Small Business Ideas Archives - Newskart Stories on Business, Technology, Startups, Funding, Career & Jobs Mon, 18 Mar 2024 19:32:59 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Small Business Ideas Archives - Newskart 32 32 157239825 How to Find Online Typing Jobs: A Comprehensive Guide Mon, 18 Mar 2024 19:32:59 +0000 How to Find Online Typing Jobs: A Comprehensive Guide
How to Find Online Typing Jobs: A Comprehensive Guide

Online typing jobs are becoming more and more popular in today’s digital age, giving people the chance to work from home and make money. Online typing jobs might be a good choice for anyone looking for a flexible work-from-home position, a stay-at-home parent, or a student looking for extra cash. To get hired for the typing job, you must be skilled in the English language, have a strong vocabulary, and write English well. In this article, I’ll look at how to locate online typing jobs and start making money.

  1. Recognize the Different Types of Online Typing Jobs
    It’s important to know the many kinds of online typing jobs that are accessible before you begin your search. These can involve writing material, transcribing, data input, captioning, and more. It’s important to know what you’re looking for because each category may require various abilities and payment amounts.
  2. Look Up Reliable Employment Possibilities
    Investigating and identifying real job openings is essential while looking for online typing jobs. Watch out for fraudsters and fake websites that offer big profits with little work. Look out reputable freelance platforms, job boards, and businesses that provide real typing jobs.
  3. Register on Sites for Freelance Work
    Online typing jobs can be found on freelance marketplaces like Fiverr, Freelancer, and Upwork. Make a profile that showcases your proficiency, experience, and knowledge in typing. Look through job postings and create alerts for typing-related opportunities that fit your interests and skill set. Send proposals explaining why you’re the ideal candidate for the position to clients who are hiring typists.
  4. Analyze Websites for Transcription
    Transcribing audio or video data into text is a common typing task performed online. Remote transcriptionists are employed by numerous websites and transcription companies to transcribe a variety of content, such as webinars, podcasts, interviews, and more. Look for transcribing opportunities and submit an application to become a transcriptionist by visiting websites like as Rev, TranscribeMe, and GoTranscript.
  5. Participate in Remote Employment Portals
    Listing remote employment possibilities in a variety of industries, including typing jobs, is the specialty of remote job portals and websites. Remote typing job advertisements from reliable firms across the world can be found on websites such as FlexJobs, Remote[dot]co, and We Work Remotely. Make an account, configure job notifications, and check frequently to see if there are any typing jobs that fit your tastes and skill set.
  6. Connect and Make Use of Social Networks
    You can also find online typing jobs by using social media and networking. Participate in online forums, networks, and groups pertaining to remote work, freelancing, and typing. Make connections with other freelancers, typists, and business experts. They might know of openings in the field or be able to recommend you to clients. To stay up to date on job postings, follow businesses and individuals on social media sites like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter and interact with their content.
  7. Engage in Job Search Engines
    For online typing jobs, job search platforms such as Indeed, Glassdoor, and LinkedIn Jobs are excellent options. To focus your search, make use of pertinent keywords like “data entry,” “typing,” “transcription,” or “remote typist”. You can create job alerts for typing-related positions, and check job postings frequently. For every application, personalize your cover letter and resume to highlight your relevant experience and typing proficiency.
  8. Think About Platforms for Microtasking
    Short and easy typing jobs are available on microtasking sites like Clickworker and Amazon Mechanical Turk, which you can finish for a minimal fee. Even though these jobs might not bring in a lot of money on their own, they can be a useful method to supplement your revenue during downtime. Choose from a variety of available projects, finish them quickly and precisely, and get paid to type.
  9. Start Your Own Typing Services
    Consider starting your own typing business and providing typing services to clients directly if you have advanced typing knowledge and abilities. Make a website or portfolio that highlights your offerings, fees, and examples of your previous work. Use networking, social media, and word-of-mouth recommendations to promote your services. You should customize your offerings to meet the needs of particular markets or sectors, such as academic typing, medical transcribing, or legal typing.
  10. Remain Patience and Consistent
    It could take some patience and time to discover online typing jobs, so don’t give up if you don’t start seeing results right away. Keep honing your abilities, enhancing your resume, and looking for work whenever possible. When you are persistent and proactive in your job search, you will eventually locate online typing jobs that are a good fit for your preferences and skill set.

Seeking typing jobs online can be a fruitful activity for people looking for flexible work-from-home jobs. You can look into several options to find genuine typing jobs and begin making money with your typing abilities by using these suggestions and techniques. There are many online typing jobs accessible for people with various skill levels and interests, whether you’re interested in data entry, transcribing, content writing, or other typing-related duties. If you keep looking, networking, and applying for typing jobs, you’ll eventually come across the ideal chance to use your typing abilities and make some cash online. But simultaneously be cautious with the fraudulent job providers.

Image credit- Canva

Top 50 Profitable Side Business Ideas for Working Professionals Wed, 13 Mar 2024 17:51:26 +0000 Top 50 Profitable Side Business Ideas for Working Professionals
Top 50 Profitable Side Business Ideas for Working Professionals

If you are a working professional and looking for some profitable side business ideas then you can find all these ideas in this article. By following these profitable side business ideas, you can make some extra income streams outside of your normal occupations in today’s fast-paced environment. You can start any of these ideas and you can diversify your income sources as well. You can follow your passion to increase your income by launching a side business. This way you may start earning extra money and make some savings. In this article, I’ll explore top 50 most profitable side business ideas that you can launch in addition to your regular employment.

“Never depend on single income, make investments to create a second source.” – Warren Buffett

