Funding Archives - Newskart Stories on Business, Technology, Startups, Funding, Career & Jobs Wed, 14 Feb 2024 11:54:49 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Funding Archives - Newskart 32 32 157239825 Personal Loans A Tool To Pay Your Intangible Assets Sat, 19 Jan 2019 14:21:07 +0000 Personal Loans A Tool To Pay Your Intangible Assets
Personal Loans A Tool To Pay Your Intangible Assets

Personal Loans-For those having a low credit score, obtaining urgent financing for them is almost impossible. The abundant obstacles and denials on the part of financial groups are a difficult obstacle to overcome. For this reason, the personal loans represent the solution to this problem; processed in minutes, from anywhere in the country and without reviewing the credit history, these loans are helping thousands of people to solve their liquidity problems in a very short time.

Personal loans without a bank can be handled from any PC with an internet connection, so it is not important to go to any financial agency to begin them. In such a way, the approval can be easily given in minutes and the processing of money is possible the same day the application is submitted. A very easy procedure that makes possible; If you want to process it, you can do it as soon as possible from the same web page.

Why you should apply for personal loan?

There are many reasons why this type of loans can be a great help at all times: from making a late payment or cover an expired installment, to finance a party or to pay for an anniversary celebration; Whatever the reason, they are there to help you, granting personal loans without a credit bureau and without advances for those who require to face any kind of emergency that comes their way.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Personal Loans

Just as they are different products, each of them also offers very particular advantages and disadvantages.

These are the main advantages of each one

    • Loans: Their interest rates are lower, the amount can be high, and you do not need to specify the destination of the money and since signing the contract you know how much will be paid at the end of the term.
    • Credits: The credit can be extended and renewed once the amount available has been paid; they are useful to face emergencies and can be used for any purpose.

The disadvantages of each financial product are

    • Loans: They cannot be renewed, their administration costs are usually high, interest rates can be variable and sometimes a penalty for early payment is charged.
    • Credits: Their interest rates are high and subject to market variations, payment terms are short, interest arrears are charged if a payment is breached and poor management can affect the credit history of the contracting party.

Image credit- Canva

Seed Funding And Early-Stage Funding; Know The Key Difference Tue, 02 Oct 2018 14:45:33 +0000 Seed Funding And Early-Stage Funding; Know The Key Difference
Seed Funding And Early-Stage Funding; Know The Key Difference

Starting a startup or a business and implementing idea into reality needs funding in each stages since it is an expensive game which needs money as well as a lot of patience with solid determination to make the product or startup a Success.

Sometimes getting money funded to your startup is harder than simply starting or running a business itself. Fundraising is hard work every entrepreneur knows, as it need endless meetings, pitches, and negotiations on the desk of investors.

So if you are determined for the startup you have given life, the same determination you need to show in front of the investors. We have already covered the stages of startups funding in another article, now let us see the key differences in Seed Funding/Capital and Early Stage Funding/Capital

Seed Funding/Seed Capital

As we have already covered the seed capital in our earlier article link given above, however Seed capital is the first source of investment your startup requires when it is in prototype stage or you have developed an initial product i.e. a minimum viable product (MVP). The seed capital can be sourced from friends and family (F&F), crowdfunding, credit cards, your personal savings, Syndicate funding (includes a startup, a lead investor and backers), P2P Lending Platforms etc.

The purpose of the money you are raising at this stage is commonly focused on research and development for an initial product, team building and sometimes marketing also.

There are many angel investors and seed accelerators who provide seed capital to the startups against some equities and partnership for the certain percentage in your company. These angel investors and seed accelerators not only invests in your startup but also potential enough to develop and pitch your solution to potential investors of next level.

Before reaching to the investor, first take the time to prepare, research, and validate your idea then approach them for a higher likelihood of acceptance. Apart from above, there are many of the venture capital firms also who are providing seed investments to the startups.

Once you received seed funding, you should provide tangible deliverable and milestones and update the investor regularly on your progress.

Later, when the business is up and running and turning a profit, you can pay them back, or they can sell their stakes to others who are looking for startup investment opportunities.

Early Stage Funding/Early Stage Capital

After the seed funding, when the product has been completely developed or achieved the stage where this can be floated in the market or shipped to the customers and now you want to expand the startup by adding employees or streamlining your production. At this stage, you may get profit out of your startup but that profit is not that enough to cover the costs of daily operations and the expansion, then early stage of funding comes where preferred stocks are allotted to the investors.

