Social Media Marketing Archives - Newskart Stories on Business, Technology, Startups, Funding, Career & Jobs Mon, 11 Mar 2024 04:14:34 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Social Media Marketing Archives - Newskart 32 32 157239825 How to Create a Blog in WordPress-A Comprehensive Guide Tue, 03 Oct 2023 14:38:57 +0000 How to Create a Blog in WordPress-A Comprehensive Guide
How to Create a Blog in WordPress-A Comprehensive Guide

If you are trying online earning methods and choose blogging as career but surrounded with questions how to create a blog in WordPress then in this article I’ll explain everything in detail to clear your doubts regarding blog or website creation process, content creation process and monetization process. I’ll also explain the security of website or your WordPress blog so that no one can login into your site in an unauthorized way as well as how you can maintain your blog or website in a long period of time.

Creating a successful blog or website in WordPress is an exciting endeavor that offers you the opportunity to share your passion, knowledge, and creativity with the world even working from home. Many people around the world are making their livelihood through the blogging only. WordPress, a user-friendly and highly customizable web-based content management system, is one of the most popular choices by bloggers worldwide.

In this comprehensive guide, I shall delve deep into the process how to create a blog in WordPress from start to end, providing you with a thorough understanding of each step and offering valuable insights to ensure your blog or website not only comes to life but thrives in the competitive digital landscape. I will explore everything from choosing your niche to advanced customization and promotion strategies. You can look into small business ideas and creative small business ideas to select your niche.

1. Finding Your Blog’s Purpose

Before you embark on your blogging journey and to find answer how to create a blog in WordPress, it’s crucial to define your blog’s purpose and target audiences. This clarity will shape your content and set the tone for your entire blog or website. Here are some key considerations to keep in mind when deciding the blog’s purpose-

A. Choosing Your Niche

A niche is the subject or topic that your blog or website will revolve around. It’s essential to choose a niche you are passionate about or have expertise in. Your passion will shine through in your writing and keep you motivated to consistently produce quality content.

B. Finding Your Expertise Area

You can write the content of your expertise area very effectively so finding your expertise is important. If, say for example, you are expert in taxation and law then you can guide your audience in that area very well and that will be your niche. You can write hundreds of articles in that area. So better to stick to one niche than multiple at the beginning.

C. Identifying Your Target Audience

Understanding your audience is vital for tailoring your content to their needs and interests. You should consider demographics, interests, and pain points of your potential readers where your content and motivation can benefit them. Accordingly you should give direction to your content writing strategy so that it serves the purpose mutually.

D. Crafting Your Blog’s Mission

Your blog’s mission statement should succinctly express its purpose and the value it provides to readers. It serves as a guiding light throughout your blogging journey.

2. Setting Up Your Blog

With a clear vision in mind, it’s time to bring your blog to life. This chapter covers the technical aspects of setting up your blog, including-

A. Choosing a Domain Name

Your domain name is your website or blog’s web address. It should be relevant to your niche, easy to remember, and unique. Your domain name should be related to your blog’s niche and organization and should be like anyone can remember easily. Ensure that the domain name you desire is available and register it through a domain registrar. Buying domain name is easy but choosing or selecting domain name needs little efforts.

B. Selecting Web Hosting

To make your website or blog accessible on the internet, you’ll need web hosting. Several hosting providers are WordPress-friendly and offer easy installation. Before choosing web hosting services provider, compare hosting options based on factors like price, speed, customer support, and scalability. You can choose the web hosting from Bluehost, SiteGround, HostGator, and many other.

Many Webmasters use free WordPress hosting options due to certain reason but premium WordPress hosting is more feature and security rich.

C. Installing WordPress

Most hosting providers offer one-click WordPress installation which is one of the best mostly used web-based CMS platform. Log in to your hosting account’s control panel, find the WordPress installer, and follow the prompts. You’ll create an admin username and password, which you’ll use to manage your WordPress site from the WordPress Hosting Controller.

Note: If your Domain Registrar and Web Hosting provider are not same, then update the DNS 1/2 (Domain Name Servers) provided by the Web Hosting company in your Domain registrar account.

3. Customizing Your Blog

You can customize your website or blog using different theme’s capabilities, it plays a significant role which attracts and retains readers. In this chapter, we explore customization options-

A. Choosing a Theme

WordPress offers a vast library of free and premium themes that control your blog’s appearance. Choosing WordPress theme for blog website is crucial task. Browse online for various premium WordPress themes, check their design, features, compatibility, and price etc.

You can see the design and layout of the competitors site related to your niche for the idea purposes. Then make an informed decision to choose the theme that aligns with your brand. Install and activate your chosen theme.

B. Personalizing Your Blog

Customize your blog’s identity by adjusting settings like the site title, tagline, colors, and fonts from the WordPress customizer. Incorporate your logo and header image to create a unique brand identity. You can follow tips to create killing logo online yourself.