  1. Freelance Writing
    You can offer your writing skills to businesses or individuals in need of content for websites, blogs, or publications. Freelance writers can start their own blog based on niche or your area of interest. You can do academic writing for a specific user base.
  2. Graphic Design Services
    You can provide graphic design services for businesses, creating logos, marketing materials, or social media graphics. Digital catalogues and campaign materials are high in demand now a days.
  3. Social Media Management
    You can assist businesses with social media account management by producing content, planning posts, and interacting with followers. You can take leverage of messaging apps such as WhatsApp and Telegram to earn money.
  4. Online Tutoring
    If you are skill on any topic then you can share your expertise by offering online tutoring services in subjects like math, science, or languages to the school and college going students.
  5. Photography
    You can start a photography business, offering services for events, portraits, or product photography. This can be started from home also where you can make a small studio for the product photography.
  6. Handmade Crafts
    You can create and sell handmade crafts such as jewelry, candles, or home decor items online or at local markets.
  7. Fitness Coaching
    If you are a fitness enthusiast then you can become a certified fitness coach and offer personalized training sessions or online fitness programs. There are many fitness apps and startups, you can associate with them also.
  8. Blogging
    You can start a blog on a topic you’re passionate about and monetize it through affiliate marketing, sponsored content, or ad revenue such as Google product – Google AdSense.
  9. Virtual Assistant Services
    You can offer administrative support to busy professionals or entrepreneurs by providing virtual assistant services.
  10. E-commerce Store
    You can set up an e-commerce store selling products in a niche market, such as handmade goods, eco-friendly products, or specialty foods.
  11. Personal Styling Services
    You can offer personal styling services to individuals looking to update their wardrobe or improve their fashion sense.
  12. Consulting
    You can use your expertise in a particular industry to provide consulting services to businesses or entrepreneurs.
  13. Meal Prep Services
    You can prepare and deliver healthy meal plans to busy individuals or families looking to save time on cooking. You can also target bachelors who are living in hostels and PGs, they may be either working professionals or students.
  14. Language Translation
    You can offer language translation services for documents, websites, or videos in different languages.
  15. Home Cleaning Services
    You can start a home cleaning business, offering professional cleaning services to residential clients.
  16. Podcasting
    You can start a podcast on a topic of interest and monetize it through sponsorships, affiliate marketing, or listener support.
  17. Travel Planning Services
    You can help individuals or families plan their vacations by offering travel planning services, including itinerary creation and booking assistance.
  18. Website Development
    If you are a Software Developer, then you can create and design websites for businesses or individuals looking to establish their online presence.
  19. Event Planning
    You can plan and coordinate events such as weddings, parties, or corporate gatherings for clients.
  20. Pet Sitting or Dog Walking
    You can provide local pet owners with dog walking or pet sitting services. You can also train the pets if you have certain abilities.
  21. Online Courses or Workshops
    You can create and sell online courses or workshops in your area of expertise, such as cooking, photography, or digital marketing.
  22. Personal Finance Coaching
    You can provide coaching and guidance to individuals looking to improve their financial literacy and manage their money better.
  23. Gardening or Landscaping Services
    You can offer gardening or landscaping services to homeowners looking to maintain or beautify their outdoor spaces.
  24. Music Lessons
    You can teach music lessons to students interested in learning instruments like piano, guitar, or violin.
  25. Mobile Car Detailing
    You can start a mobile car detailing business, offering cleaning and detailing services at clients’ homes or workplaces.
  26. Home Renovation Services
    You can provide home renovation services, such as painting, remodeling, or repairs, to homeowners in your area.
  27. Content Creation Services
    You can offer content creation services, including writing, graphic design, photography, or videography, to businesses or individuals.
  28. Fitness Classes
    You can lead group fitness classes in your community, such as yoga, Zumba, or boot camp sessions offline.
  29. Baking or Catering
    You can start a baking or catering business, offering homemade baked goods or catering services for events and parties.
  30. Web Design
    If you are specialized in web design services, then you can create custom websites for businesses or individuals looking to enhance their online presence.
  31. Life Coaching
    You can become a certified life coach and offer coaching services to individuals seeking personal or professional development.
  32. Online Reselling
    You can buy and resell products online through platforms like eBay, Amazon, or Etsy, specializing in niche markets or unique items. These services are called refurbished services. There is a good marketplace for refurbished products.
  33. Home Staging Services
    You can offer home staging services to homeowners looking to sell their properties faster and for a higher price.
  34. House Sitting Services
    You can provide house sitting services to homeowners while they’re away, including tasks like pet care, mail collection, and security checks.
  35. Online Marketing Services
    You can help businesses improve their online presence and reach their target audience through digital marketing services like SEO, social media management, or email marketing.
  36. Personal Training
    You can offer one-on-one personal training sessions to clients looking to achieve their fitness goals.
  37. Financial Planning Services
    You can provide financial planning services to individuals or families looking to build wealth, save for retirement, or manage debt.
  38. Tour Guide Services
    You can become a tour guide in your city or region, offering guided tours to tourists or visitors.
  39. Handyman Services
    You can offer handyman business services for home repairs, installations, or maintenance tasks.
  40. Language Teaching
    If you’re skilled in any foreign language then you can teach language lessons to students looking to learn a new foreign language or improve their language skills. You can take help of language learning apps.
  41. Resume Writing Services
    You can offer resume writing and editing services to job seekers looking to enhance their resumes and stand out to employers.
  42. Property Management
    You can provide property management services for landlords or property owners, including tenant screening, rent collection, and maintenance coordination. You can do property management for both residential properties and commercial properties.
  43. Fitness Blogging
    You can start a fitness blog or YouTube channel sharing workout routines, nutrition tips, and wellness advice, and monetize it through affiliate marketing, sponsored content, or ad revenue.
  44. Remote IT Support
    You can provide remote IT support services to businesses or individuals troubleshooting computer issues, setting up networks, or installing software.
  45. Investment Consulting
    You can offer investment consulting services to individuals looking to grow their wealth through stocks, mutual funds, or real estate.
  46. Craft Workshops
    You can host craft workshops or DIY classes teaching skills like knitting, sewing, or pottery to interested participants.
  47. Interior Design Services
    You can provide interior design services for residential or commercial spaces, helping clients create functional and aesthetically pleasing environments.
  48. Fitness Apparel Brand
    You can start a fitness apparel brand selling workout clothes, activewear, or accessories business online or at local fitness events.
  49. Online Coaching
    You can offer online coaching sessions or courses in areas like personal development, career advancement, or mindfulness. For this you can create a YouTube channel, take help of messaging apps, or can create your website to offer such services.
  50. Food Truck
    You can start a food truck business selling delicious and unique dishes to hungry customers at events, festivals, or popular locations of your area.

“There are three things you must do in order to become wealthy. You must have the right mindset, discover your purpose in life, and find a business that expresses that purpose.” – Andy Fuehl

The timing is now more than ever for working professionals to investigate profitable side business ideas, with the rise of the gig economy and technological advancements. There is a profitable side business idea out there for everyone, whether you have an artistic talent to share, are proficient in a certain field, or are enthusiastic about fitness. Utilizing your abilities, knowledge, and assets, you may launch a successful and profitable side business that supports your full-time employment and advances your financial objectives to earn money. Why then wait? Pick an idea from above list and start your business journey right now!

Image credit- Canva

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How to Create a Blog in WordPress-A Comprehensive Guide Tue, 03 Oct 2023 14:38:57 +0000 How to Create a Blog in WordPress-A Comprehensive Guide
How to Create a Blog in WordPress-A Comprehensive Guide

If you are trying online earning methods and choose blogging as career but surrounded with questions how to create a blog in WordPress then in this article I’ll explain everything in detail to clear your doubts regarding blog or website creation process, content creation process and monetization process. I’ll also explain the security of website or your WordPress blog so that no one can login into your site in an unauthorized way as well as how you can maintain your blog or website in a long period of time.

Creating a successful blog or website in WordPress is an exciting endeavor that offers you the opportunity to share your passion, knowledge, and creativity with the world even working from home. Many people around the world are making their livelihood through the blogging only. WordPress, a user-friendly and highly customizable web-based content management system, is one of the most popular choices by bloggers worldwide.

In this comprehensive guide, I shall delve deep into the process how to create a blog in WordPress from start to end, providing you with a thorough understanding of each step and offering valuable insights to ensure your blog or website not only comes to life but thrives in the competitive digital landscape. I will explore everything from choosing your niche to advanced customization and promotion strategies. You can look into small business ideas and creative small business ideas to select your niche.

1. Finding Your Blog’s Purpose

Before you embark on your blogging journey and to find answer how to create a blog in WordPress, it’s crucial to define your blog’s purpose and target audiences. This clarity will shape your content and set the tone for your entire blog or website. Here are some key considerations to keep in mind when deciding the blog’s purpose-

A. Choosing Your Niche

A niche is the subject or topic that your blog or website will revolve around. It’s essential to choose a niche you are passionate about or have expertise in. Your passion will shine through in your writing and keep you motivated to consistently produce quality content.