Early-stage financing comes in two parts, either Pre-Series A or Series A financing. This stage of funding generates more funding than seed funding usually the risks are equally higher. Angel investors or Venture capitalists are most likely to invest in your business at this stage when the startup has assembled key management, prepared a business plan and made market studies.

Such funding stages are followed by Series A+, Series B, Series C… rounds for additional funding when the startup is getting profitable.

Series B funding is used to make your product more sophisticated, to create aggressive marketing plan and to compete head-on with competitors. During this stage, the criteria for funding is evaluating the profit forecasts, how your company stacks up against its main competition, and whether intellectual property is involved and if so, its value in the marketplace. The funding limits are higher than Series A, but the risks are somehow lower.

Image credit- Canva

Differences In Startup Funding Stages-A Complete Guide Sat, 29 Sep 2018 11:12:36 +0000 Differences In Startup Funding Stages - A Complete Guide
Differences In Startup Funding Stages – A Complete Guide

Having an startup idea and implementing that idea into the real grounds are different things and each step taken by the startup needs crystal clear vision and to solidify that vision into reality founder needs funding flow to let visualize the idea.

Money is the fundamental resource to keep the lights on, to build strong team, to build the strong product, to market the product, gaining traction etc.

Raising money/funding may not have been required when you started building the company, but in later stages it is required to gain the sustained growth and traction. There are different types of investors in the market to fund the startups, however different stages are there to understand to get funded from the investors and venture capitalists.

The five startup funding stages outlined below provide a foundation to get you started-

1. Seed Capital

Seed capital is the first source of investment your startup requires. Seed capital as one of the first Startup Funding Stages may be sourced from channels such as friends and family (F&F), crowdfunding, credit cards, your personal savings, Syndicate funding (includes a startup, a lead investor and backers), P2P Lending Platforms. No matter whom you raise money from, there is no free money, and interest on their investment in your startup should be clearly defined. You should provide tangible deliverable and milestones and update them regularly on your progress. The purpose of the money you are raising at this stage is commonly focused on research and development for an initial product, or a minimum viable product (MVP). There are different seed accelerators who are potential options if above mentioned channels are not fruitful. In my view, accelerators are one of the best options available who invests in both your startup and your potential to develop and pitch your solution to potential investors. First take the time to prepare, research, and validate your idea then approaching an investor for a higher likelihood of acceptance is the best idea. Apart from accelerators, there are many of the venture capital firms also who are providing seed investments to the startups.

2. Angel Investment

After the seed funding a startup taken and created a minimum viable product through it, now the time comes to let your startup grow and to this you need to increase funding. This kind of funding is required towards product development, marketing, expand your team to keep up the momentum. For this, angel investors come as a solution. If your startup is raising money at this stage, your business model canvas should be proven. At this stage, angel investors not only help startups in funding point of view but also they help the startups gain success, provide strategic assistance as well as play roles such as advisers also. Angels are different from other investment entities such as Venture Capital firms since they are using their own money and should be treated as such when solicited for funding. They may invest individually or also pool their money with a group. Since the money raised at this stage can be significantly higher than in the seed round, investors will also expect a compelling and well-researched pitch as well as partnerships such as equities in the startups.

3. Venture Capital Funding

Venture Capital Funding comes after the angel investment where the size of such funding is much larger. It is used to scale the business to new business channels, customer segments, or to increase marketing efforts for additional customer acquisition. At this stage, your startup might be either profitable or could benefit from offsetting the negative cash flow with this new wave of investment while the business continues to grow. Multiple rounds of funding such as Pre-series A, Series A, Series B etc. may happen at this stage of funding, and investors may also join the organization and provide additional expertise. In this stage also, various offerings such as equity, SAFE (Simple Agreement for Future Equity), and convertible notes are provided to the investors/venture capital firms. Since VCs are investing other people’s money, their job is to make a sound investment in businesses that are likely to yield a meaningful ROI for their clients. VCs make a careful and critical examination of startups regularly, so when you pitch to them, be engaging and be prepared.

4. Mezzanine Financing & Bridge Loans

This is the stage where your startup seems to be growing significantly with a commercially available product, revenue should be coming in regularly although the startup is not yet profitable. The raised capital at this stage is used towards expansion of startup to new horizons, new mergers, new acquisitions, or the founders may be preparing for an IPO. Investors at this stage want to see a clear road-map towards profit shortly. For example, mezzanine financing can cover the expenses that an IPO involves. With the profits made from the IPO, the mezzanine investor is paid back with interest.