4. Essential Plugins for Your Blog

WordPress plugins extend your WordPress blog’s functionality. They are small software tools to enhance features, functionality, SEO of your WordPress blog or website. There are plenty of custom based plugins developed by different developers and thousands of free WordPress plugins available in WordPress[dot]org. I’ll explore must-have plugins for optimal performance-

A. Yoast SEO and All in one SEO and various other SEO plugins

You can select any of the plugin that helps you optimize your blog’s SEO by providing valuable insights and recommendations for improving your content’s visibility in search engines. They provide on page SEO optimization recommendations you should follow to optimize your content.

B. Akismet Anti-Spam

Prevent comment spam with this essential plugin. It filters out spammed comments, keeping your blog’s comments section clean and user-friendly.

C. Jetpack

Jetpack offers a suite of useful tools, including site and visitors statistics, security features, and social media integration, enhancing your blog’s overall performance.

D. WP Super Cache

Improve your blog’s page load times and user experience with this caching plugin. Faster load times lead to better SEO rankings and increased reader satisfaction.

5. Creating Essential or Legal Pages

Certain pages are essential for any blog. They are also called Legal pages. I’ll guide you through creating them:

A. About Page

Introduce yourself and your blog’s mission. Readers appreciate knowing the person behind the blog and its purpose.

B. Contact Page

Provide a way for readers to get in touch with you. A contact form or email address ensures easy communication.

C. Privacy Policy and Disclaimer

Detail how you handle user data on your blog. This is crucial for compliance with data protection regulations and gaining your readers’ trust. If there is any disclaimer from your side then you should write that in the same page or you can create a Disclaimer page in your site.

6. Crafting Quality Content for Your Blog

Once your blog is set up, it’s time to start writing articles or content. Write informative, engaging, and well-structured blog posts. Incorporate relevant keywords to improve SEO. You can take help of free keywords research tools to find the keywords related to your niche. Don’t forget to add images and multimedia elements to make your content visually appealing.

Your blog’s success depends on the quality of your content. If the content is informative and continuously updated then it will help users and they will come back for next article.

I’ll delve into the art of creating engaging and informative blog posts-

A. Writing Engaging Content

Craft compelling headlines and introductions to capture your readers’ attention but compelling does not mean bogus headlines and content. If you start betraying your audience by producing unreal or exaggerated headlines and content then you will start loosing them in the long run and your brand value will diminish in some time. Use storytelling techniques to make your content relatable and enjoyable. You can incorporate creative writing into your blog and monetize it.

B. Incorporating SEO

Keywords play major role in search engine ranking, you should integrate relevant keywords into your article to improve its search engine visibility. Yoast SEO can assist you in optimizing each post.

You should apply different types of SEO in your blog whether it is On Page SEO for your articles, or Off Page SEO for your overall site to make it search engine optimized and discoverable. On page SEO will optimize your content and off page SEO will help getting backlinks from other sites.

C. Adding Visual Elements

You should enhance your content with images, infographics, and videos. Visual elements break up text and make your posts more appealing to the audiences. Till this section you have completed your journey of how to create a blog in WordPress, now comes promoting, monitoring, improving, monetizing and maintaining  your WordPress blog. I’ll explore these points in following sections.

7. Promoting Your Blog

Growing your blog’s audience requires active promotions in social media, online communities. I’ll explore various strategies-

A. Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing your content means leverage social media platforms to share your content, engage with your audience, and build a loyal following. This will in turn increase your website traffic.

B. Blogging Communities

Participate in blogging communities and forums related to your niche. Networking with fellow bloggers can lead to collaboration opportunities and increased visibility.

C. Reader Engagement

You should respond to comments if any posted by the reader on your blog and try to engage with readers on social media. It helps readers that they are answered thus builds a sense of community & encourages readers to return.

D. Email Marketing

Email marketing practices is another tool to spread the awareness of your website or blog, if done properly then it brings good amount of visitors.

E. WhatsApp Marketing

WhatsApp marketing is yet another tool to spread awareness of your blog, it is web based App so sharing and accessing blog is easy in this mode of marketing.

8. Monitoring and Improving your Blog

Regularly assess your website or blog’s performance to refine your strategy, you can use Google Analytics tools to take help on user engagements-

A. Analytics Tools

Use SEO tools like Google Analytics tools to track your blog’s performance. Analyze data on popular posts, traffic sources, and reader behavior to make informed decisions. You can use SEO tools to increase overall performance of the site.

B. Content Strategy

Based on your analytics, adjust your content strategy. You should focus on creating more content related to your niche so it will resonates with your audience as well.

C. Consistency

Consistency is key to building a loyal readership. You should analyze your posting schedule that brings more audience to the website/blog and stick to a that schedule.

9. Monetizing Your Blog

While monetization is not the primary goal for all bloggers, many seek to generate income from their blogs. I’ll explore various monetization methods-

A. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is a way to promote products or service of other company through your channel via blog, website or online content platform. This enables increase in sales and in return you get your commission based on number of purchases through the affiliate link mentioned in your blog content. You can choose the companies products or services aligned with your niche and earn a commission for each sale made through your affiliate links.