B. Finding Your Expertise Area

You can write the content of your expertise area very effectively so finding your expertise is important. If, say for example, you are expert in taxation and law then you can guide your audience in that area very well and that will be your niche. You can write hundreds of articles in that area. So better to stick to one niche than multiple at the beginning.

C. Identifying Your Target Audience

Understanding your audience is vital for tailoring your content to their needs and interests. You should consider demographics, interests, and pain points of your potential readers where your content and motivation can benefit them. Accordingly you should give direction to your content writing strategy so that it serves the purpose mutually.

D. Crafting Your Blog’s Mission

Your blog’s mission statement should succinctly express its purpose and the value it provides to readers. It serves as a guiding light throughout your blogging journey.

2. Setting Up Your Blog

With a clear vision in mind, it’s time to bring your blog to life. This chapter covers the technical aspects of setting up your blog, including-

A. Choosing a Domain Name

Your domain name is your website or blog’s web address. It should be relevant to your niche, easy to remember, and unique. Your domain name should be related to your blog’s niche and organization and should be like anyone can remember easily. Ensure that the domain name you desire is available and register it through a domain registrar. Buying domain name is easy but choosing or selecting domain name needs little efforts.

B. Selecting Web Hosting

To make your website or blog accessible on the internet, you’ll need web hosting. Several hosting providers are WordPress-friendly and offer easy installation. Before choosing web hosting services provider, compare hosting options based on factors like price, speed, customer support, and scalability. You can choose the web hosting from Bluehost, SiteGround, HostGator, and many other.

Many Webmasters use free WordPress hosting options due to certain reason but premium WordPress hosting is more feature and security rich.

C. Installing WordPress

Most hosting providers offer one-click WordPress installation which is one of the best mostly used web-based CMS platform. Log in to your hosting account’s control panel, find the WordPress installer, and follow the prompts. You’ll create an admin username and password, which you’ll use to manage your WordPress site from the WordPress Hosting Controller.

Note: If your Domain Registrar and Web Hosting provider are not same, then update the DNS 1/2 (Domain Name Servers) provided by the Web Hosting company in your Domain registrar account.

3. Customizing Your Blog

You can customize your website or blog using different theme’s capabilities, it plays a significant role which attracts and retains readers. In this chapter, we explore customization options-

A. Choosing a Theme

WordPress offers a vast library of free and premium themes that control your blog’s appearance. Choosing WordPress theme for blog website is crucial task. Browse online for various premium WordPress themes, check their design, features, compatibility, and price etc.

You can see the design and layout of the competitors site related to your niche for the idea purposes. Then make an informed decision to choose the theme that aligns with your brand. Install and activate your chosen theme.

B. Personalizing Your Blog

Customize your blog’s identity by adjusting settings like the site title, tagline, colors, and fonts from the WordPress customizer. Incorporate your logo and header image to create a unique brand identity. You can follow tips to create killing logo online yourself.

4. Essential Plugins for Your Blog

WordPress plugins extend your WordPress blog’s functionality. They are small software tools to enhance features, functionality, SEO of your WordPress blog or website. There are plenty of custom based plugins developed by different developers and thousands of free WordPress plugins available in WordPress[dot]org. I’ll explore must-have plugins for optimal performance-

A. Yoast SEO and All in one SEO and various other SEO plugins

You can select any of the plugin that helps you optimize your blog’s SEO by providing valuable insights and recommendations for improving your content’s visibility in search engines. They provide on page SEO optimization recommendations you should follow to optimize your content.

B. Akismet Anti-Spam

Prevent comment spam with this essential plugin. It filters out spammed comments, keeping your blog’s comments section clean and user-friendly.

C. Jetpack

Jetpack offers a suite of useful tools, including site and visitors statistics, security features, and social media integration, enhancing your blog’s overall performance.

D. WP Super Cache

Improve your blog’s page load times and user experience with this caching plugin. Faster load times lead to better SEO rankings and increased reader satisfaction.

5. Creating Essential or Legal Pages

Certain pages are essential for any blog. They are also called Legal pages. I’ll guide you through creating them:

A. About Page

Introduce yourself and your blog’s mission. Readers appreciate knowing the person behind the blog and its purpose.

B. Contact Page

Provide a way for readers to get in touch with you. A contact form or email address ensures easy communication.

C. Privacy Policy and Disclaimer

Detail how you handle user data on your blog. This is crucial for compliance with data protection regulations and gaining your readers’ trust. If there is any disclaimer from your side then you should write that in the same page or you can create a Disclaimer page in your site.

6. Crafting Quality Content for Your Blog

Once your blog is set up, it’s time to start writing articles or content. Write informative, engaging, and well-structured blog posts. Incorporate relevant keywords to improve SEO. You can take help of free keywords research tools to find the keywords related to your niche. Don’t forget to add images and multimedia elements to make your content visually appealing.

Your blog’s success depends on the quality of your content. If the content is informative and continuously updated then it will help users and they will come back for next article.

I’ll delve into the art of creating engaging and informative blog posts-

A. Writing Engaging Content

Craft compelling headlines and introductions to capture your readers’ attention but compelling does not mean bogus headlines and content. If you start betraying your audience by producing unreal or exaggerated headlines and content then you will start loosing them in the long run and your brand value will diminish in some time. Use storytelling techniques to make your content relatable and enjoyable. You can incorporate creative writing into your blog and monetize it.

B. Incorporating SEO

Keywords play major role in search engine ranking, you should integrate relevant keywords into your article to improve its search engine visibility. Yoast SEO can assist you in optimizing each post.

You should apply different types of SEO in your blog whether it is On Page SEO for your articles, or Off Page SEO for your overall site to make it search engine optimized and discoverable. On page SEO will optimize your content and off page SEO will help getting backlinks from other sites.

C. Adding Visual Elements

You should enhance your content with images, infographics, and videos. Visual elements break up text and make your posts more appealing to the audiences. Till this section you have completed your journey of how to create a blog in WordPress, now comes promoting, monitoring, improving, monetizing and maintaining  your WordPress blog. I’ll explore these points in following sections.

7. Promoting Your Blog

Growing your blog’s audience requires active promotions in social media, online communities. I’ll explore various strategies-

A. Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing your content means leverage social media platforms to share your content, engage with your audience, and build a loyal following. This will in turn increase your website traffic.

B. Blogging Communities

Participate in blogging communities and forums related to your niche. Networking with fellow bloggers can lead to collaboration opportunities and increased visibility.

C. Reader Engagement

You should respond to comments if any posted by the reader on your blog and try to engage with readers on social media. It helps readers that they are answered thus builds a sense of community & encourages readers to return.

D. Email Marketing

Email marketing practices is another tool to spread the awareness of your website or blog, if done properly then it brings good amount of visitors.

E. WhatsApp Marketing

WhatsApp marketing is yet another tool to spread awareness of your blog, it is web based App so sharing and accessing blog is easy in this mode of marketing.

8. Monitoring and Improving your Blog

Regularly assess your website or blog’s performance to refine your strategy, you can use Google Analytics tools to take help on user engagements-

A. Analytics Tools

Use SEO tools like Google Analytics tools to track your blog’s performance. Analyze data on popular posts, traffic sources, and reader behavior to make informed decisions. You can use SEO tools to increase overall performance of the site.

B. Content Strategy

Based on your analytics, adjust your content strategy. You should focus on creating more content related to your niche so it will resonates with your audience as well.

