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10 Tips For Naming Your Brand Right

Brand naming is not magic! And no proven formula will give you the best results. What could make matters worse is your ability to second guess your choice and unavailability of the name due to trademark issues?
Skim through our step by step guide to ensure you never miss a trick when you are choosing an original name for your brand or product.
So put your thinking cap on and let’s get inspired on naming your brand rightly. Read on!
1. Crowd-sourcing is an option
Necessity is the mother of invention! And it is right. Inventive measures are the need of the hour when the going gets tough. If you are looking for a starting point, you can launch a naming contest. You are delegating to the crowd, which means a lot of potential for genuine and creative ideas. There are different crowd-sourcing platforms available on the internet. You can use your social media domains and friends cum family to ensure greater coverage. Get clicking today.
2. The domain name
Well, let’s be honest! The domain name is important and having the same domain name as your brand name is the perfect combination. But limiting yourself with the domain name is never a great idea. Instead, you can choose the perfect brand name for your product or service and go with a tweaked domain name. This bit of knowledge comes straight from the co-founder of Buffer, Joel Gascoigne.
3. Use of high point scrabble letters
A highly effective tactic for branding purpose is using the high point scrabble letters which include the letters Z, Q, X, J and K. These are usually the memorable letters for using in a brand name because they are seldom used and thus score highly for the novelty factor. Think no further than Zomato, Xerox and Kodak! Come up with palindromes, and homonyms for branding. You can even use made up words as long as it is serious.
4. Market research
Here is a novel tip for you. There is a straightforward way to validate a brand name. All you need to do is create two identical landing pages with two brand names that you have brainstormed for as the best fits. Start driving traffic into your landing pages using Facebook ads. After playing the waiting game, patiently, for a while comparing the engagement metrics. You can gauge the receptivity of potential customers with each branding. You can use online services to create the landing and lead pages. The Google consumer survey is there to help you as well.
5. The spelling test
Voice searches have been dominating the ad campaign market for a while now. Is your brand name foolproof from AI misspells and pronunciation errors? You should try all the available voice search platforms including Siri, Alexa, and Cortana to judge for yourself.
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6. A bar test?
This one is an expansion of the pronunciation factor of the brand. Get to the local bar or any hangout joint. Describe your company and your brand name to a patron when someone asks you. Your brand name fails if the person has difficulty pronouncing, remembering it or understanding what your brand stands for. This DIY hack might help you save your dollars on a re-branding hassle later down the years.
7. Research
A lot of research material and unique content articles are available on the internet. You can search for the branding history of all the major tech giants including Uber, SnapChat, Instagram and WhatsApp. Understanding what went into the naming of these popular brands can be a good guide for your branding solution.
8. The zippy “Z”
The use of the letter Z is uncommon in the English language. However, a large number of firms and service providers use the letter Z is their brand names. Zite, Zervant, Zycamore, Zattoo there are plenty of examples. The trend has caught on because Z is dynamic making the brand names sound “zippy” and memorable.
9. Downsides
There are possible downsides to every name. Firstly the name that fits your bill perfectly may not be available as a domain name or has already been registered at the patent office. Furthermore, you might come up with a tricky word, and the masses might be caught unaware of its actual pronunciation. You can invest in a professional naming agency to avoid all the hassles.
10. Preparation for surprise
You have to be prepared for surprises when trying to gauge audience reaction or results from an opinion poll. Try out the different methods and you will surely come across something suitable.
The branding is not your identity but the identity of the product that needs to connect with your audience. Explore your options today!
If you follow all the guidelines and tips then you would be able to create the naming your brand in a right way within few months.
Also Read: How to make your online business successful?
Image credit- Canva
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