Social Media Archives - Newskart Stories on Business, Technology, Startups, Funding, Career & Jobs Fri, 15 Mar 2024 15:28:27 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Social Media Archives - Newskart 32 32 157239825 How to Make an Ad Campaign More Cost-Effective? Wed, 18 Nov 2020 15:39:55 +0000 How to Make an Ad Campaign More Cost-Effective?
How to Make an Ad Campaign More Cost-Effective?

Nowadays, we live in a digital world where almost everything happens online. The main reason this has become a major trend is that online activities are more convenient. You want to shop? Visit an eCommerce store. You want to get informed? Read online articles. You want to attract more customers to your business? Engage in digital marketing.

The online world simply offers a lot of opportunities to both consumers and businesses. These days, almost every company operates online. The main reason is digital marketing. When you consider the fact that the majority of the world’s population browses the internet, it’s only logical that you want to be where your potential customers are.

Digital marketing can easily help you reach out to a lot of people at once in a relatively short time period. Moreover, you can do it on a budget and still get sizeable results. Therefore, any business that wants to have an effective ad campaign online can ensure that it’s cost-effective. In other words, you don’t have to go overboard with spending to get what you need. With that in mind, here’s how to make an ad campaign more cost-effective.

1. Determine your budget

It’s no secret that creating digital marketing strategies or ad campaigns costs money. Yes, you have to spend at least something to jump-start your campaign. However, that doesn’t mean you’ll need a budget like the one large brands or enterprises have.

After all, how else would startups and small businesses manage to survive in such a competitive market? That said, consider your budget and how much you can actually spend on an ad campaign. This will allow you to choose the right channels that are available to you.
Even then, there are strategies you can use to ensure further cost-effectiveness so that you’re not spending your money in vain.

Here’s a good example. You may already know that Google’s AdWords can be quite costly, especially if you rank for very competitive keywords. But if you do a bit of keyword research, you can opt for less competitive keywords that are cheaper and still be able to target the right audience with your ads.

2. Leverage social media

Social media platforms have become the very core of digital marketing campaigns. That said, they’re free to use as you see fit. The only thing that will cost you is an ad campaign but we’ll get to that later. Before you start an ad campaign on any social media that supports it, such as Facebook or LinkedIn for example, you have to ensure that it’s cost-effective.

You can do so by doing a bit of research on your target audience and engaging with them in the right way. Over time, you will build a good relationship with them based on trust and engagement. Now, depending on the nature of your business, your target audience may be quite a large consumer base.

Getting them all on board would draw a lot of resources and time from your company. The good thing is that you don’t have to get to them all. You only need to get some of the influential members of your audience on board and create social proof that will work in your favor.

3. Incorporate your efforts into your ad campaign

Once you’ve established a presence on social media and gained a bit of trust from your audience, you can prepare a cost-effective ad campaign. Moreover, if you managed to secure support from some influencers, then everything may go even more seamlessly.

Once you’ve created custom social proof, it will help you save big on your online advertising campaigns and decrease acquisition costs. All you need is a reliable conversion rate optimization tool and you’re good to go. So, how does it all work?

Social proof is basically a psychological effect a lot of marketers leverage to give a much-needed boost to their marketing campaigns. You see, if you have a budget, you can make well-designed and elaborate ad campaigns.

However, if you leverage social proof, then you don’t really have to make such campaigns. Simply put, social proof act as a social phenomenon where people copy the actions of others.

Therefore, if a social media influencer endorses your product, other members of your audience will most likely consider buying it. Look at it this way: if an influential person you follow appears in an ad endorsing a product, then they know something you don’t. You will, therefore, undertake a specific behavior in a given situation so that you can fit in.

4. Give Amazon a try

The purpose of ad campaigns is to help you boost your product sales while not overspending on ads in the process. After all, you want to see a return on investment, so the goal is that your ads cost less while the income of your sales exceeds those costs.

Pretty simple when you look at it but it’s rarely so. Google or Facebook ad campaigns target a specific audience. You have to convince consumers to consider making a purchase in the first place. Amazon, who is the third largest seller of ads, works a bit differently than the other two. With Amazon ads, you actually target people who are already willing to buy.

In other words, you’re targeting buyers instead of simple viewers. That means that you can basically skip the part where you try to convince consumers to even consider buying and target those who are already prepared to make a purchase. This allows you to create more cost-effective ads with a specific purpose in mind. The cost per click (CPC) on Amazon is around $0.35 which is cheaper than Google or Facebook ads.

Cost-effective ad campaigns don’t necessarily mean that they are cheap. You will spend as much as you can or want on ads but the point is in getting the best bang for your buck while doing so. Cost-effectiveness really means that you get your money’s worth and perhaps even earn more than you have spent to create your ad campaign, to begin with.

Image credit- Canva

Top 5 Ways to Grow Your Business Using Instagram Marketing Tue, 10 Mar 2020 19:12:30 +0000 Top 5 Ways to Grow Your Business Using Instagram Marketing
Top 5 Ways to Grow Your Business Using Instagram Marketing

If you are not yet into Instagram marketing but you are in a business then you are running into a great loss. Instagram has been proven to be one of the best marketing platforms since its inception. This is an important tool that helps in the powerful marketing of their business. Instagram increases the visibility of the product in their business.

Do you know that you see more of promotions on Instagram (pls refer IG Analytics)than your friend’s vacation picture or your neighbor’s trip to Europe?

There is a lot more than what you actually see on Instagram, very efficiently and very cleverly your competition in the market is using Instagram marketing to sell their products more and also to make a strong brand presence in social media. Social media gives us huge connectivity but the difficulty lies in finding out who would like your business and you can get an idea about this on your Instagram page only.

1. Instagram Purchase 

It might surprise you that over 1/3rd of the Instagram users purchase products from Instagram directly. Sales are very important for any business, directly or indirectly all the businesses are dependent on sales. In the past 1.5 to – 2years the sale has increased through the Instagram purchase immensely.

It is the job of the sales team to increase the sale of their product but with the emergence of digital marketing and specifically Instagram marketing the sale has increased in the businesses. More than 70% of users have used Instagram to increase their purchase all across the world. Among the 75% of the users take action which is also known as the call to action which means that they will visit the official site of the product and click further to check the service or the product.