C. Consistency

Consistency is key to building a loyal readership. You should analyze your posting schedule that brings more audience to the website/blog and stick to a that schedule.

9. Monetizing Your Blog

While monetization is not the primary goal for all bloggers, many seek to generate income from their blogs. I’ll explore various monetization methods-

A. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is a way to promote products or service of other company through your channel via blog, website or online content platform. This enables increase in sales and in return you get your commission based on number of purchases through the affiliate link mentioned in your blog content. You can choose the companies products or services aligned with your niche and earn a commission for each sale made through your affiliate links.

B. Display Ads

You can put Google AdSense codes in your site’s pages and decide where you want to show the display ads in your site or blog. This monetizes your blog when user clicks on the displayed ads. You earn revenue based on clicks or impressions, Google AdSense is the most prominent medium to monetize the site though there are many other ad networks your can try.

C. Sponsored Content

Collaborate with brands in your niche to create sponsored posts or reviews. Ensure that partnerships align with your blog’s values and audience.

10. Blog Maintenance and Growth

To ensure your website’s or blog’s long-term success, focus on these aspects:

A. Security

Regularly update WordPress CMS, themes, and plugins to protect your blog from security vulnerabilities. You should implement security plugins for added protection.

B. Backups

Implement regular backups of your blog’s content and settings to safeguard against data loss. You can use any FTP (file transfer protocol) tools such as Filezilla to take backup of your site regularly.

C. Scaling Up

As your blog grows, you might consider hiring writers, expanding your niche, or launching additional blogs.

By following these comprehensive steps, you’ll be well-equipped to create, manage, and grow a successful blog in WordPress and will find all your answers on how to create a blog in WordPress. This article covers a-z aspects about creating a blog in WordPress, go through all the links given in this article to get the broader idea. Remember that blogging is a journey, and consistent effort and learning are key to your continued success.

Image credit- Canva

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7 Creative Small Business Ideas You Can Start At Home Sun, 14 Mar 2021 12:15:45 +0000 7 Creative Small Business Ideas You Can Start At Home
7 Creative Small Business Ideas You Can Start At Home

If you’re creative and want to start business then you’re at the right place where I’ve explored creative small business ideas you can start from the comfort of your home with minimal investment and workforce. So if you’re planning to start a business, but you don’t have a lot of money or time to invest in developing special skills then you should read these ideas. They’ll help you to get started easily from home. Creating and running a successful business today doesn’t require large investments or a diploma. You can start any creative small businesses from home without much investment or business knowledge.

Small business owners have many opportunities that they can successfully explore. They just need a great business idea. Not all good business ideas require an increase in budget, but they certainly need careful research before deciding on them. Be sure to take the time and keep well-thought-out marketing plans to get started.

Choosing a company is a purely personal decision. You can find many other options, but some small business ideas or creative small businesses that are more profitable can be a little tricky. So choose your passion wisely and make your dream come true. Here are some small business investment ideas you can use to start your own business:

1. Sell Products Online

You can sell a wide variety of products online, such as books and fashion items. Having a blog allows you to write about your products, the issues they have solved, and how to get the most out of them. Then people who visit your blog can get your products easily.

For example, if you have a book, you might want to share snippets and concepts from your book and invite the audience to buy your book so they can learn more about it. Some of the most common products sold among creative small businesses from home are books (paper and electronics), creative toys, custom printed T-shirts, arts and crafts, decorative items, fashion accessories, and more.

Selling products online is easy and one of the best among 7 Creative Small Businesses. You can list your products in markets like Amazon or sell them on your website. With the free WooCommerce plugin that turns your WordPress blog into an online store, you can create an online store linked to your blog. You can use numerous plugins to upgrade your Woo store.

2. Clothing Boutique

There are people who are well versed in fashion, can create different styles with any pattern and can look amazing anyway. If this person looks like you, your passion for fashion should be part of the business.

As with any other business, you need the right business plan, location, and trained people before opening a clothing store. When setting up your business, make a list of suppliers in advance and promote your business. Here are some tips on how to generate business name ideas for fashion companies.

3. Event Planning

Are you a very organized person who can work as to meet strict deadlines. Can you handle crises well and do you have good communication and interpersonal skills? Then event planning can be a great business idea for you.

Organizers seem to be planning events. However, you may not be aware of the possibilities. Businesses, hotels, non-profits, local authorities, and government agencies all need event organizers to put everything together from conferences to excursions. Or you specialize in certain types of events, such as a party or wedding organizer. The best part is that you don’t need a diploma to become an event planner.

Strong organizational skills, planning and communication skills, as well as the ability to meet deadlines is required. This type of business often develops orally, but you can create a page on Facebook, Instagram, or any other popular social network where you can brand your customers and gain popularity.

4. Online Tutoring

The online learning and tutoring industry is growing rapidly with advances in technology and the widespread use of the Internet. People who do not have time for full-time courses have started attending online courses.

Pick an area you like and help others gain knowledge in the virtual classroom. At every stage, people love to learn new things. So online learning can be a profitable business and one of the best among 7 Creative Small Business Ideas.

5. Print on Demand

If you are looking for successful business ideas, try printing on demand. In this case, you sell your projects for products such as cell phones, cups, and t-shirts, but you don’t print artwork. Instead, you work with vendors who print your design on the product. They even pack the product and send it to your customers so you don’t have to worry about logistics.

You only pay when you have sold the item. One of the fastest ways to get started is to create a Shopify store and install a POD program like Printify. From a market perspective, POD advertising with influencer partners is an effective way to reach audiences. To see if print on demand is right for you, watch our video where we start a helpful discussion with wholesaler Ted (a print on demand company).

6. Sell Online Courses

Material products are not the only things you need to sell to start a business. This can lead to complex inventory management and logistics, which also cost money. However, digital products such as online courses are unique and can be sold without significant investment. If you are an expert in a specific niche, create your own website, create online courses with valuable information, and sell them online.

Since it is not a material product, there are no reproduction or shipping costs. In other words, it is a very profitable low investment if your margin stays high.

The most important aspect to consider when entering this industry is choosing the right niche. The content of the course should be useful enough to make people want to pay for information. For example, if you have more than a decade of digital marketing experience, you can use your knowledge to create an online course to help companies improve their search engines.

For example, if you are a personal trainer or a lifelong coach, you can create additional courses and sell them online using a learning management system like LearnDash.

7. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

Do you have experience creating backlinks and improving your site’s visibility in search engines? If so, you have the opportunity to use your skills. Website owners worldwide need the services of SEO experts. Therefore, opening a store in this area may be one of the best decisions.

If you are looking for clients, focusing on a good audience, learning from experience and building your portfolio – share your success stories and you are sure to see an influx of clients if your SEO techniques are right. They can target a wide variety of companies or occupy a specific niche, e.g. companies from the fields of law, medicine or finance.

Apart from the above, you can also read 100+ small business ideas to work upon and also can be started from small amount of money. So try to bring any of the creative small businesses on to floor and get success.

Image credit- Pixabay

Quick Review On How To Make Passive Income From A Digital Affiliate Marketing Business Wed, 05 Jun 2019 11:52:08 +0000 Quick Review On How To Make Passive Income From A Digital Affiliate Marketing Business
Quick Review On How To Make Passive Income From A Digital Affiliate Marketing Business

If you are worn out from your day job, you may already be on your way to searching for the best methods you can earn passive income. One of these ways is through affiliate marketing. Passive income is the means of earning income without having to be tied up to a 9-to-5 job. Even as you sit, or sleep, you are earning a possible income growth. Additionally, affiliate marketing refers to the process of promoting goods and services on your website or blog in exchange for remuneration.

