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When should You Seek an Appointment at Cardiologist Heart Specialist Clinic?

Cardiologist Heart Specialist Clinic- Health is wealth! Every person craves a healthy body that helps them carry on their daily tasks. The human heart is one organ that most people are careful about. No one wants a heart failure suddenly which can cost their lives. But the key to a healthy heart depends not just on no smoking and other food habits, but also a balanced state of mind. Sometimes, excess stress and tension can result in heart irregularities as well.

Sometimes excess gas and GERD symptoms often mimic heart problem symptoms! It is here that you need to understand the symptoms correctly. It could be that you are on a vacation or a work tour in Singapore and you develop some health irregularities and you don’t know whether you should opt-in for a Singapore heart specialist clinic or not. Discussed below are some of the health symptoms for which you should consult an expert heart specialist.

  1. Sudden sweating in an uncontrollable way – If you notice that you’ve started sweating uncontrollably, chances are it’s to do with your heart. However, first, try and calm down a bit and see if the situation gets any better. Sometimes, a nervous or panic attack could also feel the same. But if you sense that your health is undergoing some inner turmoil that you can neither control nor understand, then it’s always better to consult a heart specialist and get the best medical perspective and advice.
  2. Sudden bouts of short-breath followed by extreme fatigue –It natural to feel fatigued and a little bit short-breath at times, especially if you have been under extreme stress and feel physically drained. However, if you suddenly feel that your breathing is becoming difficult and you are way more fatigued that calls for attention, it’s a smart call to consult a heart specialist.
  3. Sudden pain on your left side – There are times when you can get gas pains up your chest. But if you feel a numbing and squeezing pain on your chest, bending towards the left side, you should consult a doctor or a heart specialist on an emergency basis. If not, things might aggravate.
  4. Nausea with pain –There are times when there are mild attacks or heart problems that go unnoticed! So suddenly if you feel nauseous with the spreading from the center of your chest to your shoulders, neck, jaws, and hands, it is important that you consider checking with a heart specialist. The reason could be entirely different after a medical check-up, but it is important to seek medical guidance. 
  1. Sudden fainting –If there’s someone who has fainted suddenly and is recording a low pulse, you need to rush the person to a medical expert or at a heart specialist clinic to get a proper medical diagnosis done and also start the treatment.

The sign of a heart issue is not always loud and visible! Sometimes, it comes combined with other bodily discomforts. Hence, whenever you find someone witnessing the symptoms mentioned above or any other severe bodily issues, it is always better to check with a heart specialist.

Also read: How Mediclaim Differs from A Health Insurance Policy? and Best 20 Life Insurance Companies in India

Image credit- Canva

Diet Tips that Dengue Patients Should Follow Sun, 04 Nov 2018 07:12:38 +0000 Diet Tips that Dengue Patients Should Follow
Diet Tips that Dengue Patients Should Follow

It does not matter if you are being treated for dengue or you are someone who is healthy but is interested in preventing dengue, it is necessary to take a proper and healthy diet on a regular basis. A dengue patient is going through a huge number of medications throughout the entire day and a healthy diet is must to prevent weakness and boost the strength of the immune system. A healthy person should eat in a healthy manner so that his body can fight the infections altogether. Some of the common issues that are known to accompany dengue include high fever, headache, skin rash, and joint pain.

Given below is a list of the simple foods that you should consume on a regular basis in order to alleviate all these symptoms and also accelerate the recovery from this unwanted condition. You can also follow the health tips to remain fit during your life journey.


Oranges consist of a huge quantity of vitamins and nutrients and they are also the best fruits that have a huge content of Vitamin C, which is one of the most important antioxidants.

Oranges also have a huge fiber content, which makes them perfect for treating the issues that are related to indigestion. If you add this tangy and juicy fruit to your everyday diet, you will be able to recover soon.


Papaya has more than one medicinal property and you will be amazed as to how it can boost the immune system of a sick person. Papaya helps in triggering the production of platelets, which is normally known to decrease rapidly in dengue patients.

You can also consume papaya leaves by crushing it and drinking the juice in order to beat dengue and the associated symptoms.

Herbal tea

Herbal tea has medicinal properties, which are capable of reducing the various symptoms of dengue. You can choose flavors like ginger, peppermint, or cardamom.

Ginger is known for the anti-inflammatory effects, which helps in reducing the high fever. You can also drink tea brewed with the Euphorbia hirta, as it helps in reducing all the unwanted symptoms of dengue.

Coconut water

Dengue is known to cause dehydration and coconut water is perhaps an amazing food which is perfect for all the dengue patients. It is not only a source of natural water but it also contains a huge quantity of electrolytes and essential minerals.

Drinking coconut water on a daily basis helps in regulating the levels of fluid in your body. Therefore, coconut water is one of the most important things, which should be included in your regular diet especially when you are recovering from dengue.