5. IPO (Initial Public Offering)

Very few startups reach at this point where for many this is not the end goal. IPO is an option to expand their business further. All of the investors who have invested their money for equity until this point will ideally recoup their investment along with additional profit, some investors may retain their shares, and some of them sell their stock at the beginning to reap the rewards of getting in early. After the IPO, stock options for a growing company can be leveraged to attract top talent and the increased access to capital can provide resources to push the momentum of your business forward. Planning for an should begin 24 months before since all such as reconstituting the board, setting corporate governance in place, raising a secondary round if required, identifying and discussing with merchant bankers, getting the documentation right takes time. IPO market way is the route where company is in high growth business and gaining profitability and revenues.

Also read- How to create/register a company for startups online in India.

Image credit- Canva

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How to Start a Clothing Brand in India – A Complete Review Sat, 11 Aug 2018 13:24:38 +0000 How to Start a Clothing Brand in India - A Complete Review
How to Start a Clothing Brand in India – A Complete Review

Steps to Start a Clothing Brand in India is simple now, if you want to start your Own Clothing Brand Or want to Convert your Existing Clothing Line into a Uniquely Identifiable Brand among its customer, then you can refer every steps of this article.

In India Clothing Brand business is the most sorts out Business Industry which is more and Startups and Companies are doing whatever they can to start a clothing brand. To start a clothing brand you need a very good designs that can capture customers attention easily and great marketing strategies to secure clients for The Brand.

5 Point Guide to Finding the Right Collaboration Tools For Your Business

So In This article, we will Talk about “How to Start a Clothing Brand in India?” which will enable you create a clothing brand that will prove to be useful in gaining customers and capture a large clothing market in India.

1. Conduct Market Research

Before You begin your Journey Of Creating a Clothing Brand, you must be aware of How clothing industry works, what are Legal formalities that you need to take care of, What will be your Product and Which clients you will target, who are your Competitors, What equipment you need and Most Important what sort of Clothing Product you will offer for Sale?

The Market research that you will conduct you need to Make A report on that and Create a Business plan for yourself.

2. Approach Bank or Financial Institution for Funding

Now that you have made a detailed Business Plan, the next step is to approach a bank or financial institute to secure a funds for establishing your Clothing Brand. For securing fund, you can also take a gold Loan by keeping your gold ornaments as collateral Security. You can also apply for a credit card to fund your business. You can also seek Venture Capitalist and Angel Investor.

How To Register A Company or Startup Online In India

3. Business Registration and GST Registration

After you have secured the funding, the immediate step is to Get Business Registration. For business registration, I would like to suggest that you should always insist on getting a registration as Private Limited Company or Limited Liability Partnership or Registered Partnership. Also you are required to get GST Registration as you will be selling goods and services in India. To get Business Registration and Gst Registration, You can approach a CA, CS or ICWA Firm or Legal Service Provider.

4. Get Office Space, Store Space and Employees

After Business Registration, The next step is to look for a space where you can setup your office or Shop. For office space and shop, you can search online or can contact any local property dealer. You also require to plan and secure employee for your clothing business for this you can contact an experienced Human Resource consultancy or you can post job opening in online job portal.

How to Choose Internet Services for Business?

Branding Process for Clothing Business

Now when you have completed above steps it is time to convert your business into a recognizable brand. To make clothing line in to Brand, you need to take below listed steps-

1. Design Best looking Style of Clothing Yourself or Hire Designer

If you have Good education regarding Fashion Designing then you can design clothes yourself or you can hire a good designer that will design the best looking clothes for you.

2. Create Good Logo Design and Come up with Good Brand Name

You need to decide what will be the name of your clothing brand which has to be unique, catchy and easy to pronounce. Also you need to make a good logo design for your brand. For logo design you can hire good designer or freelancer.

3. Form a Good Marketing Strategy and Design Good Advertising Material

You need to form a Best Marketing Strategy for your clothing brand so that you can capture a large portion of the market. And also you need good advertising material to promote your brand.

How to make your online business successful?

How to Protect your Clothing Business Brand?

When you have created your clothing business into a brand, there is a possibility that your rival companies will try to duplicate your products and services or might modify your design and sell them to earn profit. To stop this from happening it is advisable to get a brand registration, Copyright Patent Registration and Logo registration etc. You can take help of trademark expert (such as myonlineca[dot]in) or any legal service provider company for this matter.