Is this a profitable way to make passive income? How realistic and achievable is it? Weigh all your options by considering the following:

1. Affiliate marketing starts with active ways to earn

Yes, affiliate marketing is a passive means of earning income. But before you can get to the enjoyable part of earning a profit, you will still have to go through so much hard work and effort before you can start making the income you desire. Digital affiliate marketing takes a lot of effort, just as is the case with any other business. From the research process, and even to the nitty-gritty work, you will have to put all your effort into making this goal as successful as it should be.

2. Affiliate marketing has numerous ways for you to get started

One of the most common ways for you to become an affiliate is through promoting products and services on your social media sites, such as Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. If it isn’t your forte to post videos of yourself, you can go for other ways instead, such as by writing on your website about these products. Other than that, you can also choose to send emails to your followers or subscribers about products that you are reviewing.

The great thing about this is that you are also interacting with your viewers on a very personal level, which makes you more effective as an affiliate marketer.

If you aren’t very keen on being the direct affiliate marketer, you can also work in the field of affiliate marketing as a digital agency instead. What you do instead is to act as the middleman of the affiliate marketer and the company by connecting these two together. Apart from the salary that you may receive, you might also get commissions. This pay scheme is usually dependent on the company you will work for.

3. Choose a niche that you would like to be specific about on your sites

As much as you would like to cover a wide range of products to talk about or promote on your site, it is still to your advantage if you are more specific. That way, your viewers and followers know what to expect from your website or social media account. When choosing a particular niche for your affiliate marketing site, experts recommend keeping in mind the following pointers:

    • Choose the niche that is profitable or relevant, and in-demand to digital users
    • Choose the niche that you are most comfortable talking or writing about, and selling
    • Choose a niche that also enables you to link with other affiliate marketers from time to time

4. Research on the product that you are sent before promoting it

One foolproof tip for you to remember is to first research on the product that you are sent to review before you even promote or review it. There is no use in promoting a product or a service that is foreign to you. In-depth knowledge is vital for you to also provide a comprehensive review or write-up about the product, aside from the honest feedback that you are going to give. Your viewers or readers will want to have an inkling that you really know what you are talking about, and that you aren’t just blabbing about matters that don’t hold water.

Apart from studying the details of the product, you should also take the time to study the current demand for them. You might just end up wasting all your effort in promoting products that no longer even have a strong demand. As much as possible, work with products and companies that really are in demand, whether in the present or in the next couple of months.

5. Always post excellent content because content is still King!!!

Just like other websites, posting excellent and relevant content is key for you to drive more traffic to your site. For example, one of the basic tricks for you to remember is to always incorporate keywords into your content.

This is one of the evergreen SEO techniques that will stay effective for many years to come. When you have these keywords, you are increasing your page ranking as you will start to land on the top pages of search results. This drives in more traffic to your site, which means that you have a greater audience. Hence, brands will learn to trust you even more because you have a steady following of viewers who can purchase their products as well.


Whether or not affiliate marketing is for you is all dependent on your personal preference. If it is to your liking, then go ahead and start earning through this means. If you are dead-set towards affiliate marketing to earn, the good news is that it is a profitable source of income. For as long as you put your heart, mind, and effort into your job, then you can bid that day job goodbye and switch to digital affiliate marketing instead. Apart from this, there are also other small business ideas with less investment.

Image credit- Canva

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100 Small Business Ideas With Really Less Investment Sat, 19 Jan 2019 18:18:50 +0000 Small Business Ideas to start from your home

If you are in search of small business ideas to start your own business but you’re unable to find out the options then you are at the right place where I’ve broadly explained more than 100 small business ideas. These small business ideas and off course new business Ideas that every entrepreneur may want to explore and can start any of them with a very small investment. You can explore these different business ideas at different stages of your career, if you are doing job then you can explore them as your part time small scale business so that you may earn some extra bucks into your pocket or you can explore these new business ideas as full time and convert them from small scale business to large scale business.

You may research about the input cost and the market to explore your businesses. These are the fresh ideas which can be done in a smart way to get the good results within minimum cost as input. Also, if you want to expand your creativity along with the business then you can refer the article on Creative small business ideas.

“It’s not about ideas. It’s about making ideas happen.” —Scott Belsky, Behance co-founder

Need of Small Business Ideas & Find Your Skill

First you need to know your skill set and area of interest, if you have desire to become your own boss and you possess entrepreneurship skills then starting from small business is good as it has low chances of failure and good chances of getting success. Since the unemployment and lack of jobs increasing, I tried to present a comprehensive guide/ideas about how to start small scale business with low investment?

If you are little bit tech savvy then your can go already discussed earn money online way, otherwise here are top small business ideas which you can do in a smart way with less investment, in less space also from your spare room in your home after proper market research.

“A big business starts small.” –Richard Branson

Investment on Small Business

Since investment on small business is relatively low, however if you need to raise capital as working capital in the form of loans for small business then you can contact with banks, NBFCs or other loan lenders in your area, but make sure even it is small business but proper project planning and research is required before initiating it.

If above options of the funding does not work at the beginning then worry not, you can start with your own investments/saving and look for it from your friends, family and relatives.

Legal Requirements and How To Start Small Business?

You need to collect all the information regarding the business you want to start. Research about the market, legal formalities, business licenses, affiliations, approvals and your firm’s registration.

You can also approach the banks and NBFCs for the business loans if required otherwise go there for the advice only.

You can also consult your Legal Adviser, Chartered Accountant etc. for the formalities to be done before starting any business so that it should fulfill legal compliance before the take off.

Once all legalities are completed then you can start your business in a full fledged way without the fear of any lawsuits. After this, you can also apply for loans and subsidies.

New Ideas will inspire you
100 Small Business Ideas will inspire you

List of 100 Small Business Ideas

Top 100 small business ideas which will be proved as new business ideas by the time you start in bringing joy and money in your life if you are looking to set up your own. We’ve taken utmost care while listing them down, yet you need to pursue your intelligence while choosing the one. Once you start with any idea given below and follow all the guidelines of doing business either small or big, sky is the limit for the doers.

1. Online Sales for eCommerce companies

eCommerce online marketplaces such as Amazon, Flipkart, Snapdeal giving offers to sell your products online and are giving entrepreneurs an easy way to sell various products online through their marketplace. You can use your spare space as for the store room for those products and can create account in those online eCommerce portals.

“Make something people want” includes making a company that people want to work for.” –Sahil Lavingia

2. Take shipping orders to fulfill the shipping of products to customers (Drop-shipping)

You may work as drop-shipping agency and contact eCommerce companies to ship the ordered products to the door step of the customer.

3. Design printing on t-shirts or on other products

You can explore design printing business also to print various art work on the t-shirts or on other related products.

4. Crafting, card-making and other artwork

Handmade businesses such as craft-work, handicraft, card-making, sewing, scrap-booking, needle-work etc. are some of the crafting art which can be done in your local areas. This is such a business idea where you can support others also by employing them on full or part time basis.

This is one of the most interesting small business ideas to do. The products once prepared well can be sold on online marketplace apart from your local market by becoming partner with existing ecommerce marketplace to sell your products online.