B. Display Ads

You can put Google AdSense codes in your site’s pages and decide where you want to show the display ads in your site or blog. This monetizes your blog when user clicks on the displayed ads. You earn revenue based on clicks or impressions, Google AdSense is the most prominent medium to monetize the site though there are many other ad networks your can try.

C. Sponsored Content

Collaborate with brands in your niche to create sponsored posts or reviews. Ensure that partnerships align with your blog’s values and audience.

10. Blog Maintenance and Growth

To ensure your website’s or blog’s long-term success, focus on these aspects:

A. Security

Regularly update WordPress CMS, themes, and plugins to protect your blog from security vulnerabilities. You should implement security plugins for added protection.

B. Backups

Implement regular backups of your blog’s content and settings to safeguard against data loss. You can use any FTP (file transfer protocol) tools such as Filezilla to take backup of your site regularly.

C. Scaling Up

As your blog grows, you might consider hiring writers, expanding your niche, or launching additional blogs.

By following these comprehensive steps, you’ll be well-equipped to create, manage, and grow a successful blog in WordPress and will find all your answers on how to create a blog in WordPress. This article covers a-z aspects about creating a blog in WordPress, go through all the links given in this article to get the broader idea. Remember that blogging is a journey, and consistent effort and learning are key to your continued success.

Image credit- Canva

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5 Best Link-Building Techniques For Websites Sun, 14 Mar 2021 10:18:06 +0000 5 Best Link-Building Techniques For Websites
5 Best Link-Building Techniques For Websites

Want to gain better engagement on your websites this year? Read more about the best link-building techniques to improve your site’s ranking.

What Is Link Building?

Link building is a very important aspect in the field of Search Engine Optimization (SEO). It deals with the activities for improving the quality and obtaining more websites to link back to your own website. This is mainly done to increase the traffic and improve your website’s rankings on a search engine. More and more inbound links have always proven to be effective for a website to be considered as a trusted source of information. Link building is also quite useful for users to find out additional information by switching between different web pages online. However, to successfully acquire better rankings through link building, you need to learn about techniques and formulate certain strategies.

Benefits of Link Building

Link building is a major part of SEO. A digital marketer must be well acquainted with the activities of the link-building process. However, the process is not very easy. To improve your website’s visibility and rankings, you must have a thorough knowledge of how to specifically build links implemented with strategies. Since link building is such an effective tool for optimizing your website, here are some of the benefits we are going to know about:

    • Inbound links will increase your website’s traffic.
    • Link building gives you credibility.
    • It helps to dominate as an authority voice.
    • Offer higher profits and better sales.
    • It helps to improve SEO scores and higher site metrics.

Many studies and reports have exclaimed that pages with a higher number of backlinks gravitate towards better rankings and scores. However, you must also learn that if different varieties of sites are backlinks to your website, it proves to be more impactful than having a higher number of links.

Best Techniques for Link Building

Any individual or any organization having a website will want it to be well ranked and recognizable on Google’s search engine. As we have already discovered that link building is not an easy process, we must learn about the best link-building techniques and tactics in order to formulate it properly. Below listed are the top 5 techniques:

1. Guest Blogging For Link Building

For those of you not knowing much about guest blogging, it is one of the most popular terms known to the content marketing sector. If your organization has enough resources to create content for third-party websites, guest blogging must be your go-to strategy. Creating quality content for industrial websites will often make them allow you to provide backlinks to your website.

It is one of the best link-building techniques to drive more traffic to your website. However, you must ensure that you are creating guest posts for trusted and high-quality websites. The synchronization with such websites will lead to exposure of your content among a wide range of users and eventually lead to upgraded visibility of your own website.

2. Internal Linking

Another important technique of better link-building is by providing internal links. Internal links are basically linking that transfer you from one page to another within the same website. Although ignored at times, internal links allow users to find out more information about your website.

For making users stick to your website for a longer period, find out good keyword phrases on any page and link them to the home page or any inner page. The overall crawl and indexation are improved through smart internal links. It also helps with keyword rankings for pertinent content.

3. Infographics As Best Tool For Link Building

Designing infographics are of the most creative link-building techniques that can skyrocket your reach. It can be the best way to promote links and regarded as the best off page seo technique. Infographics are basically graphical representations like images, charts, etc., that are intended to provide a simpler and easier comprehension of the topic.

Once the infographics are created, they must be submitted to those sites for building links. However, certain factors must be considered to deliver these infographics successfully.

    • Create the infographics in such a way that it is pertinent and easy to understand.
    • Infographics are quickly loaded when you limit the size of these infographics to 1500-2000 pixels.
    • Choose a suitable header.
    • Include more charts and graphs.
    • Write a brief description indulging distinct targeted keywords.

4. Social Media

Social media today is one of the most popular platforms that is availed by every sector of the community. Especially for the digital marketing sector, the revolution that social media sites have brought is impeccable. And the most interesting part is that it can be an extremely useful technique for link-building.

Once you are active on these platforms, you can post, edit and share creative content that will acquire heavy traffic to your website through good quality backlinks. Improving your overall visibility and the quality of your link profile can be done by boosting engagement on social media sites. This will lead to a huge exposure of your site URL to many that can share your best posts among their target audience.