Doctors recommend the ELISA test to find out if you are infected with dengue.

Fruit juice

Fruit juices contain a huge amount of Vitamin C and they also play an important role in getting rid of dehydration. Fruit juices also help in triggering the production of collagen and play the important role in boosting your immune system.

Fruits like pineapple, orange, guava, Kiwi, and strawberry help in reducing lymphocytes, which can fight the unwanted viral infection.


Apart from the medications that you are taking on a regular basis, only a healthy diet can help you in recovering speedily. Consider the foods that are mentioned above and you will surely become healthy soon.

Image credit- Canva

How Mediclaim Differs from A Health Insurance Policy? Tue, 04 Sep 2018 11:09:02 +0000 How Mediclaim Differs from A Health Insurance Policy?
How Mediclaim Differs from A Health Insurance Policy?

Both Mediclaim and health insurance policy or critical illness insurance plans refers to emergencies related to ones health. But the health insurance plans offer better benefits as compared to a Mediclaim policy.

If you have a Mediclaim policy and think that it is the same as having a healthcare insurance critical illness insurance plans, then look into it deeper. This is a common mistake that most of the first time insurance buyers tend to do.

What Is Mediclaim Policy

The Mediclaim policy covers the hospitalization and treatment costs that one has to bear towards a disease or an illness that is predetermined. The premium of the policy has to be paid annually and the premium amount is decided based on what the sum assured amount of the policy is.

Does Mediclaim Allow For Cashless Settlement Facility?

Yes you can avail the cashless facility even with a Mediclaim policy provided you are getting treated in one of the partner hospitals. If the hospital is a non-partner then you will have to show the bills at the time of settlement. This is however similar to claiming when you have a health insurance too.

How Is The Mediclaim Policy Different From The Health Insurance ?

The health insurance policy as well as the Mediclaim policy covers the hospitalization expenses but the health insurance offers a more comprehensive coverage. The health insurance coverage plan that they offer is also very extensive. You can also enjoy additional benefits when you take a health insurance policy like ambulance services or if there is a loss of your income when you are sick.

Tenure Of The Mediclaim And The Health Insurance Policies Critical Illness Insurance Plans

The Mediclaim policy falls under the category of a general insurance policy and this policy has to be renewed annually. The health insurance policy on the other hand is offered for more number of years. The premium amount of the Mediclaim policy can change each year but that of the health insurance policy stays the same.

Is Critical Illness Covered Under A Mediclaim Policy?

No, critical illness is not covered under a Mediclaim policy. The sum assure of a Mediclaim policy is lower and mostly limited to 5 lakhs. This means that critical illness coverage cannot be provided by these policies because of the high expense that it incurs. Those who have a health insurance can take a critical illness rider. A health insurance plan critical illness insurance plans also offers the choice of a higher sum assured say around 30 lakhs.

Claiming Process Under A Mediclaim And A Health Insurance Plan

If you have a Mediclaim policy then you can make any number of claims till the complete sum assured amount is used up. However when you want to claim under the health insurance critical illness insurance plans then the insurance company transfers the complete amount in one go. Thus you cannot keep claiming till the policy tenure ends.

Is Mediclaim Or Health Insurance Policy Better?

This is a personal choice. A number of people buy a Mediclaim policy, benefits of Mediclaim policy because of the lower premium amount. This is a mistake as per the experts but again it is better to have some coverage than no coverage at all.

Health insurance critical illness insurance plans offer comprehensive coverage and it gives the policyholder a number of benefits. But if you think that you cannot afford a health insurance then you are better off with a Mediclaim policy.

However if you have Mediclaim policy then you could also a buy a health insurance critical illness insurance plans. This means that you can use up the Mediclaim policy for any minor hospitalization and use the health insurance amount to settle a huge medical bill.

Which Policy Should You Buy For Your Health Expenses – Mediclaim Or Health Insurance?

If you are still confused between which policy is the most suited for you, then decide based on the following points:

Health Insurance Plans

    • This is a comprehensive policy which means that it does not just pay for your hospitalization but also the post hospitalization expenses
    • The policy covers critical illness as well. The critical illness is a rider and has to be purchased as an add on to the original health insurance policy
    • What critical illness is covered is based on the insurance companies discretion .So it is important that you read it once before buying the a rider
    • You may be eligible for discounts when you go for a renewal

Mediclaim Policy

    • The Mediclaim policy provides only hospitalization expense coverage and in case of an accident or any specific illness
    • The policy will not cover any other hospitalization charges or offer any critical illness cover


It is important that you understand the pros and cons and the difference between Mediclaim and health insurance before buying a Mediclaim or health insurance plan . The only reason why one may buy a Mediclaim policy is because it is priced cheaper. But also understand that the coverage is less in the case of a Mediclaim policy.

Image credit- Canva