5. Writing, proof reading and editing service

If your writing skill is good enough then you could also use your creative talents to start writing for local brands. You can also help in thesis writing and explore the idea in smart way.

You could also offer proofreading and editing services, tell about this to your contacts and also request them to tell theirs, marketing can also be helpful to get the customers. This is one of the best and lucrative small business ideas to start. This requires no investment except your skills.

6. Photography center and service

If your interest is inclined towards photography then you can also explore this business as nature or landscape photographer. You can also do short term photography course. This is an evergreen business where you can cover events, functions etc. and can do your business in a smart way.

If the photographs are liked by your customers then hone your hobby, takes some masterpieces of nature and landscapes and sell them online.

7. Smartphone Repairing Service

If you are skilled in smartphone repairing then this is one of the most lucrative small business ideas to do with lot of income. Every person has smartphones in their hands, and at some point of time, every smartphone needs repair, cracked screen change, changing tempered glasses or any other issues. Mobile accessories can also be incorporated along with the smartphone repairing service which can give an extra income to your small business.

If you don’t know about the smartphone repairing then you can learn it from some training center or can work under any expert to learn the things and then you can open your business separately. Most people with repairing smartphone skills are opting this idea.

8. Tutoring, resume writing and photostat service

This can be done altogether, if you are providing tutor service to your students then you can also offer resume writing service, cover letter writing service and photostat service to them in lesser cost compared to the market so that you may earn some extra bucks from your students and they will get services at lower costs. This is one of the most prestigious work to do among many small business ideas.

9. Account & book-keeping service

If your skill set is Accounts then you can get trained yourself on many accounting software, can provide accounting and bookkeeping services to many shopkeepers and businesses around your local area and can also employ others to assist you if your business gets some momentum.

You can also create your clients online and help them in their accounts in many ways.

10. Plant nursery and cement pots manufacturing

If you have little bit open space or field then you can create small plant nursery where you can accommodate different variety of flower and fruit plants and can sell them at your local area. You can also order cement pots in bulk and can sell them also along with flower plant.

This is one of the most nature friendly small business ideas to do. You can also get orders through online chatting apps such as WhatsApp and others from the customers and can deliver the products at their doorsteps. Once your business get momentum, then you can also employ others as well.

11. Woodworking and furniture manufacturing

It is also a craft work where you can create small piece of wooden art work such as nice and small key holders/hangers, table top art pieces, wooden design pieces, small wall hanging racks, wooden clocks etc. and can sell at your local market place.

You can also try to sell those pieces online also and create good customer base. You can also participate in exhibitions to market your brand.

12. Nutrition, tiffin and food related service

If your local area is full of working professionals, students then it is also one of best small business ideas you can offer to the people. If you can do some nutrition course, then you can also offer diet related service to the people. This service can also be started from small space and if required to do in larger way then you can get some rented shops also.

13. Interior Design and home decoration service

Interior designing and home decoration service is also skill based work and if designing is your hobby then you can start this lucrative business in your town and can provide services through online mode also.

Customer for this service are also upper middle class who can pay you as per the services you offer.

14. Yoga, music and dance classes

You can setup Yoga, music and dance classes from your home or can start from your spare room on a part time basis or on weekends. These services can also be offered by the working men or women on part time basis in the morning or evening classes. This is one of the most prestigious small business ideas to do from home.

15. Modern hair cutting saloon service

You can open modern hair cutting saloon in your nearby space, there are many personalization apps which you can deploy for your customers to set different trends of hair cut.

There are various online service chains with which you can get affiliated and can work under bigger brand. This is a trending service and one of the most money making small business ideas to work.

16. IT service for customer

This is for little bit technical persons who can set up their private IT help service by telephone, or through web portal.

“A small business is an amazing way to serve and leave an impact on the world you live in.” –Nicole Snow

17. Consultancy Service, financial service

This is for the industry experts, either retired or having at least 15-20 years of industry or entrepreneurship experience.

You can provide consultancy to the needy and can earn from that. This consultancy may be either legal, financial or business related.

18. Laundry and dry cleaning service

Laundry and dry cleaning business is one of the most profit making small business ideas to do. It is an evergreen business where you can put latest machines into your business area to provide the service.

19. Dress designing and alterations service

Designing skill plus knowledge of trending fashion can make you profitable dress designer. You can design kids dresses, ladies suits designing are the hot areas. Apart from this, you can also open a dress alteration business. This is one of the most trending 100 small business ideas now a days for working women as well as housewives. If your design is up to the mark then you can also provide and sell your design patterns to big dress designing houses and earn more money.

20. Beauty saloons and event based makeup service

You can start beauty saloons in your area and can offer makeup services in marriages etc. This is one of the most profit earning small business ideas and also in trend.

21. Travel Planning Service

If this is your business idea and familiar with the places people want to visit, then you can offer your travel planning service to the clients. You can also plan their travel on a group basis where you can book vehicles, book rooms through travel agent etc. It needs some communication skills and knowledge to make the travel plan for others.

22. Event Videography service

If you are skilled in videography then you can create video of events. You can take help of different apps to create and edit videos and can also publish them in YouTube, Vimeo etc. video services. You can create channel there to earn money online. This is one of the most lucrative and profit earning small business ideas , if you have interest or knowledge in particular area then you can create videos on those topics to educate people and earn money.

23. Car and auto interior dry cleaning service

This is also one of the most competitive and profit earning small business ideas where you need not to invest more rather purchasing some cleaning equipment.

You can also incorporate car accessories in your small business to earn some extra bucks.

24. House cleaning service as small and permanent business

You can set up your space for house cleaning service where you can hire other expert professionals also. You can get the leads from online website, chatting apps like WhatsApp, and other marketing tools such as newspaper advertisement, leaflets and pamphlets etc. This is one of the most competitive small business ideas to start. Many startups are opening with this idea which is profitable as well because of demand.

25. House roofing inspection and repairing service

If you are skilled in inspecting house roofing and repairing it then this is one of the most demanding small business ideas with low investment and high profit.

26. House repairing and painting service

This is also one of the most profit making small business ideas to do, it is an evergreen business and full of leads and opportunities. You can set up your professional office in a smart way, the business require small investment on automatic dust proof machines for rubbing and painting etc.

27. Electric wiring and fitting service for homes

This is one of the most demanding small business ideas, now a days modern lighting and fittings have evolved this service industry.

You can show clients about the latest lighting and equipment in a cost effective way as well as the efficiency of the product.

28. AC, fridge, washing machine repairing service

You can set up your office for the air conditioners, fridge, washing machines etc. repairing center and can also hire experts and pay them basis on the service attempted. One of the most demanding and profit earning small business ideas, you can get the leads almost everywhere.

29. RO, water purifier, kitchen chimney and other small home appliances service

Like above, you can also set up your office and run this small business ideas from home as well as can set up shop at market place to offer these services. You can also hire professional experts and pay them basis on the service attempted.

30. Laptop, computer and printer repairing service

If you are expert on hardware repairing then this is one of the most profit earning small business ideas to earn from small space.

31. Sofa and furniture repairing and cleaning service

This is also a demanding small business ideas where skilled workers can be hired for the dry cleaning of expensive sofa sets and other household furniture. These furniture can be found in almost every household which needs repairing and cleaning on timely basis.