Even if the user does not buy the product but the importance of the click remains, it takes you one step closer to your potential customer.

2. Inbound Traffic Increases

Instagram marketing increases your customer because without Instagram marketing your flow of customers will be limited to your website only. The increase in the inbound traffic will happen on the increase of Instagram Marketing. The latest and the best way to do digital marketing is through social media marketing which also includes Instagram marketing. There are different types of people with different backgrounds on Instagram and your product might cater to people of different economic strength hence the inbound traffic will be much more.

3. Conversion Rate Increases

As much the visibility of your business increases the more is the opportunity to convert. Every blog post or a like on your blogpost can reach your TG to your website.  This kind of marketing gives a better image to your business through humanization. Interactive brands or the brands that also do conversational marketing are able to much better in the conversion of their target audience. It has been proved that spending time with the consumer is much valuable addition to their business. In recent years about 66% of businessmen have successfully felt that lead generation is maximum through social media. This will also help you to get an understanding of what your product has and how can it be improved in the future.

4. Save Money

Social Media marketing, especially Instagram marketing save you a lot of money. If you want to create brand awareness through your Instagram account then all you have to do is make some creative posts for your site and post them on Instagram. This will save you a lot of money, Instagram Marketing is very much cost-effective.  Being cost-effective is such an advantage because you can see a greater return on investment and retain a bigger budget for other marketing and business expenses.

If you want to do paid advertisement then do not spend bulk in the first go. Spend little and understand what should you expect from this paid advertisement. Only then spend more when you know what will you get back in return for what you have spent.

5. Being a Leader

Posting some well written sensible posts on your official website can give you the privilege of being a leader in the future.  If you wish to be a social media expert then you will have to be much more communicative. Making good relation with your consumer or your customer is very important that will help you be a leader in social media.

When you connect with your consumer, it makes easier for them to rely on you and purchase your item on Instagram of social media itself. This will also help you become an influencer too in your social media.

The last but not the least! Get Started with the ideas, it is important to get started with all your like and share at least that will fetch you somewhere till you get into the business. Start finding out better SEO and you will be able to start your business from the peak asap.

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How to Boost your Social Media Marketing? Thu, 23 Jan 2020 18:50:00 +0000 How to Boost your Social Media Marketing?
How to Boost your Social Media Marketing?

Social media has played a vital role in many aspects of human lives. It has brought some positive and negative impacts. However, with all of these, the greatest influence it has in this modern world is particularly in the field of business.

The power of social media gave businesses the ability to reach out to a wider audience and bring more profit to the company. It has built more jobs and employment possibilities for everyone. Its power has been more than just simply communicating with one another.

Since then, many businesses used social media to promote their brand. It has become an exhausted and crowded market for many businesses. Trying to get your brand’s name out nowadays would be a battle, as it’s tough to compete with companies who have established their presence online. Furthermore, the constant changing of social media algorithms has been a problem too.

However, as frightening as these problems may be, there are still ways a brand can increase their social media presence. There are steps business owners or marketing experts can do or implement to grow their social media account and gain more customers.

Here are simple steps businesses should follow to boost their social media marketing strategies.


There is nothing more confusing than not knowing what you want. Goal setting will help businesses determine to focus on what they need to make their companies grow. Therefore, you have to know why you want to be there in the first place.

Setting goals doesn’t have to be complicated. It can be as simple as wanting to gain many likes, spark a conversation, or encourage people to embrace change. Even Harvard Business Review has mentioned the need to set goals.

This practice will help you focus on what you need for your business without distractions.


Now that you know what you want to gain from having an online presence, it is time to know who your audience is. There are many people on social media nowadays, but not everyone can be your customers.

You have to look at your company’s products and services that you offer. With this, you’ll know who will be your target audience.

It is easy to sell products to people who are interested in them than reaching out to every single people online. You’ll only be spending effort and not turning anything into a profit.


The need to know your target audience will then help business owners determine which platform to use. There are many online platforms or social media platforms businesses can use to promote their brand. However, not every platform can be beneficial for every business.

If your target audiences are teenagers, you can use social media platforms like TikTok, Instagram, Snapchat, and more.


After determining who you want to target, it is time to come up with your content strategy. You have to make something that your audience can connect with.

Nowadays, people don’t like content that sounds like they are trying to sell a product. They want something that they can connect emotionally. Therefore, creating meaningful content is the best way to grab the attention of your audience.

There are different content strategies you can include in your social media posts. You can use articles, videos, or images to drive your followers to engage in your content.


What makes one online business recognizable in social media than the other is that they plan their content. They don’t simply post anything online anytime.

If you want your post to get much like and to get noticed, you must come up with a social media calendar.

Making a social media calendar will help business owners or marketing professionals to know what to post daily. It will also help them avoid duplicate content.

Aside from making a calendar for your posting, using automated tools is also beneficial. With these tools, you can easily schedule posts even when you are busy. You don’t have to worry about forgetting not to post at the appropriate time.


Sometimes quality content is not enough. As a business, you have to make your audience know that you are human too.

There are ways to make them know the people behind the brand.

    • Comment on what people are saying about your brand.
    • Like their comments.
    • Show them behind the scenes or your team.
    • Share important information
    • Share a story about your company.
    • Show appreciation to your customers or followers.


Influencers have taken storm and have shaken social media. People become obsessed with them, that any recommendation they give is worth listening to.

These influencers are not what we used to know as celebrities or popular sports celebrity. Instead, they are people who made name online, by the use of social media. They have gained a lot of followers, and their reviews became a way for people to decide what to buy.

Therefore, many businesses tapped into the power of influencer marketing. They reach out and offer money or their product for these influencers to review or recommend.

The market for this strategy will increase this year, as many businesses noticed that investing in such will increase their return.


A simple post greeting people on holidays or posting content that is trending is one way to get more engagement.

The use of hashtags can be effective in creating content that will make your audience engage. Using these popular hashtags will draw more attention to your business.


Just like watching your website’s traffic, monitoring your social media content also counts. There are tools or software apps designed to do the job.

It will gather all the information about a post for you to know if it is working out or not. Knowing how a content works will help businesses to stop the guessing game and start posting relevant and sharable content.


