balance inquiry.

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Neutral Internet Exchange AMS-IX To Set Up Point-of-Presence in GPX’s Mumbai Data Center Wed, 28 Feb 2018 07:46:09 +0000 Neutral Internet Exchange AMS-IX To Set Up Point-of-Presence in GPX’s Mumbai Data Center
Neutral Internet Exchange AMS-IX To Set Up Point-of-Presence in GPX’s Mumbai Data Center

A neutral Internet Exchange (IX), AMS-IX India, is pleased to announce the launch of a third AMS-IX India PoP (Point-of-Presence) in GPX’s Mumbai data center.

With the addition of a third PoP AMS-IX India has a presence in all areas of Mumbai – South, Central and North.

The PoP at GPX DC, which has the richest ecosystem of Carriers and Content providers, will be operational in Q2 2018. However, five GPX customers have already committed and are ready to join and peer at AMS-IX India reported in a Press Release sent to Newskart.

On this development, Onno Bos, Sales Director, AMS-IX said, “By opening a third POP in Mumbai we are expanding our AMS-IX India footprint in one of the world’s fastest growing internet markets. Furthermore, it makes it easier for customers to connect to AMS-IX India. We are therefore very pleased to be present at GPX and are confident that this will enhance the growth of AMS-IX India.”

Manoj Paul, MD, GPX India, added, “GPX’s Mumbai data centre is True Carrier Neutral and IX neutral and is the most interconnected data center in India with the largest number of Telecom Service Providers (TSPs), Internet Service providers (ISPs), and is also the hub for all major content providers. The addition of AMS-IX India’s Internet Exchange platform allows our customers, mainly the ISPs and Content providers, to enhance their connectivity, reduce costs, introduce new products, and increase the level of their customer’s experience and satisfaction”.

About AMS-IX India

AMS-IX India is a collaboration between the India based Information and Communications Technology (ICT) service provider, Sify Technologies, and the European based AMS-IX.

Customers are able to connect to the IX via dedicated ports with speeds in multiples of 1Gbps or 10Gbps. AMS-IX India serve as a neutral and independent peering platform with unrivalled quality, offering both private and public peering services at carrier-grade level to Internet Service Providers (ISPs), Internet Content Providers (ICPs), and telecom operators. By connecting to the exchange, content providers and eyeball networks can exchange their internet traffic and benefit from reduced latency and costs.

About GPX

GPX develops and operates state-of-the-art, private, carrier-neutral Data centers in emerging, but fast-growing commercial markets within the MENA, South Asia markets. GPX’s Data centers are thriving carrier-neutral internet ecosystems, and home to the largest carriers, content providers, cloud service providers, and internet companies.

Other data centers operational are VMWare, Arkin Net, StrataCloud etc.

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Citizens Can Now File RTI Applications Online, Know The Steps Fri, 07 Aug 2015 09:24:30 +0000 Citizens Can Now File RTI Applications Online, Know The Steps
Citizens Can Now File RTI Applications Online, Know The Steps

If you are Indian citizen and want to file RTI applications online for all Ministries/Departments and Public Authorities of Central Government then you are at the right place. I’ve written the steps how to file RTI application/first appeal for the central government authorities. You should be noted that RTI applications should not be filed for other Public authorities under State Govt. through this portal. Citizens of India can now file RTI Applications Online (Right To Information) with 431 public authorities through a new government portal. Minister of state for personnel Jitendra Singh added in a written Lok Sabha reply that all the states have also been requested to explore the feasibility of implementing online RTI in their respective states.

How To File RTI Applications Online?

People of India can file RTIOnline at site (https://rtionline[dot]gov[dot]in/) and payments for the application can be made online through internet banking using debit/credit cards of Master/Visa and RuPay cards etc. As per the RTI portal, citizens can not file RTIOnline applications through this portal for the public authorities under the State Governments, including Government of NCT Delhi. If filed, the application would be returned and no refund of amount would be considered.

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The sign up form for the RTI site asks details of Individuals/NGO/Common Service Center such as email, mobile phone number and address. Indian Citizens can also search for the public authority or ministry they wish to submit an RTI to and it displays the newly added departments to the portal.