Image credit- Canva

Short Term Investments-Strategy For Cash-Rich Small Business Thu, 12 Apr 2018 14:40:46 +0000 Short Term Investments-Strategy For Cash-Rich Small Business
Short Term Investments-Strategy For Cash-Rich Small Business

Business owners have many opportunities and options for investment but their appetite for risk or returns should be carefully considered.

What do they want to accomplish with short term investments? Small business, before investing, should always determine the answer to these question.
The two most popular and reasonable answers to these include-

  • Preserving cash flow for the future of the business
  • Generating more capital quickly for the business.

Short Term High Yield Investments

Generating moderate returns and an exquisite means of storing funds, low-risk investments may contribute these pros in a small business. While high-risk investments aim for cash reserves. In high-risk investments, the main idea is to focus on the cash reserves for the future and ongoing cash flow and increase it with time or in the longer run.

While the best short-term investments always vary for small businesses, it is important to know the options that one has. For many businesses, it is better to invest cash than keep it idle in the reserves for later use. Hence the risks and returns should always be considered in best short-term investments.

Best Investments in India

Starting a business and growing it, is no cake-walk. It takes time, effort and money to run a business. While you can put all your time and money in your business, money is something which is not all yours and not all sufficient. You should have a cash flow for your business to keep running and growing and should Know your best short term investments.

There are so many businesses in the world which bust in their first year due to lack of money. Hence, investing in a small business and investing correctly is the key to a sustainable cash flow. For the same, you have to be aware of these Investments examples, short-term high yield investments, short term investment options with high returns, best short-term investments for small amounts of money, short term bond funds, best short-term stocks, best short term investments 2018.

Short Term Investment Options with High Returns in India

Here are a few tips on how to get started as a small business:

    • Apply for a business loan
    • If the loan is not sanctioned or the business idea is unconventional, use a crowd-sourcing website to invite investment.
    • Apart from the crowd-sourcing, other options for getting financing is: The governmental scheme, venture capital or private equity funding.

All businesses need a capital to work. This capital is used to various things including but not limited to employee payroll, research and development, paying the bills, and more. If there is no working capital the business is sure to get doomed.

Hence you should always know the best short term investments for a small business.

Best Short Term Investments For Small Amounts Of Money

1. Invest in Assets

A good long-term investment is that of property and assets are property which belongs to you. You can also build your warehouse with the assets. With time, the value of a property increases and after say 10 years, you can always sell the property if you want, and get your money back. You should also consider your cash reserve options before investing in it.

2. Mutual Funds

A fund manager manages mutual funds. These are good examples of investment for people with no experience.

3. Exchange Traded Funds

Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) are similar to mutual funds except for the fact that rather than focusing on individual stocks you are focusing on an index of stocks. ETFs can be bought from brokers.

Short Term Investments Minimize Your Outgoings

Returns on an investment vary from day-to-day basis. Depending on multiple factors including the current world economy the price of your stocks, assets and investments may go up and down. It is a good idea in this case to educate yourself about the finance industry a bit, and before a stock goes down, save your portfolio from crashing by taking the required actions.
Once your investment portfolio looks good, you can also look at ways to reduce your business taxes and control other outgoing expenses which ultimately help in a stronger cash flow of the company.

While there are a plethora of options available to choose from for best short term investments, nobody can be sure on which one works the best for whom. You have to be ready to take risks and try your hands at investing.

Image credit- Canva

5 Steps To Register Your Startup In StartupIndia – Know How And Benefits? Sun, 08 Apr 2018 09:26:25 +0000 5 Steps To Register Your Startup In StartupIndia - Know How And Benefits?
5 Steps To Register Your Startup In StartupIndia – Know How And Benefits?

StartupIndia scheme is a golden scheme launched by Government of India under MINISTRY OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY to promote and grow the startups in India.

Government of India has introduced very efficient policy to support startups & new business ventures with creative & innovative ideas.

StartupIndia is a campaign to promote banks for financing new ventures to encourage entrepreneurship and star ups with jobs creation. Announced by hon’ble Prime Minister Narendra Modi in his lecture on 15th August, 2015 from the Red Fort, to encourage entrepreneurs for creating jobs instead of doing jobs and increase employment in India.

The purpose of this Scheme is to restrict role of States in policy domain and to eliminate of “License Raj” and break hurdles like in land permissions, foreign investment, environmental clearances, political interferences etc. It was regulated by DIPP (Department of industrial policy and promotion).

1. Incorporate your Startup/Business

You must first incorporate your business as a Private Limited Company or a Partnership firm or a Limited Liability Partnership. You can refer our earlier post to get the help on Incorporating a company.