If you want to jump right into social media for your business, there is no better time than now to boost your social media marketing. This marketing strategy has become such a great help to many businesses, and getting into it is a great way to start. Carefully follow the rules above and watch your business grow every year.

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Social Media Marketing Trends to Gain More Sales Wed, 25 Dec 2019 09:55:44 +0000 Social Media Marketing Trends to Gain More Sales
Social Media Marketing Trends to Gain More Sales

Social media marketing and digital marketing go hand in hand. That’s why social media marketing and digital marketing both are known as digital campaigns. No doubt, habits change over time and new platforms also come into existence. All of these platforms exert some impacts on the behavior of the people. That’s why marketers also take an overview of the behavior of the people and try to use such techniques that are helpful for them to grab the attention of the audience. Here, we will discuss how social media marketing trends are helpful for people to gain more traffic.

1. The Digital Detox

According to a report, there are almost 3.484 billion social media users all around the world. The most interesting thing is that there is a 9% increase in social media users as compared to the last year. Therefore, we can say that almost 45% of the world’s population is using social media and social media platforms have become the most important platforms for the brands in order to advertise themselves. Now, the problem is that there are also some people who are permanently leaving their social media accounts. Therefore, we should not only restrict our business to social media only. Along with social media marketing, it is also necessary for us to use some other platforms like search engine marketing and email marketing. Its reason is that these channels will also be helpful for us to gain more sales.

2. Build Social Media Marketing Communities

To build social media communities is a big opportunity for the brands to engage with the audience. For this reason, you should try to share posts regularly. Its reason is that if you share posts regularly, it will ensure your presence to the audience members. Moreover, it is also necessary for you to cultivate and encourage interactions with the audience members by sharing these posts. That’s why we can see that almost all the big brands have large social media followings. When they share their content or links of their products with the audience members, they will get lots of engagement from their followers. As a result, they are able to increase sales of their products.

3. Influencer Marketing Will Continue To Grow

According to the results of a report, it is estimated that almost 60% of marketers will try to increase their influencer budget in upcoming years. Its reason is that most of the customers try to get a review from their friends and family members before purchasing any product. In their friends, there come their fellows, celebrities and expert persons in their fields. After getting suggestions from these friends on social media platforms, they will try to purchase anything without feeling any kind of hesitation. That’s why marketers should try to spend a huge amount in order to influence the mind of the people towards their products. For this reason, they can hire celebrities and expert people. These celebrities and expert people will share reviews of your products on their social media accounts. As a result, the customers will think that your products or services are genuine for them and they also try to purchase your products and services.

4. Shopping On Social Media

In this year, shopping from social media has become a trend and there is a possibility that this trend will grow in upcoming time. Nowadays, it is possible for the customers to purchase anything online from social media sites just by sharing their credit card information. There is a possibility that almost all the big brands will try to provide an opportunity for online shopping to their social media followers. Moreover, it will also be easy for small businessmen and startups to sell their products and services on social media. As there are millions of social media users, therefore, if you are able to do social media marketing in true senses, you will be able to gain more sales of your products and services.

5. Stories Will Become Marketers Darlings

First of all, these stories were popular only in SnapChat but now, these stories are equally important on Instagram, Facebook and YouTube. With the help of these stories, it is easy for users to share hot news. In a similar way, stories are also helpful for social media marketers in order to increase the sales of their companies. With the help of these stories, they will try to share the most important sales and discount offers. By seeing these sales and discount offers, the customers will try to avail these opportunities. As a result, the sales of your company will increase.

6. AR Will Become Mainstream in Social Media Marketing

AR (Augmented Reality) technology is also getting fame among the customers as well as among the stakeholders. With the help of AR technology, it is possible for the stakeholders to provide special offers to their customers and it is also possible for the customers to gain these offers of stakeholders. For example, if you want to buy your home, with the help of AR technology, it will be easy for you to show the complete interface of your home to the buyer. That’s why it is expected that it will be a new trend in social media marketing in coming years.

7. Don’t Ignore Chatbots

First of all, when these chatbots were introduced, customers were able to get the answers to prewritten questions only. In 2019, these chatbots are linked with web and these chatbots try to provide the possible answers to the customers’ questions by searching these questions on the web. In upcoming years, it is expected that chatbot communication will grow and it will be possible for these chatbots to communicate with lots of customers at a time. By seeing this kind of effectiveness of the chatbots, it is also possible that more and more stakeholders will use these chatbots in order to communicate with each other.

Image credit- Canva

Benefits Of Selecting IG Based Theme For The WP Website Sun, 28 Oct 2018 07:52:17 +0000 Benefits Of Selecting IG Based Theme For The WP Website
Benefits Of Selecting IG Based Theme For The WP Website

When trying to manage your website for any reason, the first thing to work on is subject of topic, site or genre addressed primarily by your site. It can either be a blog topic or an online site to exhibit artwork. It can even be your much awaited commercial site. Depending on the type of work done on this site, the design must match.

There are so many themes, which you might have to choose based on CMS platform you have selected.  In this modern world, most people opt for promotion through the field of the digitalized channel. So, with the influence, social media has on people and their daily lives, you need to provide some attention to aesthetic and design of the website.

A simple form of web presence isn’t enough to attract traffic to the site. Apart from content and design, there are multiple search engine based parameters, which the site needs to have. It helps make the site rather visible whenever people are generally searching for services and products.

Introducing social media along with websites

The current periods have generally witnessed a surplus of people, spending a whole lot of time running through multiple social media platforms. There are so many forms of media platforms available like Instagram, FB, Twitter, Pinterest, Tumblr and more. These are some of the popular choices among people these days.

In case, you are planning for ways to ensure that work is made visible to the entire world, the social media source is the best choice you could have asked for. You can always get along with people, willing to be interested in your said work and promoting the same work through various platforms.

Right now, the craze is with Instagram, which helps websites of multiple genres to focus on images primarily and trying to design website, mimicking design and working on Instagram. There are some specified advantages associated with Instagram as below-

1. A familiar form of platform for the majority of viewers

With over 800 million active users on Instagram, you can easily state that people are quite comfortable on IG platform. They are also thoroughly enjoying it well. If you are planning to create a website which might grab the attention of viewers by content and design, and focusing mainly on images, then IG is the most preferred choice you can ask for.