5. Link-Building From Trusted Sites

It is very important to note that you must use resource links from trusted sites of the particular search engine. Today, the web is filled with spam pages and sites. However, Google has made sure to display content from trusted sources only on their search results.

Having backlinks from a legitimate website will let the search engine know about their authority on the subject. It will eventually result in building your site’s reputation and take it to the top of the search results.

Final Thoughts

Even though it is difficult, learning about link-building is no rocket science. Based on my personal experience, I shared some of the top link-building techniques for you to try out this year. Since the pandemic, the digital marketing sector has experienced a boom. If you are very determined to grow your online business, then you can also try some all in one integrated marketing platforms which provide e-Mail/SMS/WhatsApp promotions also that will help you to take your business to the next level.

People have realized how important digital marketing concepts are in the future endeavors of the world. Thus, learning these link-building techniques will prove to be an asset for you and your brand to be successful.

Image credit- Canva

Top 5 Ways to Grow Your Business Using Instagram Marketing Tue, 10 Mar 2020 19:12:30 +0000 Top 5 Ways to Grow Your Business Using Instagram Marketing
Top 5 Ways to Grow Your Business Using Instagram Marketing

If you are not yet into Instagram marketing but you are in a business then you are running into a great loss. Instagram has been proven to be one of the best marketing platforms since its inception. This is an important tool that helps in the powerful marketing of their business. Instagram increases the visibility of the product in their business.

Do you know that you see more of promotions on Instagram (pls refer IG Analytics)than your friend’s vacation picture or your neighbor’s trip to Europe?

There is a lot more than what you actually see on Instagram, very efficiently and very cleverly your competition in the market is using Instagram marketing to sell their products more and also to make a strong brand presence in social media. Social media gives us huge connectivity but the difficulty lies in finding out who would like your business and you can get an idea about this on your Instagram page only.

1. Instagram Purchase 

It might surprise you that over 1/3rd of the Instagram users purchase products from Instagram directly. Sales are very important for any business, directly or indirectly all the businesses are dependent on sales. In the past 1.5 to – 2years the sale has increased through the Instagram purchase immensely.

It is the job of the sales team to increase the sale of their product but with the emergence of digital marketing and specifically Instagram marketing the sale has increased in the businesses. More than 70% of users have used Instagram to increase their purchase all across the world. Among the 75% of the users take action which is also known as the call to action which means that they will visit the official site of the product and click further to check the service or the product.

Even if the user does not buy the product but the importance of the click remains, it takes you one step closer to your potential customer.

2. Inbound Traffic Increases

Instagram marketing increases your customer because without Instagram marketing your flow of customers will be limited to your website only. The increase in the inbound traffic will happen on the increase of Instagram Marketing. The latest and the best way to do digital marketing is through social media marketing which also includes Instagram marketing. There are different types of people with different backgrounds on Instagram and your product might cater to people of different economic strength hence the inbound traffic will be much more.

3. Conversion Rate Increases

As much the visibility of your business increases the more is the opportunity to convert. Every blog post or a like on your blogpost can reach your TG to your website.  This kind of marketing gives a better image to your business through humanization. Interactive brands or the brands that also do conversational marketing are able to much better in the conversion of their target audience. It has been proved that spending time with the consumer is much valuable addition to their business. In recent years about 66% of businessmen have successfully felt that lead generation is maximum through social media. This will also help you to get an understanding of what your product has and how can it be improved in the future.

4. Save Money

Social Media marketing, especially Instagram marketing save you a lot of money. If you want to create brand awareness through your Instagram account then all you have to do is make some creative posts for your site and post them on Instagram. This will save you a lot of money, Instagram Marketing is very much cost-effective.  Being cost-effective is such an advantage because you can see a greater return on investment and retain a bigger budget for other marketing and business expenses.

If you want to do paid advertisement then do not spend bulk in the first go. Spend little and understand what should you expect from this paid advertisement. Only then spend more when you know what will you get back in return for what you have spent.

5. Being a Leader

Posting some well written sensible posts on your official website can give you the privilege of being a leader in the future.  If you wish to be a social media expert then you will have to be much more communicative. Making good relation with your consumer or your customer is very important that will help you be a leader in social media.

When you connect with your consumer, it makes easier for them to rely on you and purchase your item on Instagram of social media itself. This will also help you become an influencer too in your social media.

The last but not the least! Get Started with the ideas, it is important to get started with all your like and share at least that will fetch you somewhere till you get into the business. Start finding out better SEO and you will be able to start your business from the peak asap.

Image credit- Canva

How to Boost your Social Media Marketing? Thu, 23 Jan 2020 18:50:00 +0000 How to Boost your Social Media Marketing?
How to Boost your Social Media Marketing?

Social media has played a vital role in many aspects of human lives. It has brought some positive and negative impacts. However, with all of these, the greatest influence it has in this modern world is particularly in the field of business.

The power of social media gave businesses the ability to reach out to a wider audience and bring more profit to the company. It has built more jobs and employment possibilities for everyone. Its power has been more than just simply communicating with one another.