Text for RTI request application is confined to 3000 characters only. If the text of RTIOnline application is more than 3000 characters then RTI application can be uploaded in supporting document field as an attachment. After this user can send the prescribed amount online and also users can keep track of their RTI application on the portal which can be tracked by a unique registration number issued after submission of the application. Once the RTI application is submitted then it would reach electronically to the “Nodal Officer” of concerned Ministry/Department, who would transmit the RTIOnline application electronically to the concerned CPIOs. In case additional fee is required to fulfil cost for providing information, the CPIO would intimate the applicant through this portal. This intimation can be seen by the applicant through Status Report or through his/her e-mail alert or SMS.

If this is the first appeal by the individual then no fee has to be made as per RTI Act.

Steps To File RTI Applications Online

  1. Go to RTI (Right to Information) site
  2. Log in in this portal if already registered other register as a new user in this site
  3. Once you are registered, click on “Submit Request” button on home page to start your application process.
  4. Go through and understand the guidelines related to Right to Information Act and acknowledge it by digitally signing the form before starting your application.
  5. Choose the department for which you are seeking RTI, fill in your personal details like email id and phone number, submit the subject line for your Right to Information Act application which must brief about the context for your RTI request you are raising.
  6. Write your application not more than 3000 words in a clear and simple manner and mention what you are seeking from that department like dates and status.
  7. Submit all the supporting documents online.
  8. RTI fee of INR 10 to be submitted online through your debit or credit card, this transaction option is available on the website. State Bank and Repays cards holder enjoy even simpler way to process their payments.
  9. Once you’re done with all the steps then you can submit your application. Soon after you will get a Registration ID which you must secure for future references like tracking application etc.

You can refer the RTI  Guidelines and once application is submitted, you’ll get the reply from the department you are seeking information within 30 days of application. If you don’t get the response within stipulated time then you can file complaint & second appeal to CIC.

How To Check Status of RTI Applications submitted online?

  1. If you have submitted the RTIOnline then you can check the status of your RTIOnline application at View Status
  2. Enter registration number, email and security code at the respective fields
  3. Click on Submit button

Now you can check the status of your online submitted RTI from here. Still you have any doubts then you can refer FAQ in the RTI site.

Image credit- Canva

Facebook Shortcuts Make Navigation Easy For Keyboard Users Mon, 19 Jan 2015 19:26:56 +0000 Facebook Shortcuts Make Navigation Easy For Keyboard Users
Facebook Shortcuts Make Navigation Easy For Keyboard Users

Facebook (Social Media) is a part of our lives these days. Everyone uses it to share their stuff with their friends on daily bases. We have collected some of the very useful short keys for Facebook which can help you to use Facebook more fluently and smoothly.

Facebook has shortcuts (access keys) for people who only use their keyboards to navigate. Keep in mind that keyboard shortcuts can differ by browser (ex: Firefox, Internet Explorer).

Find the right combination of keys for your browser in the list below, and replace # with the access key number listed under Access Keys below.

  • Internet Explorer for PC: Alt + #, then Enter
  • Firefox for PC: Shift + Alt + #
  • Safari for Mac: Ctrl + Opt + #
  • Firefox for Mac: Ctrl + Opt + #
  • Chrome for Mac: Ctrl + Opt + #
  • Chrome for PC: Alt + #

Facebook Shortcuts – Access Keys

  • 0 – Help
  • 1 – Home
  • 2 – Timeline
  • 3 – Friends
  • 4 – Inbox
  • 5 – Notifications
  • 6 – Settings
  • 7 – Activity Log
  • 8 – About
  • 9 – Terms

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Facebook Shortcuts – Keyboard

News Feed

  • j and k – Scroll between News Feed stories
  • enter/return – See more of the selected story
  • p – Post a new status
  • l – Like or unlike the selected story
  • c – Comment on the selected story
  • s – Share the selected story
  • o – Open an attachment from the selected story
  • / – Search
  • q – Search chat contacts
  • ? – Open a list of these keyboard shortcuts while in News Feed

Web Messenger:

  • CTRL + g – Search conversations
  • CTRL + q – Show/hide keyboard shortcuts
  • CTRL + Delete – Archive/unarchive conversation
  • CTRL + j – Mark as spam
  • CTRL + m – Start a new message
  • CTRL + i – Go to Inbox
  • CTRL + u – Go to Other

Facebook, Inc., an American online social media and social networking service company based in Menlo Park, California, is one of the most popular social media sites in the world founded by Mark Zuckerberg, along with fellow Harvard College students and roommates Eduardo Saverin, Andrew McCollum, Dustin Moskovitz and Chris Hughes.

Image credit- Canva