  • Whenever viewers plan to visit an online site and finding it user effective due to IG practice, they are going to get addicted to site’s concept easily and will keep on surfing it for more details.
  • This is exactly what you need to deal with for ensuring that the website receives a proper boost in traffic.
  • The main focus is on the ways, the site works to hold the attention of viewers so that they will keep coming back for more and will check through the content that you are providing them with.

It is no doubt to state that the WP website will look rather catchy with the help of an Instagram styled base theme. WordPress CMS is one such platform, offering such IG designed themes to users easily and on time.

2. Easily designed to display images

In case, the website seems to be imaged based like photography blogging content, Instagram web theme is the way you should work on. It helps in displaying the pictures you need and in the most sophisticated manner. It works more like Instagram, which helps accompanying images with hashtags and proper caption, which in turn will help viewers find it easily.

  • These platforms will have designs, perfect for procuring more traffic from those, addicted to IG.
  • For ensuring that content is of a high standard to hold attention, you need to create impact and get more traffic for boosting SEO of the website.
  • It is vital to ensure that your site can be monetized to earn even more than usual.
  • Moreover, you need to gain some prospective clients, who are otherwise interested in products when impressed by images you are primarily sharing.

Therefore, it is always mandatory to pay some real attention while designing your online site. It helps you to gain some traffic, designed for your proficient business growth.

3. Dealing with the IG followers

You are cordially invited to create a business based Instagram profile to bring some more traffic home. It will gladly ensure that your site is promoted. IG account has to be promoted for gaining significant followers. It further ensures that the website is getting the major boost it actually needs.

  • If you are looking for that accurate plan to gain more traffic, then some promotions might work your work.
  • There are so many forms of social media platforms, which anyone can use. They will also have the accurate potential to become the primary solution to ensure that the online site can reach millions of new users through some specified keywords only.
  • Strategists globally see multiple social media platforms as primary choices for managing your current promotional needs. They further come handy with some innovative and new ways to tap resources of platforms.

So, the next time you are planning to create a website, which is made reachable by users, trying to head down for the social media platforms can prove to be a great way to promote the same.

Now for the concluding note

The market has so many types of social media platforms, designed to showcase items and procure legitimate traffic. In case, you are planning to create a website for content, then IG based theme design is a perfect way to try your hands on. It definitely ensures more viewers to your website or online site. It helps in ensuring that your current website looks catchy and attractive to viewers, making them come back for second and more rounds.

Image credit- Canva

People no longer experience a happy moment but an Instagram moment Wed, 17 Oct 2018 08:28:27 +0000 People no longer experience a happy moment but an Instagram moment
People no longer experience a happy moment but an Instagram moment

We are in the era where our workout motivation is not fitness but the likes of Instagram, Where we wake up way before an alarm clock to see the updates on Facebook.

An extremely new thing that is trending in the netizens world is when a couple break up they are now sad because the have some awesome pictures with their ex that they don’t want to take it down (prolly because of 100 likes/comments or something ) or some terrific pictures that they have in their gallery that they thought of posting not their first date anniversary or propose anniversary or any shitty day.

Top Instagram Marketing Strategies To Decimate Your Competitors

Moreover, the stark grievances arise when their rosy picture .. Oops .. My bad.. their rosy Instagram picture of pre-wedding , save the date, the D-day , and on the post wedding , kid coming anniversary are spoilt.

There is no denying that the social media is a platform to give a common man a celebrity stature in their own cocoon and we have no right to chide it … we all love this new attention.

From redefining our emotions to leisure time preferences “Baithe baithe kya Karen Karna hai kuch kaam .. post karde pic on Instagram “

Social media has been running amok on earth.

Ghastly, but true that now people are not worried about their breakup or losing a potential better half but are worried how will the cope up on their social media accounts.

Hey !  I am also one of them and all this that I am writing here is closely analyzed. Everyone at my home were very excited and talking about my marriage and I was busy picturing how my Instagram and Facebook will look like post marriage.

Me: Will it be tantalizing enough for others or will it be exciting enough to make others jealous enough?

You Will Be Surprised At What You Can Achieve Through A Proper Instagram Analytics

Well this is strange but this is happening, not slowly and steadily rather very rapidly and ferociously we are now turning into tech zombies.

No matter how irritated you are your social media status needs to be maintained to bring happy moment.

The faux pass of social media is here to stay!

Messymob (niveshmarket[dot]com)

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How to Become a Risk Capitalist and Angel Investor? Wed, 08 Aug 2018 09:20:39 +0000 How to Become a Risk Capitalist and Angel Investor?
How to Become a Risk Capitalist and Angel Investor?

Currently, within the world of start-ups or ventures of young entrepreneurs, the terms of risk capitalist, venture capitalist and angel investor are being managed, but what do they mean? How do they work? And above all, how important are they for these new projects?

Maybe you are attracted and probably think that with some experience in finance and/or technology you will be able to perform as such because then we give you the description of these two forms of work.

>>> Top 65+ Venture Capital Companies In India For Early, Seed And Growth Stages

What profile do you need to be a venture capitalist?

The short answer: it depends. Many venture capitalists are successful entrepreneurs or who made their way in that world. Recent studies conducted suggest that the average profile is:

  • Age: 46 years.
  • Gender: Male and White. (Unfortunately, they say, it’s not a very diverse industry yet).
  • Qualification: Own an MBA or a Ph.D.
  • Experience: They have previously done consulting work in finance, technology, investment banking, media or ventures.

Also refer: How to create and register a company for startup in India

Principles for the Aspiring Venture Capitalist

  1. Determine if this is Really What You Want to Do: Analyze the pros and cons, evaluate your budget and think that when you invest at the beginning you can live adjusted for a long period until you consolidate. If after this you are willing to continue, go ahead.
  2. Make Sure you have “The Real World Experience.”: It has three routes available:
  • Start a business or get a role in an incipient start-up.
  • Work for a large company in a relevant.
  • Join a bank or a consulting company.
  1. Go to a Business School: Although there are exceptions to the rule because there are good venture capitalists that have not studied, have done with practice, always study helps to become more reliable and trained. In the institutions, contacts are also obtained and that network in the future is the one that is valid for closing businesses.
  2. Build your Reputation: Start a blog or better yet create your website, produce content on the subject that you control and maintain a strong and consistent digital presence in social media. LinkedIn is the social network preferred by the venture capitalist.
  3. Have a Passion for Great Products: If you are going to invest, it is better to know about technology and the field of action in which you are going to play. Use the products in which you intend to invest. Get involved, know, analyze and you will make a better decision.
  4. Use your network of contacts in a useful way. Take advantage of every moment of meeting with an entrepreneur. Always take knowledge of the context of the industry and the benefit that could arise for both parties. Your network of contacts will only be as good as you demonstrate your ability to connect with people.

