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Top 11 Sites For Latest Government Jobs In India

If you are preparing for the government jobs in India then you are at the right place where I’ve compiled top government jobs sites for giving you information about public sector jobs in India. You can find below top 11 Sites for Latest Government Jobs In India, job alerts and notifications, you can also do tracking of government jobs, admit cards, exam dates, Sarkari Naukri etc.

You can find out the best government jobs sites or sarkari naukri websites where you can find govt job notifications, free job alerts, latest government jobs vacancies, Sarkari naukri results and some of them provide study material, sample papers and conduct mock tests as well.

Internet has become the next door to look for any information regarding private jobs and services or government jobs and services, skill development, online study or to earn money online. It has covered vast area of collecting and rendering information related to almost anything.

Now a days we are dependent for any query on Google or Internet to get the result or best possible results. Though there are tremendous amount of information available in the internet, sometimes we get confused to select the best one or almost similar to our requirement. Same applies to search the latest job posts on the internet where various government website for jobs are available out of that we’ve selected few but best sites for government jobs notifications.

Notifications and jobs alert on Below Public Sector Job Categories

You can find notifications, job alerts, results, model papers, previous exam papers and solutions and study material etc. for all Government job category such as-

    • Medical
    • Engineering
    • Law
    • Finance
    • Paramedical
    • Pharmacy
    • Dental
    • All central and state Government departments
    • Aviation
    • Naval
    • Hotel Management
    • Sports Quota
    • IIT/Diploma
    • Architecture
    • Arts
    • Agriculture
    • Any Degree
    • Teacher Training

Benefits Behind These Public Sector Jobs Sites

We have selected top 10 sarkari naukri websites or government website for jobs offering information about latest government jobs sites in India you can rely on the information shared by them and the job openings. You can find all alerts, notifications, syllabus, exam dates, exam patterns, model test papers, practice paper sets and their answer keys, study material etc. related to your job exam from these sites.

They are listed below based on the latest government jobs notification & information, government jobs alerts notification, number of visits and ranking, sharing new examination patterns. Most of these government jobs sites also provide free study material to the aspirants.

Top Sites For Government Jobs In India

1. FreeJobAlert

FreeJobAlert provides free job alerts (freejobalert[dot]com) services to job seekers in India on latest government jobs, free job alerts, freshers jobs, walk-ins, bank jobs, private jobs in India. They also provide study material and on video tutorials with online test. This is the best site for government jobs notifications.

They also alert the aspirants with latest and upcoming job alert and latest notifications for government jobs, bank jobs and all state jobs so that one may get prepared for the coming days of job applications.

They cover almost every central and state government jobs of every sector along with tracking of admit cards/exam dates/results of all state and central government jobs.

They also share the sarkari naukri / government jobs results in their site.

2. JagranJosh

JagranJosh is one of the most prominent government jobs sites for job alerts (jagranjosh[dot]com/employment-news-st-1348730577?ref=nav_jobs) and also the jobs site for government jobs which shares the notification for all government jobs & alerts to the job seekers. It also shares the notification for private jobs as well. Apart from the job alerts, it also provides job counseling and career orientation.

It also publishes GK, current affairs, and other educational information to the aspirants in English and Hindi. They also share upcoming exam dates of Engineering, Business and Management, Medical Science and many more other streams along with sarkari naukri results in their site.

You can also subscribe/buy e-books on Current Affairs, General Knowledge and books on exam preparations such as Railways, SSC, IAS, state PSCs, Bank PO, CBSE, State Boards, NCERT, Banking, Engineering, CTET, CAT, CDS/NDA, Police jobs etc. and many more.

They also provide previous years sample papers, practice papers, guess papers and take chapter wise online exams for the better preparation and cracking the exam.

3. SarkariExam

SarkariExam is also one of the most visited sarkari naukri websites or government jobs sites for alerts (sarkariexam[dot]com), for the public and private jobs, and as per them only they are the first dedicated government jobs portal in India.

SarkariExam provides most accurate and precise format for the information so that it may easily available and grasped by the user. They share the sarkari naukri results in their site apart from the govt jobs alerts that proves to be one of the best site for government jobs notifications.

They provide rojgar result and you will be updated daily about sarkari jobs, sarkari exam of all states and central bodies, answer Keys of the sample question papers, syllabuses of different exams, admission dates/process/documents required, interview letter and results.

SarkariExam publishes Central Level Recruitments, State Level Sarkari Naukri such as MP Vyapam Recruitment, MPPKVVCL Office Assistant Recruitment, Rajasthan High Court Recruitment, Punjab and Haryana High Court Recruitment, WBSSC Recruitment, Karnataka Police Recruitment, Govt of Jharkhand Recruitment etc.

They cover the sectors like Railway, Banking, ITI, Engineering, Medical, Teaching, IT, Law, Defence, Police, Federal Bank Recruitment, Bank of Maharashtra Recruitment, Navodaya Vidyalaya Recruitment, East Coast Railway Recruitment, CRPF Recruitment, CMRL Recruitment, IOCL Recruitment etc.