Since then, many businesses used social media to promote their brand. It has become an exhausted and crowded market for many businesses. Trying to get your brand’s name out nowadays would be a battle, as it’s tough to compete with companies who have established their presence online. Furthermore, the constant changing of social media algorithms has been a problem too.

However, as frightening as these problems may be, there are still ways a brand can increase their social media presence. There are steps business owners or marketing experts can do or implement to grow their social media account and gain more customers.

Here are simple steps businesses should follow to boost their social media marketing strategies.


There is nothing more confusing than not knowing what you want. Goal setting will help businesses determine to focus on what they need to make their companies grow. Therefore, you have to know why you want to be there in the first place.

Setting goals doesn’t have to be complicated. It can be as simple as wanting to gain many likes, spark a conversation, or encourage people to embrace change. Even Harvard Business Review has mentioned the need to set goals.

This practice will help you focus on what you need for your business without distractions.


Now that you know what you want to gain from having an online presence, it is time to know who your audience is. There are many people on social media nowadays, but not everyone can be your customers.

You have to look at your company’s products and services that you offer. With this, you’ll know who will be your target audience.

It is easy to sell products to people who are interested in them than reaching out to every single people online. You’ll only be spending effort and not turning anything into a profit.


The need to know your target audience will then help business owners determine which platform to use. There are many online platforms or social media platforms businesses can use to promote their brand. However, not every platform can be beneficial for every business.

If your target audiences are teenagers, you can use social media platforms like TikTok, Instagram, Snapchat, and more.


After determining who you want to target, it is time to come up with your content strategy. You have to make something that your audience can connect with.

Nowadays, people don’t like content that sounds like they are trying to sell a product. They want something that they can connect emotionally. Therefore, creating meaningful content is the best way to grab the attention of your audience.

There are different content strategies you can include in your social media posts. You can use articles, videos, or images to drive your followers to engage in your content.


What makes one online business recognizable in social media than the other is that they plan their content. They don’t simply post anything online anytime.

If you want your post to get much like and to get noticed, you must come up with a social media calendar.

Making a social media calendar will help business owners or marketing professionals to know what to post daily. It will also help them avoid duplicate content.

Aside from making a calendar for your posting, using automated tools is also beneficial. With these tools, you can easily schedule posts even when you are busy. You don’t have to worry about forgetting not to post at the appropriate time.


Sometimes quality content is not enough. As a business, you have to make your audience know that you are human too.

There are ways to make them know the people behind the brand.

    • Comment on what people are saying about your brand.
    • Like their comments.
    • Show them behind the scenes or your team.
    • Share important information
    • Share a story about your company.
    • Show appreciation to your customers or followers.


Influencers have taken storm and have shaken social media. People become obsessed with them, that any recommendation they give is worth listening to.

These influencers are not what we used to know as celebrities or popular sports celebrity. Instead, they are people who made name online, by the use of social media. They have gained a lot of followers, and their reviews became a way for people to decide what to buy.

Therefore, many businesses tapped into the power of influencer marketing. They reach out and offer money or their product for these influencers to review or recommend.

The market for this strategy will increase this year, as many businesses noticed that investing in such will increase their return.


A simple post greeting people on holidays or posting content that is trending is one way to get more engagement.

The use of hashtags can be effective in creating content that will make your audience engage. Using these popular hashtags will draw more attention to your business.


Just like watching your website’s traffic, monitoring your social media content also counts. There are tools or software apps designed to do the job.

It will gather all the information about a post for you to know if it is working out or not. Knowing how a content works will help businesses to stop the guessing game and start posting relevant and sharable content.


If you want to jump right into social media for your business, there is no better time than now to boost your social media marketing. This marketing strategy has become such a great help to many businesses, and getting into it is a great way to start. Carefully follow the rules above and watch your business grow every year.

Image credit- Canva

Social Media Marketing Trends to Gain More Sales Wed, 25 Dec 2019 09:55:44 +0000 Social Media Marketing Trends to Gain More Sales
Social Media Marketing Trends to Gain More Sales

Social media marketing and digital marketing go hand in hand. That’s why social media marketing and digital marketing both are known as digital campaigns. No doubt, habits change over time and new platforms also come into existence. All of these platforms exert some impacts on the behavior of the people. That’s why marketers also take an overview of the behavior of the people and try to use such techniques that are helpful for them to grab the attention of the audience. Here, we will discuss how social media marketing trends are helpful for people to gain more traffic.

1. The Digital Detox

According to a report, there are almost 3.484 billion social media users all around the world. The most interesting thing is that there is a 9% increase in social media users as compared to the last year. Therefore, we can say that almost 45% of the world’s population is using social media and social media platforms have become the most important platforms for the brands in order to advertise themselves. Now, the problem is that there are also some people who are permanently leaving their social media accounts. Therefore, we should not only restrict our business to social media only. Along with social media marketing, it is also necessary for us to use some other platforms like search engine marketing and email marketing. Its reason is that these channels will also be helpful for us to gain more sales.