2. Register with Startup India

Go to StartupIndia website and follow the simple steps to get registered there as a startup. The entire process is simple and online. All you need to do is log on to the Startup India website and fill up the form with details of your business and upload certain documents. Give entity details, startup office address, authorized representative details, Directors and Partners details etc.

3. Documents in PDF format to be uploaded

A) A letter of recommendation/support

A letter of recommendation, from any of the below, needs to be submitted along with the registration form.(i) A recommendation (regarding innovative nature of business) from an Incubator established in a post-graduate college in India, in a format specified by the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP)

(ii) A letter of support by an incubator, which is funded (in relation to the project) by Government of India as part of any specified scheme to promote innovation

(iii) A letter of recommendation (regarding innovative nature of business), from an Incubator, recognized by the Government of India in DIPP specified format

(iv) A letter of funding of not less than 20% in equity, by any Incubation Fund/Angel Fund/Private Equity Fund/Accelerator/Angel Network, duly registered with SEBI that endorses innovative nature of the business

(v) A letter of funding by Government of India or any State Government as part of any specified scheme to promote innovation

(vi) A patent filed and published in the Journal by the Indian Patent Office in areas affiliated with the nature of the business being promoted.

B) Incorporation/Registration Certificate

You need to upload the certificate of incorporation of your company/LLP (Registration Certificate in case of partnership)

C) Description of your business in brief

A brief description of the innovative nature of your products/services.

    1. If you want to avail Tax benefits under this scheme: Startups are exempted from income tax for 3 years. But to avail these benefits entity must be certified by the Inter-Ministerial Board (IMB). Start-ups recognized by DIPP, Govt. of India can now directly avail IPR related benefits without requiring any additional certification from IMB. There are certain other conditions as well like the entity must be incorporated on or after the 1st day of April, 2016 but before the 1st day of April, 2019, and must be working towards innovation, development or improvement of products or processes or services, or should be a scalable business model with a high potential of employment generation or wealth creation.
    2. Finally self-certify for below steps-
      A) Entity must be a Private Limited Company, Partnership firm or a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) B) Turnover must be less than 25 crores per year. C) Innovation is a must– the business must be working towards innovating something new or significantly improving the existing used technology. D) Your business must not be as a result of splitting up or reconstruction of an existing business.

Apart from the tax benefits startups get after registering in this program, startups also get funding support. Government has set up a fund with an initial corpus of INR 2,500 crore and a total corpus of INR 10,000 crore over a period 4 years (i.e. INR 2,500 crore per year) for the registered startups under StartupsIndia program.

Recently, SEBI has also taken steps to ease Angel Funding for Startups in India. You can follow the above steps to register your startup.

Other than this, there are certain Startup laws every Entrepreneur should follow.

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Register A Company or Startup Online In India – Complete Guide Fri, 30 Mar 2018 09:39:35 +0000 Register A Company or Startup Online In India – Complete Guide
Register A Company or Startup Online In India – Complete Guide

Now-a-day there are number of startups opening and gaining success as well worldwide. Either it is online or offline, all the businesses and startups have to follow some/all of the guidelines laid out by their governments and related ministries/offices in their respective countries.

Register A Company or Startup Online In India

In India, registering a company or startup or any business has become quite easy. First and foremost, there are some official procedures a startup or a business has to follow in order to register them in Indian official records. MCA (Ministry of Corporate Affairs) is the central point where all the businesses/startups falls in and gets their registrations done.

Types of companies to register in India

  1. Private Limited Company
  2. Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)
  3. One Person Company (OPC, this is also a private limited company with one person as Director)
  4. Sole Proprietorship
  5. General Partnership

From above types of entity registration, if you have a startup in which you need to raise funding in future through equity as the most preferred way, entrepreneurs have the option to get private limited company registered which limits the liability as well.

Process to register a company

MCA in recent days made it very simple to register any startup or business as a company in a few days only whereas it was very cumbersome few years back. Companies in India are registered with the Registrar of companies(ROC) under Companies Act 2013. Please find below on how to go about these processes when you want to register your company-

    • You can apply for registration just sitting at home. The registration includes some must follow rules and some registration like Digital Signature Certificate (DSC), Director Identity Number (DIN) and filing for an e-form.
    • These are four major steps:
    • Acquiring Digital Signature Certificate (DSC)
    • Acquiring Director Identification Number (DIN)
    • Preparing and filing Form INC-32
    • Incorporate the company, obtaining PAN/TAN/GST identification number and opening a bank account

Ministry of Corporate Affairs Introduced SPICe or Form INC-32. With this form (INC-32) Company registration has merged few processes like Getting Business Name Approval, Director’s Identification Number (DIN) and Incorporation Application into one single process.