32. Property dealing service

Buying and selling properties often happen and mediator such as property dealer earns profit while buying and selling property from buyer and seller in the form of their commission. They also earn commission from renting and leasing the property, flat or apartment.

33. Caterer and event planning service

You need management skills for event planning, need strong network of suppliers & services and need to hire experts. You can also arrange the catering services for the event and can earn pretty good amount of money by managing all this.

34. Health expert and gym service

If you are health conscience then you can become health advisor and can also open your gym and train the people on health related activity.

35. Kids daycare business as service

Working couples need daycare for their kids and this one of the most smartest small business ideas which can be opened from your home. You need to hire one or two home help for full day and some toys for the kids. If you are able to provide attention and care to the kids with responsibility then this is the most demanding business. This is also among the best alternative if you have time and skills to tackle kids.

36. Mobile, DTH recharge railways reservations service

You can open mobile and DTH recharge shop and also help people get their railway reservations done. This can be done with small investment and if the volume of recharges and reservations gets momentum then yo can earn pretty good amount of income.

“Good business leaders create a vision, articulate the vision, passionately own the vision, and relentlessly drive it to completion.” –Jack Welch

37. Tea, coffee vending machine, Soft drink and fruit juice outlet service

Many automatic machines are there in the market like tea and coffee vending machines, soft drink serving machines and fruit juice machines. These automatic machines have changed the way people were addressing such businesses earlier. Anyone can open such kiosks in a smart way to earn money decently anywhere as they are the most crowd attracting small business ideas.

38. Bakery business service

You can also open your own cake, biscuit, bread and other food making industry with a small amount of investment. If the quality of food is maintained then this is most profit earning small business ideas with good sales.

39. Imitation jewelry business service

This is also called costume based jewelry or imitated jewelry being manufactured as ornament but is not made up of precious metals. This is also in high demand and comes under one of the most profitable small business ideas.

40. Pet care service as small business

You can open shop for pet care products, pet foods, pet accessories, GPS systems for pet. You can also hire pet care vet (veterinary physician) on part time basis so that the customers can avail full pet related services from your outlet.

41. Sports coach service

If your expertise are on any of the sports then you can become sports coach in your city where you can train newbies in any sports ground by taking permission from the authorities. You can advise them on their career growth and can help them apply in bigger tournaments. This also comes under one of the most respected small business ideas.

42. Printing services such as business cards, pamphlets, and others

You can open your printing house for printing various cards such as business, marriage etc. You can also open banner, notice board printing services etc.

43. Building material and electric products suppliers service to under constructed buildings

If you have business contacts with vendors and builders then through contacts only, you can become building material and electric products supplier to them and can earn good amount of money.

44. Bulk SMS and email service

If you have some amount of money then you can get subscription of any server, contact real estate, insurance, or retail businesses of your city or local area, present your offer of sending SMS and emails to them and get the bulk order.

This is one of the most successful and evergreen small business ideas to excel and earn pretty good amount of money.

45. Shoe laundry service

Though this business is not in its full way in India, but in metro cities this kind of business is getting traction. You just need to target big corporate and big schools to get the leads.

46. Honey production service

For this, you need to set up your business in outskirt areas such as farm land near villages so that you may get some helping hands also. This is a small budget business and products can be sold to local as well as other markets.

47. Flowers and flower bouquet service

You can purchase different variety of flowers from farms and then you can sell them in your local market in the form of bouquet, take order for the events such as annual function and marriages. Since this business needs care of flowers and over the time they become feeble so manage the demand and supply time carefully.

48. General or departmental store

In this business, you need to put some extra money to store different kind of varieties. You can open this in your nearby society or at marketplace. It is an evergreen business where demand never dies and one of the most traditionally followed small business ideas.

49. Flour, spices and vegetable oil mill business

If you have little more budget then you can open flour and vegetable oil mill, you can sell your products in small retail shops, hotels, societies, religious places etc.

You can purchase the raw material directly from the farmers and from big commodity markets. This is one of the most profit making small business ideas to start.

50. Fast food business service

If your skills allows to do chef work then you can open fast food business in your local area. You can also take orders on phone and can deliver to the door steps of the customers.

51. Job hiring consultancy service

If you are fluent in English and have management capabilities then you can open your consultancy, you can run your consultancy from home as well. You need to contact with the Human Resource Managers of different companies and know about the openings they have, you can collect CVs of aspirants from different job portals such as,,, etc. by registering yourself there and sort out those CVs according to the job sectors. Make a contact with the candidates, know their willingness to change the job and send their resume to the companies, schedule their interviews and if candidate got selected in the company then you will earn through them as your professional consultancy charges.

52. Start driving school service

If you have vehicles then you can start driving school business, you need to get licenses from local authorities and then you can start enrolling students.

53. Packer and movers service

All you need contacts such as experts of packing and unpacking, logistic suppliers or cargo agents. You can generate leads from your phones, websites or instant messaging apps etc. This is the lucrative small business idea with less investment and higher ratio of income.

54. Gift and toy shop business

You can open gift shop as per the need and demand of local area you are opening in. You can display event based gifts also such as New year gift, Deewali gift and Christmas gift etc. You can also sell toys for kids.

55. Candy and toffee production

This is the most demanding small business ideas where you can get license from the respective authorities to make candy and toffees. Create proper channel to distribute the product and once the brand gets momentum, then sky is the limit.

56. Pest control service for home

You can hire experts and pay them according to the service attempted. Pests are the common problem of every household and you can generate leads from various ways such as sending bulk SMS in your city etc. This is one of the most profit making small business ideas with actually low investment.

If your pocket and investment allows then you can choose commercial and agriculture pest control and fumigation also.

57. Paper bag manufacturing

You can manufacture paper bags and provide your services to big business houses as well. Paper bag industry is in demand and you can get raw material from big markets.

58. Flex printing business

Flex printing machine costs but once you get the momentum in your business then it will become your profit making machine. Analyze the market and create then demand, it will be better if you set up in tier 2 or 3 cities.

59. Tissue and toilet paper manufacturing business

Semi and full automatic machines are available and you can run your business from your home town. The demand of tissue and toilet paper is never ending. This is one of the most profitable small business ideas.

60. Gaming service at events

You can generate leads for the events such as birthday, marriages and annual functions of schools and colleges and communicate them about your services. 99 percent are the chances of yes and you can earn from organizing small games in the event.

61. Disk jockey or DJ service

You can provide DJ service to the annual functions of the schools, colleges and any event. All you need experts in this industry who knows well mixing lights and sounds in smart way.

62. Ice cream production business

This is the ever green business, you need to blend special flavors into your ice cream manufacturing business, if it is liked by the end user then it has huge potential of income.

63. Organic vegetable farming business

This is one of the most demanding small business ideas if you have land and zeal to cultivate the organic produce. Everyone wants pest free food and vegetables and can spend more to get pure organic vegetables.

64. Insurance agent as small to large business

If you want to earn good amount of money with less or no investment then becoming insurance agent is one of the most desired small business ideas to work along with other works you are doing.

You can choose any of insurance companies between Life Insurance and General Insurance, all you need to cross the exam taken by IRDA and then you will get your license to sell the insurance products to the customers.

65. Courier service agent

You can apply to get franchise from variety of courier services and can do the couriers. It is an evergreen service with less investment. Courier services provide all the pick up work, you only need to do the entry and request for the pick up, you will get set of commission from every courier packet registered from the courier company.