2. Build Social Media Marketing Communities

To build social media communities is a big opportunity for the brands to engage with the audience. For this reason, you should try to share posts regularly. Its reason is that if you share posts regularly, it will ensure your presence to the audience members. Moreover, it is also necessary for you to cultivate and encourage interactions with the audience members by sharing these posts. That’s why we can see that almost all the big brands have large social media followings. When they share their content or links of their products with the audience members, they will get lots of engagement from their followers. As a result, they are able to increase sales of their products.

3. Influencer Marketing Will Continue To Grow

According to the results of a report, it is estimated that almost 60% of marketers will try to increase their influencer budget in upcoming years. Its reason is that most of the customers try to get a review from their friends and family members before purchasing any product. In their friends, there come their fellows, celebrities and expert persons in their fields. After getting suggestions from these friends on social media platforms, they will try to purchase anything without feeling any kind of hesitation. That’s why marketers should try to spend a huge amount in order to influence the mind of the people towards their products. For this reason, they can hire celebrities and expert people. These celebrities and expert people will share reviews of your products on their social media accounts. As a result, the customers will think that your products or services are genuine for them and they also try to purchase your products and services.

4. Shopping On Social Media

In this year, shopping from social media has become a trend and there is a possibility that this trend will grow in upcoming time. Nowadays, it is possible for the customers to purchase anything online from social media sites just by sharing their credit card information. There is a possibility that almost all the big brands will try to provide an opportunity for online shopping to their social media followers. Moreover, it will also be easy for small businessmen and startups to sell their products and services on social media. As there are millions of social media users, therefore, if you are able to do social media marketing in true senses, you will be able to gain more sales of your products and services.

5. Stories Will Become Marketers Darlings

First of all, these stories were popular only in SnapChat but now, these stories are equally important on Instagram, Facebook and YouTube. With the help of these stories, it is easy for users to share hot news. In a similar way, stories are also helpful for social media marketers in order to increase the sales of their companies. With the help of these stories, they will try to share the most important sales and discount offers. By seeing these sales and discount offers, the customers will try to avail these opportunities. As a result, the sales of your company will increase.

6. AR Will Become Mainstream in Social Media Marketing

AR (Augmented Reality) technology is also getting fame among the customers as well as among the stakeholders. With the help of AR technology, it is possible for the stakeholders to provide special offers to their customers and it is also possible for the customers to gain these offers of stakeholders. For example, if you want to buy your home, with the help of AR technology, it will be easy for you to show the complete interface of your home to the buyer. That’s why it is expected that it will be a new trend in social media marketing in coming years.

7. Don’t Ignore Chatbots

First of all, when these chatbots were introduced, customers were able to get the answers to prewritten questions only. In 2019, these chatbots are linked with web and these chatbots try to provide the possible answers to the customers’ questions by searching these questions on the web. In upcoming years, it is expected that chatbot communication will grow and it will be possible for these chatbots to communicate with lots of customers at a time. By seeing this kind of effectiveness of the chatbots, it is also possible that more and more stakeholders will use these chatbots in order to communicate with each other.

Image credit- Canva

Flipboard A Huge Traffic Generator To Your Blog-Know How? Sat, 14 Sep 2019 14:39:04 +0000 Flipboard A Huge Traffic Generator To Your Blog-Know How?
Flipboard A Huge Traffic Generator To Your Blog-Know How?

Are you still searching for ways to generate traffic to your blog? Then, you will surely feel good here. You can go through here the simplest guidelines to get traffic to your blog using Flipboard Magazines. All you need to do just read the tutorial attentively from top to bottom and implement the tricks one by one.

So let’s start from “What is Flipboard?” Then, we will head to “How to generate traffic using Flipboard to your digital marketing blog?”

What is Flipboard?

Flipboard is popularly pronounced as social networking and news aggregation platform designed in magazine-style. However, Flipboard a huge traffic generator software is quite distinct from other traditional print magazines. Flipboard Magazines personalize you content as per your interest and displays relevant stories in magazine-style layout which is easy to read and interact with.

Users are also allowed to create their own digital magazine and share among relevant visitors. Due to all these amazing features of Flipboard App, it has now become one of the most popular and the first choice for bloggers and publishers. Additionally, users can run the Flipboard app on several hand-held and desktop computer devices. This is why this app is commonly used by bloggers or website owners to generate targeted traffic.

Next. You will know “how to generate traffic using Flipboard”?

Download Flipboard & Create Account

Before getting started with Flipboard, you need to download Flipboard App on your device and create an account. You should also make sure that you have selected the relevant topics as per your interest during signup. If you already have, just head to user panel after login.

Create Magazine from User Panel

Once you create an account on Flipboard, you are free to get started with. Create magazines on Flipboard on the relevant or the topics of your interest. Make sure to include long-tail keywords on title and description section. This would help you to drive traffic to your blog or website

Follow and Flip to Other’s Relevant Magazines

This is the most crucial step to generate traffic to your website and blog posts. Flipboard is the widest platform having more than 300K magazines on millions of topics. Bloggers can easily generate traffic by following the other’s magazines on their relevant topics. This trick will display your profile as well as your magazine among the millions of people active on Flipboard.