Documents required to register a company

Before applying for the company, documents are required from the members/individuals need to be associate/partner/director of the new company as below-

  1. Passport-sized photograph
  2. Copy of PAN Card/Aadhaar Card
  3. Latest Bank Statement/Telephone or Mobile Bill/Electricity or Gas Bill whatever available
  4. Voter’s ID/Passport card
  5. Notarized Rental Agreement in English
  6. No-objection Certificate from property owner
  7. Utility Bill for the registered address

Steps to register a company

1. Acquiring Digital Signature Certificate (DSC)

In order to ensure the security or authenticity of documents filed electronically The Information Technology  Act, 2000 demands a valid Digital Signature on the documents submitted in electronic form.

This is the only and safest way that one can submit their documents electronically. As such, all filings done by the companies/LLPs under MCA 21 e-Governance programme are required to be filed using Digital Signatures by the person authorized to sign the documents.

DSC is e-signature to help you complete the new company registration online. It Normally takes 2 days to obtain DSC after the submitting the documents.

2. Acquire Director Identification Number(DIN) through SPICe or Form INC-32

Each director of the company should obtain their identification number. As per the amendment act 2006, acquiring a DIN is compulsory for every director i.e. as such every existing and intending directors have to obtain their DIN.

Register yourself on MCA Website first and have a login id. The process includes Director’s Identification Number ( DIN number ), Name approval, Memorandum and Articles of association (e-MoA(INC-33) and e-AoA (INC-34)), Registered office verification and Appointment letters and declaration.

Once all these documents are ready, we have to file the forms for company formation after which we get the certificate of incorporation.

3. Create a account on MCA Portal – New user registration

This is about having a registered user account on MCA Portal for filing a eForm, for online fee payment, for different transactions as registered and business user. Creating an account is totally free of cost. To register yourself on the MCA portal, click on the register link.

4. Apply for the company to be registered

This is the final major step in a registration of your company which includes incorporating company name, Registering the office address or notice of situation of office and notice for appointment of company directors, manager and secretary.

5. Apply for company’s PAN and TAN

Once you get the certificate of incorporation, PAN & TAN is applied in the income tax department and finally open the bank account of the company.

6. Apply for company’s GST identification number

Depending upon the type and size of the business, you will need to apply for GST identification number.

This information may help you registering a new entity for your business and basic insight about the idea of company registration. Registering a new company online though a tough process and one needs to adhere various procedures and have strong knowledge of all if & but so better advised to get the help of any expert like CA/CS/Advocate who have experiences in this field. However, online procedures are not so tough now-a-days (as online help to do everything is available in the internet) which you can’t try…Good Luck

Image credit- Canva

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WhatsApp Web Client – You Can Access WhatsApp On Desktops Fri, 23 Jan 2015 01:46:48 +0000 WhatsApp Web Client - You Can Access WhatsApp On Desktops
WhatsApp Web Client – You Can Access WhatsApp On Desktops

WhatsApp (A cross-platform mobile messaging app which allows you to exchange messages without having to pay for SMS and works under subscription business model) has launched a web client for the web browser that acts same as the phone application does.

The web browser “mirrors conversations and messages from your mobile device — this means all of your messages still live on your phone”, said a blog post on the WhatsApp blog (https://blog[dot]whatsapp[dot]com/whats-app-web).

Steps To Access WhatsApp On Desktops and Laptops

  1. To connect your web browser to your WhatsApp client, simply open web[dot]whatsapp[dot]com in your Google Chrome browser.
  2. Open WhatsApp in your mobile.
  3. Tap on three vertical dots in upper right hand side in WhatsApp mobile.
  4. Tap on WhatsApp Web
  5. Scan QR code given at web[dot]whatsapp[dot]com in desktop/laptop browser from WhatsApp in your mobile
  6. Once QR code is recognized then pairing of WhatsApp on your mobile and the WhatsApp web client has established.

Since it is mirroring your phone, the device will need to be connected to the net at all times. there is no web client for iOS users due to Apple platform limitations. With over 500 million users globally, WhatsApp till now was available only on smartphones across operating systems Android, iOS, Windows and BlackBerry.

Image credit- Canva