66. Soap and washing powder manufacturing

Raw material for the soap and washing powder can be purchased from the big commercial markets and you can manufacture your own products under your brand and can supply in your local market and others.

67. Aquarium service business

It is also a low cost small business idea, which can be managed from home as well. Utmost care is needed for the fishes, so before doing this business get some knowledge to take care of fish to maintain the service for longer time.

68. Dairy service business

This is the most demanding small business ideas which can be started with less investment. You can earn good profit from these products.

69. Marriage hall and party lawns

If you have space and work force then you can create marriage hall along with party lawn on the land. This is one of the most profitable business model now a days in cities as well as remote areas.

70. Stationary store business

Most demanding business model, take a shop near school and colleges, create proper channel with the vendors, deliver the products to different offices and start making money.

71. Safety and security products, GPS products and service

Start selling CCTV cameras, security belts and shoes, GPS products for vehicle and pets etc. as they are the most demanding products. Give proper services to the clients and earn money.

72. Children fun area as small and part time business

With moderate input cost, you can convert your free space to children fun area where you can sell subscription or token to families having children to play there.

73. Two or four wheeler breakdown mobile service

You can provide mobile service for the breakdown vehicles where you can tow them to the service station, petrol pump or puncture repairing outlet, this way also you can serve the people and earn small money. It depends upon you how big you can make through this.

74. Cooking class service business

If you are skilled enough in cooking then this is one of the best small business ideas you can operate from home. You can also hire professionals to teach them different delicacies.

75. Spoken English and foreign languages classes

If you know different languages then you can start setting up coaching classes for the students to provide education on these languages. There is good scope of learning foreign languages and is one of the most prestigious small business ideas.

76. Health drink kiosks

You can set up a small shop for health drink including fruit juices. You can also set up mobile shops of health drink which you can install in different parks if investment allows.

77. Candle making and bulk production

It is also one of the lowest investment small business ideas, you can hire skilled workers and can be started from home as well. Market is good enough for the fragrant candle and earning is also very good.

78. Organic mosquito repellent incense sticks

You can manufacture natural mosquito repellent incense sticks with all organic products. The market is good enough for this and earning opportunity is also good.

79. Pickle and papad production service

This comes under cottage industry where business opportunities are great, you can employ skilled workers also on the basis of per packet rate.

You can also get the help of Government schemes for such small scale businesses.

80. Fruit jam manufacturing business

This also comes under one of the best small business ideas which can be opened in such places where you can get raw material in abundance. Mostly manufacturing units can be set up in hilly areas where fruits supply is good.

81. Religious items shop business

Items related to any religion can be set up which can give you some profit on regular basis. This is evergreen business and one of the most appreciated small business ideas.

82. IT software training

Training courses related to Information Technology is another prestigious small business ideas but you need to be skilled enough in any language or platform.

Since IT centers anywhere have grown like mushrooms so you need to do something differently.

83. Stock market trading business

This need a lot of experience and expertise in this industry to get profit. It is highly risky field so take extra caution while doing trading.

84. Manufacturing steel fabrication

Steel fabrication is another lucrative business where stainless steel is a green material and now a days used widely in home and commercial establishments. It is reusable, recyclable with no wear and tear so most of the buildings use it.

It is one of the most applied small business ideas which you can make as big as you want.

85. Modelling agency service

You need to become mediator between the company and models, need strong network. Investment needed to establish your office only and rest depends upon your networking.

86 Pathology lab business

If you are pathology professional then you can set up your pathology lab, you can also become franchise of already established pathology brands.

87. Auto services business

You can set up auto service center, hire skilled workers and pay them on the basis of services done. Initially you can arrange or purchase essential tool kits and once you get momentum in your business, you can start maintaining the inventory of spare parts.

88. Cosmetics, leather, perfume and bags store

This is also high demand small business ideas and can be set up with initial small money. You can expand it with the time. If you want to excel in this business then try to maintain latest inventory and sell off immediately which is not trending.

89. Seasonal and event based business service

Event based businesses such as holi colors, crackers etc. could be one of the best small business ideas anyone can do.

90. Tattoo making service outlet

This also needs skills, training and understanding of design patterns. One of the most lucrative small business ideas which can be started with moderate investment. This attracts young generations and earning is also very good.

“There is no finish line. There are only mile markers.” –Michael Ventura

91. Address verification service

You can enroll your firm with banks, telecom service providers etc. to provide your service towards address verification of the customers. You can earn from these banks and telecom operators on per lead basis.

92. Signboard making service business

Flex and neon signboards making service is in demand, you can set up in such a way so that you may provide efficient services to the clients in a cost effective way since competition is high in metro cities. You can provide your services to tier 2 and tier 3 cities.

93. Security guard service agency business

You can start security guard agency, you can convert unemployed manpower to employed and skilled security guard. You can read the article on security guard as how to set up security guard agency, rules and regulations etc.

94. Third party employee background checking agency

You can become employee background checking service agency, need to contact with the company, get the furbished records of the employee from the company and do the background check of the employee from your own level.

You need to hire resources to do this and to maintain the database. You need to create your own report based on the furbished data and the actual data you got based on the background check.

Against this service, agencies get a hefty amount from the companies.

95. Online surveys

Online surveys are available on many sites posted by other companies, such surveys may take 5-20 minutes of time based on the requirement to get completed. You can earn money online through this.

96. Blogging as small to large business

If writing is a hobby and comes under your passion then blogging is the evergreen field to get money and fame. This could be started with very little amount and comes under one of the best and smartest small business ideas but your passion towards it can make it as big as anything else. One of the most lucrative ideas is blogging and is placed among top 100 Small Business Ideas which required less investment.

97. Freelance as small business

There are various freelancing website available on the internet where you can get registered yourself, and make your profile as per the education, work experience etc.

98. Paid to click sites as small business

They are designed in a way where registered user clicks & reads the advertisements for 10 to 30 seconds & get paid for each & every advertisement.

99. Affiliate marketing as small business

It is a concept to let the customers know the specifications of the products, help them to choose the right product and once they buy the product, you get commission ranging from 4%-20%. You need to create website for this or you can share your affiliate link in social media, WhatsApp etc. This is one of the best 100 small business ideas to work from home and work online with good earning possibilities.

100. Translator business

If you know any other language other than your native one, then this could be a lucrative job for you. Such work pays you somewhere $15-$20 per hour and sometimes you are paid per word basis and becomes one of the prestigious 100 small business ideas.

101. YouTube business

If you have deep understanding about the topic then you can create YouTube videos on topics based upon your interest, this could be one of the best small business ideas but depends upon you how big you can make. Most lucrative profession is making YouTube videos now a days, and one of the best business ideas. It needs skills to promote the ideas or business methods via YouTube.

102. Sell domains and websites

First purchase domains online with specific keywords, park them and after some time sell the domains to the needy or sell them on and in the same way you can create your website, work on it, bring it to the earning level, earn for some months from it and then sell it on,, etc. This needs deep understanding and business skills to buy the domain in fresh and resell it to the needy and placed one of the best business ideas among 100 Small Business Ideas.


If you work diligently on these small business ideas then success can’t remain far from you. Once the business improves then you can get it registered as one person company, private limited company, limited liability partnership etc. or get it registered in Udyam MSME as an entrepreneur.  I’ll conclude the things now with the famous quote given below-

“The future depends on what you do today.” –Mahatma Gandhi

Image credit- Canva