Flip is the function of Flipboard to share your content publicly. Almost all of your Flipboard followers can see your magazine and drive to your website or blog. So, this is why Flipboard, nowadays, has become the right choice for all looking for the ways “How to drive traffic to new digital marketing blog or website?”

Leave Comment While Flipping

Don’t forget to type some short comment while you share your content (Flipping). This will help others to know what you have in your magazine. Most of the followers having interest in your topic will go through your magazine and drive to your own blog or website.

Ping Your Flips

Once you Flip or share your post, you can ping your sharable link. Lots of ping submission sites are available across internet. Use the best rated ping submission sites such as Pingomatic, Indexkings, Pingler, Totalping .., etc. This can make your flipboard Magazine visible across internet.

Image credit- Canva

Boosting Website Traffic with Social Media Marketing Wed, 28 Nov 2018 07:37:50 +0000 Boosting Website Traffic with Social Media Marketing
Boosting Website Traffic with Social Media Marketing

The main reason as to why businesses are using social media marketing is for increasing the website traffic. Though this is definitely not theoretical, if social media is used in the correct manner, it can undoubtedly become the greatest source of website traffic, which will allow you to establish a business or a blog successfully.

Given below is a list of the ways as to how social media marketing is capable of driving in more traffic to the websites.

1. Adding the URL of your website to the social media profiles

Ensure that you have inserted the website link and it should be present in the bio or the about section. This is something that sounds extremely obvious, but there are a number of cases, where this is normally ignored completely. Adding your website link not only helps with SEO purposes but also it is beneficial for gaining more traffic.

2. Making use of hashtags (#) in an effective manner

Hashtags are capable of generating a certain amount of exposure for the social media postings. You should have a proper knowledge about the practices of using hashtags so that you can use them in an ideal manner.

3. Advertising on social media

The pages on social media as well as the number of users keep increasing regularly. This can have both a positive as well as negative effect on your business. It is positive because you will get potential users who will be interested in your business and it is going to become hard because you will get more competitors. A social media user can follow a number of pages along with a number of people but only a few posts are shown on the timeline. This is why it is crucial to get organic visibility for the posts. This helps in targeting the correct audience and will provide better results.

4. Your users should not have any difficulty in sharing the content

When a visitor likes something on your website, they can share the post with their followers on social media or their friends. Therefore, it is important that you configure the social media buttons in a proper manner so that they can share everything easily. You can gain real Instagram likes on your posts by visiting storm-likes.

5. Use images

Visual items like images and videos help in attracting more attention. This is why it is crucial that you use images whenever you are posting something.

6. Adding links

Only posting images is not going to work, you will also have to add links along with them. A good and attractive post should have a crisp and unique title, a nice description, a proper image, and most importantly, a link. This helps in increasing the credibility of both your posts as well as your business.

7. Ensure that you are not over promoting your company or products

Whenever you are posting on the business pages, ensure that it is not always about the services or the products. A time will come when the followers will start getting bored by reading how the company is going to benefit them. Instead, make the posts useful and interesting.


Keeping all these tips in mind is crucial if you want to gain website traffic and keep the traffic intact.

Image credit- Canva
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You Will Be Surprised At What You Can Achieve Through A Proper Instagram Analytics Wed, 31 Oct 2018 11:27:08 +0000 You Will Be Surprised At What You Can Achieve Through A Proper Instagram Analytics
You Will Be Surprised At What You Can Achieve Through A Proper Instagram Analytics

If you want to make the most of your business marketing strategy using social media platform, then you must go for a wider reach and better engagement. You can achieve this feat only if you deliver high-quality contents consistently through Instagram and real Instagram likes to the right target.

You can also achieve two more things:

  • Strengthen your connection with the existing audience as they will come back for newer and more content and
  • Enjoy greater engagement levels to help you leverage the algorithm of Instagram thereby creating more exposure with your content.

With the help of better contents and the platform itself, you will be able to cast a much wider net.

The Instagram Algorithm

The Instagram algorithm is considered to be notorious due to its non-chronological order of newsfeed. It makes leveraging it a bit difficult which is why people refrain from using it. However, if you can use it properly and know the right way for it, you can achieve your desired benefits and results. Remember, Instagram is not after you. In reality, it wins when you win, and therefore you must show engaging and relevant visual contents to the users for you as well as for the best interest of Instagram. This means that the users will stay on the platform for a long time.

It is for this reason that the algorithm scours through different contents on the platform to find the awesome ones and show it to more and more people. This will result in more viewers, and you can track the traffic on your website from Instagram. With better analytics, you can increase your reach and ensure better engagement with your followers.

Be more Strategic in Instagram

It is even more important to be more strategic in your business development and marketing campaign. Few specific ways to follow include:

  • Tracking the traffic flow from Instagram to your channel
  • Determine the next algorithm change to know more about your business presence and following
  • Try to direct as much as traffic as you can to your channel and have better control and
  • Send more visitors to your website.