They are featured on many online dailies and their clients include CareerBuilder, Newshunt, Timespro etc.

4. SarkariNaukriDaily

SarkariNaukriDaily is one of the government jobs sites (sarkariresultnaukri[dot]com) which is well designed for sharing information and the best site for government jobs notifications in almost all latest central and all state government jobs in India related to fields such as arts, science, commerce, management, IT, engineering etc.

You can see the notifications organization wise in the sectors Banking and finance, Supreme Court and High Court jobs, Defense Central Police Force & State Police Force jobs, State Staff and Sub Ordinate Board jobs, UPSC and State PSCs, Postal, Power and Energy jobs, Public Sector Units and Railways and Metro etc., Universities Medical Colleges, State Health & Medical Boards, State Health Missions, Ports in India, NITs & IITs and other research sector jobs.

You can also search jobs (sarkarifocus[dot]com) from the 10th pass to Post graduate/PHD level.

They also share results, admit cards notification and key questions related to current affairs.

5. Jobriya

Jobriya is one of the sarkari naukri websites or government jobs sites (jobriya[dot]in) which is also one of the most prominent website today for the government jobs alerts. It shares information for government jobs in India and private jobs. It also provides model question papers for the exams.

JobRiya is also into sarkari result, sarkari exam update, latest govt jobs notification, free job alert, online form for the government exams, admit card, university result etc.

They share exam alerts, notifications, results, syllabus and also provide counseling. You can also look for previous years questions papers, their answer keys, model papers etc.

6. IndgovtJobs

IndgovtJobs is one of the best government jobs sites (indgovtjobs[dot]in) which provides the information regarding public sector jobs including banking recruitment notifications. The source of such notifications is Employment News Paper, All Govt Public Sectors and Banking Officials mentioned by the site.

The Government job site list was started by Dinesh Prabhu in 2010 to share the sarkari naukri alerts, latest Government Jobs In India, Sarkari naukri results etc.

7. AllGovernmentJobs

AllGovernmentJobs govt jobs site (allgovernmentjobs[dot]in) is well known for your dream government job, they deliver government jobs information in different sectors such as Finance, Engineering to Sports etc. You can also find all your government job queries in this site.

The uniqueness of this govt job site list can be observed the way they provide search on Latest government jobs on keywords basis, you can find number of total jobs at the moment, organizations having current openings and the jobs which are expiring soon.

You can also expect notifications state-wise, department-wise for all the State Government’s and Central Government’s jobs.

The site was started by Rohit Gatla to fulfill the gap in latest job search by the aspirants.

8. RecruitmentResult

RecruitmentResult is one of the government jobs sites (recruitmentresult[dot]com) that provides the information about latest recruitment for the public sector jobs, upcoming exam datasheet, examination admit card, latest educational articles etc along with preparation tips, current affairs, sarkari naukri results and a lot more.

9. JobSarkari

JobSarkari govt jobs website now known as SharmaJobs (sharmajobs[dot]com) allows users to search for the government jobs. They list openings about new Jobs according to qualification, location and various other criteria of the job seeker.

They have dedicated and experienced team including 8 full-time experts who are passionate about latest information and details about Government jobs.

Other than the job search, it also offers exam results, admit cards and syllabus of different competitive exams to help job seekers.

10. SarkariNaukriBlog

SarkariNaukriBlog site (sarkarinaukriblog[dot]com) is run and managed by blogger Manisha, it is simple and filled with useful information about the latest openings in government jobs. This is one of the oldest sarkari naukri websites or govt job sites in India with relevant information for the aspirants.

11. SarkariJobs

SarkariJobs has a well informed team of collaborators, this site (sarkarijobs[dot]com) has notifications about public sector jobs and alers. It was founded by Ricky Ahuja and most of the team is based outside India and they are managing it from there.

You can find in this govt jobs website all information regarding latest government jobs, latest exams alerts & results updates. You can also browse jobs by education, by industry or by category.

You can get latest alerts for Sarkari Admit Cards or call letters, hall tickets or hall passes for various government exams and jobs in India.

12. TheSarkariNaukri

TheSarkariNaukri is a well formatted sarkari naukri websites or government jobs site (thesarkarinaukri[dot]com) offering job information for almost every sector form 8th passed to Ph D. level. It also shares the admit card updates, study material recommendations and the result news as per the user needs and demands.

13. Govtjobslive

Govtjobslive government jobs site (govtjobslive[dot]com/index[dot]html) is also well designed public sector jobs site which provide updates and notifications on daily basis for the Government Jobs in various sectors and Banking Recruitment Notifications along with Private Sector Jobs.

It collects information from online sources, forums, employment news paper, all government public sectors and banking officials.

Above given government jobs sites list is collected from various sources based on popularity of site, Alexa ranking (earlier when article was written, now Alexa ranking is no more relevant) and authentic information they provide. You can also mail us other authentic sources/sites from where candidates can find out alerts for govt jobs, sarkari jobs etc. in a convenient way.
Image credit- Canva
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