When investing stay in your decision. Being a venture capitalist is a long-term game and, like in any other profession, it takes several years to master the field.

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How to Utilize Technology to Help You Achieve Your Fitness Goals? Fri, 08 Jun 2018 08:58:49 +0000 How to Utilize Technology to Help You Achieve Your Fitness Goals?
How to Utilize Technology to Help You Achieve Your Fitness Goals?

Technology is all around us – so much so that we can use it in nearly every aspect of our life. Whether it is to search for information, communicate with others, or buy goods and services, there is available technology to help us do our tasks. So, it’s not surprising anymore that people are applying technology to their personal health and fitness regimen as well.

The following examples show how technology can help you stay in good shape and help in achieving your Fitness Goals.

1. Tracking Devices

Tracking devices are tools that let you monitor major components of your health such as nutrition, physical activity, vital stats, sleep, and more.

For example, you could use a heart rate monitor while doing cardio routines. Since it measures your heartbeat, you know how hard your body is working at that moment and if you’re achieving your workout target.

Most tracking devices come with apps that let you record and review your health data. This can help you tailor your fitness programs according to your progress or needs. If you don’t have a dedicated tracking tool, you can use your smartphone to download health monitoring apps so that you may track your Fitness Goals.

2. Wearables

Wearables are another tool that’s designed for health tracking. They are very trendy, so you feel OK wearing them.

Similar to health tracking gadgets, wearable devices allow you to measure practically everything about your health – the number of steps you’ve walked, how many calories you’ve burned, amount of sleeping or active hours, and so on. You can also sync your wearable device with mobile apps to help you stay on track of things.

Wearables may come in the form of watches, bands, or clips. Deal sites offer a variety of health products that help you stretch your budget. They are the trending devices to achieve your Fitness Goals.

3. Healthy Eating Sites

Planning your nutrition is another important aspect of your health and controlling your weight. Thankfully, there are now many health sites that help you plan your daily meals by giving you info about nutritional content, alternative food sources and ingredients, and healthy eating tips, among others.

Some websites even have services where you can order healthy meals on a daily or weekly basis and have them delivered to your doorstep. Such sources of information can also help you achieving your Fitness Goals.

4. Social Support

Health and fitness goals seem easier to achieve when you have social groups supporting you. You feel more motivated and excited to get out there and train with people who also want to get fit.

Social media sites abound with online groups for bikers, runners, yoga practitioners, you name it. These groups often organize events where you can meet and connect with other fitness enthusiasts and can achieve your Fitness Goals.

Those who are more involved in their health game go as far as organizing a friendly competition among group members, rewarding participants with prizes in cash and kind.

Indeed, a healthy lifestyle is one of the most important goals that you should focus on. With all the kinds of technology and tools at your disposal, it’s easier to live a healthy life and maintain your Fitness Goals for future also.

Image credit- Canva

How To Send WhatsApp Chat Without Saving The Contact In Contact List? Sun, 27 May 2018 07:41:28 +0000 How To Send WhatsApp Chat Without Saving The Contact In Contact List?
How To Send WhatsApp Chat Without Saving The Contact In Contact List?

Instant messaging platform, WhatsApp, is now a days used to send the instant messages to the individuals and groups who are saved in our address book and in contacts but what about those contacts to whom we want to send the WhatsApp messages once or twice and don’t want to save those contacts in our phone book or contact list? Now it’s possible in WhatsApp to send the messages to those numbers without saving them in the smartphone.

WhatsApp has come up with a feature ‘Click to Chat’ that allows users to begin a chat with someone without having their phone number saved in your phone’s address book. However, knowing the number of the person you want to chat with is a must.

Process To Send WhatsApp Chat Without Saving The Contact Using Browser

  1. Open your phone’s browser
  2. Type link, api[dot]whatsapp[dot]com/send?phone= and insert the person’s full phone number in international format, after eliminating any zeroes, brackets or dashes and don’t use + sign as well
  3. For example, api[dot]whatsapp[dot]com/send?phone=91 1234567890
    Don’t use: api[dot]whatsapp[dot]com/send?phone=+91 1234567890
  4. Press Enter key
  5. A WhatsApp window will open asking if you want to send a message to that phone number. Press on ‘send message
  6. You will automatically be redirected to WhatsApp with the ‘start chatting‘ window to the person you entered in your phone

This ‘Click to Chat’ works on both phone and WhatsApp Web for the individual chat cases only and does not work in case you want to engage in a Group chat.

Process To Send WhatsApp Chat Without Saving The Contact Using App

  1. Install and open the WhatsDirect app from Google Play Store.
  2. Accept the Terms & Conditions by tapping “Continue” button.
  3. Type the phone number along with the country code. For India, 91 is the country code.
  4. Type the message
  5. WhatsDirect app contains phone number and message, click on “Send Text” button
  6. It will take you to the WhatsApp where you can edit your message and hit the “Send” icon to send the message

These are the two easy methods to send WhatsApp chat without saving the contact in contact list. Recently, WhatsApp added new features and updates for the WhatsApp Groups. The popular messenger app has introduced five new improvements to WhatsApp groups which include group description, admin controls, group catch up, participant search and admin permissions. The WhatsApp users will now have the ability to leave a group permanently. Another important update called the “Restrict Group” allows WhatsApp group admins to send messages in the group.

Recently, WhatsApp Rolls Out Media Visibility And Contacts Shortcut Features For Android Beta Users. You can visit WhatsApp frequently asked questions (FAQ) section for more information on WhatsApp updates.

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How To Stop Facebook From Recording Your Call & SMS Data? Tue, 10 Apr 2018 13:03:51 +0000 How To Stop Facebook From Recording Your Call & SMS Data?
How To Stop Facebook From Recording Your Call & SMS Data?