It will take some effort on your part but you can use the Like4Like app and at the same time simply insert the URL of your website into your Instagram bio. If you do not then be sure that you are losing a lot of insightful information and data.

Few moves to make in Instagram

There are a few specific moves recommended if you want to gain the necessary insight from Instagram analytics:

Create a special landing page on your website for the Instagram traffic. As this is the first page users will see on your site, this must be created especially with an aerial view of your company. You may also use multiple links going in all directions keeping in mind that the users want to learn more having already reached the touch point on Instagram with your brand.

Traffic on Instagram is mostly mobile therefore keep it as clear as possible for more massive free Instagram likes and pleasant mobile experience.

Image credit- Canva

Building Business Mailing List-Getting Subscribers from Instagram Fri, 26 Oct 2018 12:05:20 +0000 Building Business Mailing List-Getting Subscribers from Instagram
Building Business Mailing List-Getting Subscribers from Instagram

From the very beginning of the concept of online marketing, email marketing holds the dignity of being one of the best and evergreen channels for marketing. Marketers identify e-mail marketing a very cost effective and easy to accomplish avenue which also offers assured ROI (return on investment).

Regardless of the marketing budget, anyone from an individual service freelancer to big corporate may use digital marketing as a quick and easy mode of promotion and personalized communication. Email is also an effective way to keep your customers updated about various offers and deals and also a powerful way to keep your prospective customers engaged.

Building a relevant mailing list

There are different ways to add and build your email database. However, there is no benefit in making a random list, but the need is to maintain a quality list of prospects who may be genuinely interested in your brand, products, or services.

There are conventional ways as you can place an easy to spot call to action button on your blog requesting the readers to sign up for newsletters. You may also embed an email capturing box for the checkout process, or collect user info through a contact form on the product page. Another smart idea is to give off some promo codes or special offers to those who sign up with their details.

Effectively segment your mailing list

Even though you have a top quality mailer list, your efforts may go in vain if you don’t have a proper e-mail marketing strategy. All customers are not the same for which reason all of them shouldn’t be fed with the same message. Segmentation of email database is the key to segregate different customer types and then ensure that each segment receives the most relevant signals based on their interests and priorities.

You have to master the art of creating personalized and tailor-cut messages which answer specific queries of various customers and fulfill their desires. The basic principle of segmenting the prospects is by defining:

    • Who they are, and
    • What they want or what they have done

Who they define the general demographics like as gender, age, location, and income, etc. What they want of what they’ve done is their previous action on your website. Further, we will discuss one of the latest avenue marketers use to build a relevant mailing list, the Instagram.

Growing your mailing list with Instagram

Social media, as a whole, put forth an excellent opportunity to explore new marketers and more customers by making yourself visible to them. Effective actions on social media can surely help generate more leads for your business. Instagram is a more of a self-enclosed network, but smart marketers can surely milk it out for high-quality leads.

The biggest catch in building an email list of followers for Instagram is that majority of these leads in this list may be your raving fans. The may have explored or bought your products and willing to sing up for further information. It can also be interpreted as they love your product and want more from you. However, few people consider Instagram as a mighty tool for lead generation, but it is, let’s explore.

1. Have an occasional mention

The easiest and straightforward way to build a list out of Instagram is to ask the existing followers to sing up for the mailer. However, don’t be so persuasive on asking them to do so and asking too often also may turn them off. It is advisable to create a post once in a while which highlights the benefit of signing up for the newsletters. Deliver some value to get a good response.

2. Gently take them off Instagram

Ensure that you create an alluring bio and put a link to your product or landing page. Don’t only send them off to wander around your webs pages, but be specific on leading them to a gentle call to action process.  It is ideal to create a particular page of the app for the cohesive brand experience. Give them a reason to join and put a signup form just underneath it.

3. Provide them a good reason

How can you get more people to click through your landing page and share their contact info? This is possible only if you put forth an irresistible offer to them as a good reason to do so. Bo beside just sharing a URL or a registration form, explain in your bio itself why you want to them to go off Instagram and check it out. All top Instagram bios are meant to attract people and then convert them into brand followers and subscribers.

4. Leverage ads

With Instagram ads, you can fulfill various business objectives and also get additional tools to focus on the right target audience. You may invest in creating a beautiful advertisement and a short description with a call to action to land on your website. Again, try to give away something worthy for free. It may be a downloadable resource, free sample of your product, or entry to a contest to win big prizes. Depending on the category of an audience of the target with the ads, even if it is the first interaction with your brand, make it memorable.

While doing this, also don’t forget to create a thank you page to track how many people reached up to that level by fulfilling your needs. Doing so will help you to track the actual conversion rate and then try to reword and optimize it to ensure maximum conversion.

Instagram can surely be a handy tool than the traditional platforms to help grow your email list and drive in more leads to your business. However, on this platform, you have to be a bit more creative and intelligent in execution.

However, even though Instagram is an excellent tool for e-mail database building, it is only one step to in your whole sales funnel. As Instagram is not owned by you, even if you have thousands of followers on it, you may have to focus on capturing their email address and build a database owned by you to establish a more reliable direct communication channel.

Image credit- Canva