Facebook is having a not-so-good time since last month as it has come under scrutiny from several government authorities for sharing user data with a third-party consulting firm. For the same #DeleteFacebook has been trending in twitter and many of us have of course deleted our Facebook accounts as well in the same row of data stealing.

Recently social media giant has also been in limelight gathering regular call and SMS data records from smartphones. It is also possible to turn off this feature by visiting the Messenger settings page for Messenger and Facebook Lite users. Follow the steps below to stop Facebook from recording your call-

If you want to see your Recorded data and delete it in Facebook, visit below links

  1. Login to your Facebook account
  2. Messenger users can visit the link and delete all contact information.
  3. Facebook Lite users can perform the same steps from link.

The social media giant reconfirmed that it never sells these data and the feature does not collect the content of the SMS or calls.
You can however, check what all data of yours has Facebook captured until now. All you need to do is to download the .zip file.

The steps to download data from Facebook are as below

  1. From your desktop, visit the page
  2. Go to account setting page, Click on ‘Download a copy’ link from the bottom at General account settings page
  3. Once clicked, you will see a ‘Download your information’ page with an option to click on ‘Start my Archive’.
  4. Clicking on that will open a dialogue box asking for your password. Once the password is provided, there will be a prompt saying that Facebook will notify you once the data is ready to download.
  5. Once ready, you can click on the notification and download the .zip file on the desktop.
  6. After downloading, extract the files and click on ‘HTML’ followed by ‘contact_info’
  7. Scroll below and see what all call and SMS data of yours Facebook has gathered over the years.

The document also shows what all advertisers are using your Facebook contact information. This can be seen under the ‘Ads’ option. There is also an option to see the same from inside the app as well.

Image credit- Canva

If Whatsapp Payment Feature Rolls Out For Everyone – Know How To Send Money To Your Peers? Tue, 20 Mar 2018 14:32:48 +0000 If Whatsapp Payment Feature Rolls Out For Everyone - Know How To Send Money To Your Peers?
If Whatsapp Payment Feature Rolls Out For Everyone – Know How To Send Money To Your Peers? (Image by Sallman Hayat from Pixabay)

UPI (Unified Payments Interface) enabled WhatsApp (acquired by Facebook) Payments feature is already live for beta users in India, however it is not rolled out for every WhatsApp user till now.

If this feature is rolled out for every WhatsApp users in India in coming days, then let’s know how to add banks/bank account to your WhatsApp, and how to send/receive money to your peers/friends and vice versa?

As reported, this feature is available on WhatsApp version 2.18.21 for iOS, and version 2.18.41 for Android.

The payment option uses the UPI interface, which is regulated by the Reserve Bank of India through its payment subsidiary NPCI (National Payments Corporation of India) – a regulatory body responsible for all retail payments in India.

Since WhatsApp is the peer-to-peer payment option, you can’t use this for merchant payments. Using this payment option i.e. UPI enabled WhatsApp, money will be directly debited from and credited to your account. Once your contact number is linked with the bank account and UPI, there is no need to enter the VPA (Virtual Payments Address) or bank account number or IFSC code. The same applies to your friends or peers in the WhatsApp group.

Requirement to do WhatsApp Payments

  1. Latest version of WhatsApp app on your phone
  2. Both sender and receiver should be running the latest WhatsApp version as well as have WhatsApp Payments option enabled
  3. WhatsApp number should be same as your mobile number linked to your bank account with UPI option support as well

Linking Bank Account to WhatsApp Payments

  1. Open WhatsApp
  2. Tap on three dots on the top right corner
  3. Tap on settings
  4. Tap on “Payments” just below notification
  5. On the next screen, tap on “ACCEPT AND CONTINUE”.
  6. Verify your mobile number using SMS, tap on “VERIFY VIA SMS”.
  7. App will send you an SMS and use the same and complete the verification process.

Now you will see a list of all UPI supported banks, bank name and the last four digits of your bank account.

  1. Select your bank.
  2. App will fetch details and show your bank account number. After this, you will see the message saying setup complete.

Change or delete bank account in WhatsApp Payments?

If you have multiple bank accounts and want to add, change or link another bank account then-

  1. Open WhatsApp
  2. Tap on the three dots on top right and tap on Payments
  3. Tap on “add new account’ and you will see the list of banks
  4. Once you select your bank account, it will fetch details and add the account
  5. You can either set up this account as your primary account to send and receive payments or you can remove also
  6. By tapping on bank, you will see the option of setting the bank as primary or secondary bank to receive or send payment

WhatsApp Payments – How to send money?

The best feature of WhatsApp Payments is that you can send money to your friends using individual chats, or you can send money to your friends in a group too as follows-

  1. Open individual chat (to whom you want to send money)
  2. Tap on the “Clip” icon and there you will find the option “Payment”, tap on it
  3. If the receiver has latest WhatsApp version and bank account configured, you can enter the amount followed by a note (a message) and tap on the send button
  4. It will ask you to enter 4 digits UPI pin
  5. Once you enter and authenticate then the money will be sent
  6. You will also get the details of the transaction from your bank as an SMS.

WhatsApp Payments – How to receive money?

As of now, this feature is not available, but it will be rolled out to all users in some time.

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WhatsApp-Google Duo-Facebook Messenger-Choose The Best Video Calling App Mon, 19 Mar 2018 09:32:48 +0000 WhatsApp-Google Duo-Facebook Messenger-Choose The Best Video Calling App
WhatsApp-Google Duo-Facebook Messenger-Choose The Best Video Calling App

With the increase in number of smartphones and increased telecom bandwidth in India, people are exploring video calling apart from the normal day to day calls with their dear ones. The voice calls are still a first choice for many and is hardly to be replaced by video calls, but that doesn’t mean video calls are a dud.

Most promising video calling apps are available for android and iOS users but the most popular apps in India that come with video calling feature are WhatsApp, Google Duo, and Facebook Messenger.

Let’s take a look of features these video calling apps are offering and comparing them as well that which one suits best in the field of speed and size.

1. WhatsApp Messenger

WhatsApp is undoubtedly the most popular messaging app. Currently it has over 200 million monthly active users in India only. The Facebook-owned app introduced the video calling feature in 2016.

During WhatsApp video calling, user can switch the cameras between the front and rear – the video being captured by your camera will be at the bottom right in a small rectangular widget that can be tapped to make full screen. You also see mute button, and a disable video call button, in addition to the end call button. In case you’re on a voice call on WhatsApp, you will now be able to switch to a video call by tapping a button in the call interface in the latest WhatsApp version for Android and iOS.

2. Google Duo

Google has several video calling apps such as Hangouts, however at the I/O conference in 2016, Google realized to focus more on messaging and calling apps. It launched the Google Allo and Google Duo apps at the conference.

Google Duo is comparatively simpler than WhatsApp since it doesn’t support textual messaging. It comes with voice and video calls only.

The Google Duo has an interesting feature called Knock Knock that lets the person who you are calling see your video before the call is answered. The app was recently updated with a fresh contact list and a recent list.

3. Facebook Messenger

Facebook Messenger was initially launched as one of the suite of apps from the social media giant. Facebook launched its Messenger independent of your Facebook profile however you can use Messenger with your Facebook account as well.

Alternatively you can sign up with your mobile number without having to create a Facebook profile if you don’t wish to.

If to think about which app is better, we can say Facebook Messenger has a lot more features than WhatsApp and Google Duo like lot of stickers, games, automated responses from brand pages, and chatbots, separate tab where your voice and video calls are saved, group calling, better interface, the video call screen has mute, video chat off and end call option.

Apart from above , there are two buttons Chat and Camera. Tapping on chat icon will bring you the chat screen while your video call is still running in a Picture-in-Picture (PiP) mode.

WeChat, a Chinese multimedia messaging app recently crossed 1 Billion download which is also offering load of features.

Image credit- Canva

Multimedia Messaging App WeChat Crosses One Billion Account Mark – Know What It Offers Fri, 09 Mar 2018 08:49:45 +0000 Multimedia Messaging App WeChat Crosses One Billion Account Mark - Know What It Offers
Multimedia Messaging App WeChat Crosses One Billion Account Mark – Know What It Offers

Ubiquitous social multimedia messaging app WeChat, developed by Chinese technology giant Tencent, has crossed the one billion accounts mark  as its messaging, game and shopping services attract more and more users worldwide.

The symbolic threshold was announced by Pony Ma, the founder and CEO of its parent company Tencent.

“WeChat’s worldwide monthly active users have surpassed the critical one billion mark,” said Ma, who is a delegate at the two-week session of the Communist Party-controlled National People’s Congress. “In the future we hope to use technological innovation to push forward the next developmental step of reform and opening,” Ma said.

WeChat falls behind Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp, whose active users reportedly stood at 2.1 billion and 1.5 billion respectively as of last year.

The popularity of WeChat—and profits from its addictive mobile games—have pushed Tencent’s earnings and share price sharply upwards.

Another popular feature of WeChat is its payment service, which allows people to pay at restaurants, buy goods from shops or even send money to friends.

Features of WeChat which made it popular

  • Multimedia Messaging: Send Video, Photo, Text, And Voice Messages.
  • Group Chat & Calls: Create Group Chats With Up To 500 People And Group Video Calls Up To 9 People which is just double offered by its rival WhatsApp.
  • Free Voice & Video Calls: High-Quality Free Calls To Anywhere In The World.
  • WeChat Out Calls: Make Calls To Landlines And Mobile Around The Globe At Low Rates (In Certain Regions Only).
  • Sticker Gallery: Hundreds Of Free, Fun, Animated Stickers To Express Your Feelings From Some Of Your Favorite Cartoons And Movies.
  • Moments: Share Your Best Moments On Your Personal Photo Stream.
  • Better Privacy: WeChat Gives You The Highest Level Of Control Over Your Privacy. It’S The Only Messaging App To Be Certified By Truste.
  • Meet New Friends: Use “Friend Radar”, “People Nearby” And “Shake” To Meet Others.
  • Realtime Location: Instead Of Having To Tell Others Where You Are, Just Use Real-Time Location Sharing.
  • Language Support: Localized In 20 Different Languages And Can Translate Messages To Any Language.
  • More other features like Desktop App, Custom Wallpapers, Custom Notifications, And Official Accounts make it more interesting among other chatting and multimedia apps.

Recently its rival WhatsApp added new feature to delete the sent message to everyone and extended its time limit.

Image credit- Canva

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Handling Disturbances Caused By Others – The Cockroach Theory For Self Development By Sundar Pichai Thu, 14 Jan 2016 10:39:03 +0000 Handling Disturbances Caused By Others - The Cockroach Theory For Self Development By Sundar Pichai
Handling Disturbances Caused By Others – The Cockroach Theory For Self Development By Sundar Pichai

At a restaurant, a cockroach suddenly flew from somewhere and sat on a lady. She started screaming out of fear.

With a panic stricken face and trembling voice, she started jumping, with both her hands desperately trying to get rid of the cockroach.

Her reaction was contagious, as everyone in her group also got panicky.

The lady finally managed to push the cockroach away but …it landed on another lady in the group.

The cockroach theory for self development and handling disturbances

Now, it was the turn of the other lady in the group to continue the drama.

The waiter rushed forward to their rescue.

In the relay of throwing, the cockroach next fell upon the waiter.

The waiter stood firm, composed himself and observed the behavior of the cockroach on his shirt.

When he was confident enough, he grabbed it with his fingers and threw it out of the restaurant.

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Sipping my coffee and watching the amusement, the antenna of my mind picked up a few thoughts and started wondering, was the cockroach responsible for their histrionic behavior?

If so, then why was the waiter not disturbed?

He handled it near to perfection, without any chaos.

It is not the cockroach, but the inability of those people to handle the disturbance caused by the cockroach, that disturbed the ladies.

I realized that, it is not the shouting of my father or my boss or my wife that disturbs me, but it’s my inability to handle the disturbances caused by their shouting that disturbs me.

It’s not the traffic jams on the road that disturbs me, but my inability to handle the disturbance caused by the traffic jam that disturbs me.

More than the problem, it’s my reaction to the problem that creates chaos in my life.

Lessons learnt from the story:

I understood, I should not react in life.
I should always respond.

The women reacted, whereas the waiter responded.

Reactions are always instinctive whereas responses are always well thought of.

A beautiful way to understand……LIFE.

Person who is HAPPY is not because Everything is RIGHT in his Life..

He is HAPPY because his Attitude towards Everything in his Life is Right..!!

Image credit- Canva

WhatsApp Web Client – You Can Access WhatsApp On Desktops Fri, 23 Jan 2015 01:46:48 +0000 WhatsApp Web Client - You Can Access WhatsApp On Desktops
WhatsApp Web Client – You Can Access WhatsApp On Desktops

WhatsApp (A cross-platform mobile messaging app which allows you to exchange messages without having to pay for SMS and works under subscription business model) has launched a web client for the web browser that acts same as the phone application does.

The web browser “mirrors conversations and messages from your mobile device — this means all of your messages still live on your phone”, said a blog post on the WhatsApp blog (https://blog[dot]whatsapp[dot]com/whats-app-web).

Steps To Access WhatsApp On Desktops and Laptops

  1. To connect your web browser to your WhatsApp client, simply open web[dot]whatsapp[dot]com in your Google Chrome browser.
  2. Open WhatsApp in your mobile.
  3. Tap on three vertical dots in upper right hand side in WhatsApp mobile.
  4. Tap on WhatsApp Web
  5. Scan QR code given at web[dot]whatsapp[dot]com in desktop/laptop browser from WhatsApp in your mobile
  6. Once QR code is recognized then pairing of WhatsApp on your mobile and the WhatsApp web client has established.

Since it is mirroring your phone, the device will need to be connected to the net at all times. there is no web client for iOS users due to Apple platform limitations. With over 500 million users globally, WhatsApp till now was available only on smartphones across operating systems Android, iOS, Windows and BlackBerry.

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Facebook Shortcuts Make Navigation Easy For Keyboard Users Mon, 19 Jan 2015 19:26:56 +0000 Facebook Shortcuts Make Navigation Easy For Keyboard Users
Facebook Shortcuts Make Navigation Easy For Keyboard Users

Facebook (Social Media) is a part of our lives these days. Everyone uses it to share their stuff with their friends on daily bases. We have collected some of the very useful short keys for Facebook which can help you to use Facebook more fluently and smoothly.

Facebook has shortcuts (access keys) for people who only use their keyboards to navigate. Keep in mind that keyboard shortcuts can differ by browser (ex: Firefox, Internet Explorer).

Find the right combination of keys for your browser in the list below, and replace # with the access key number listed under Access Keys below.

  • Internet Explorer for PC: Alt + #, then Enter
  • Firefox for PC: Shift + Alt + #
  • Safari for Mac: Ctrl + Opt + #
  • Firefox for Mac: Ctrl + Opt + #
  • Chrome for Mac: Ctrl + Opt + #
  • Chrome for PC: Alt + #

Facebook Shortcuts – Access Keys

  • 0 – Help
  • 1 – Home
  • 2 – Timeline
  • 3 – Friends
  • 4 – Inbox
  • 5 – Notifications
  • 6 – Settings
  • 7 – Activity Log
  • 8 – About
  • 9 – Terms

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Facebook Shortcuts – Keyboard

News Feed

  • j and k – Scroll between News Feed stories
  • enter/return – See more of the selected story
  • p – Post a new status
  • l – Like or unlike the selected story
  • c – Comment on the selected story
  • s – Share the selected story
  • o – Open an attachment from the selected story
  • / – Search
  • q – Search chat contacts
  • ? – Open a list of these keyboard shortcuts while in News Feed

Web Messenger:

  • CTRL + g – Search conversations
  • CTRL + q – Show/hide keyboard shortcuts
  • CTRL + Delete – Archive/unarchive conversation
  • CTRL + j – Mark as spam
  • CTRL + m – Start a new message
  • CTRL + i – Go to Inbox
  • CTRL + u – Go to Other

Facebook, Inc., an American online social media and social networking service company based in Menlo Park, California, is one of the most popular social media sites in the world founded by Mark Zuckerberg, along with fellow Harvard College students and roommates Eduardo Saverin, Andrew McCollum, Dustin Moskovitz and Chris Hughes.

Image credit- Canva

Frontback Photo Sharing And Social Networking App – Top 17 Photo Sharing Apps Fri, 03 Oct 2014 19:38:46 +0000 Frontback Photo Sharing And Social Networking App - Top 17 Photo Sharing Apps
Frontback Photo Sharing And Social Networking App – Top 17 Photo Sharing Apps

Frontback, among top 17 Photo sharing apps, A Photo Sharing App akin to Instagram (albeit with a much smaller user base), is expanding into the social media realm. Frontback lets you capture a photo of you and what you see. Take a photo with the front camera, another with the back camera, and share them both in a single image. It’s you and your perspective.

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The app allows users to share two photos stitched together as one — one photo taken with the front-facing camera and the other with the rear-facing camera, hence the name — and added both public and private comments on Thursday. Now users can respond to images they see in their stream, sending back their own image or video complete with text if they want.

It’s one of the first major product changes for Frontback, which launched just over a year ago and gained early attention thanks to celebrity users like Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey and actor Ashton Kutcher (an investor). The San Francisco-based startup, which took a $3 million seed round shortly after launch, has been relatively quiet since.

App Features

— Capture moments & events using the front and back camera
— Share photos instantly via all standard iPhone sharing features
— Explore many feeds including: recent posts, staff picks and posts your friends liked
— Follow friends, family or other community members
— Frontback Reactions: Interact with friends by commenting on their posts with text and/or photo

Frontback was recently acquired and is managed by a fresh new team with lots of new ideas to make ths fun photo social app more interesting!

One can download this app from Google Play store and App store for their respective devices.

Top 17 Photo Sharing Apps

  1. Instagram
  2. EyeEM
  3. Flickr
  4. PhotoBucket
  5. Snappr
  6. StreamZoo
  7. Trover
  8. TouchReTouch
  9. Cluster
  10. SnapSeed by Google (developed by Nik Software), SnapSeed Android, SnapSeed iOS
  11. VSCO
  12. Tumblr
  13. AfterFocus
  14. FacebookMoments
  15. Google Photos
  16. ImGur
  17. Foap

Image credit- Canva
