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Top 5 Ways to Grow Your Business Using Instagram Marketing

If you are not yet into Instagram marketing but you are in a business then you are running into a great loss. Instagram has been proven to be one of the best marketing platforms since its inception. This is an important tool that helps in the powerful marketing of their business. Instagram increases the visibility of the product in their business.
Do you know that you see more of promotions on Instagram (pls refer IG Analytics)than your friend’s vacation picture or your neighbor’s trip to Europe?
There is a lot more than what you actually see on Instagram, very efficiently and very cleverly your competition in the market is using Instagram marketing to sell their products more and also to make a strong brand presence in social media. Social media gives us huge connectivity but the difficulty lies in finding out who would like your business and you can get an idea about this on your Instagram page only.
1. Instagram Purchase
It might surprise you that over 1/3rd of the Instagram users purchase products from Instagram directly. Sales are very important for any business, directly or indirectly all the businesses are dependent on sales. In the past 1.5 to – 2years the sale has increased through the Instagram purchase immensely.
It is the job of the sales team to increase the sale of their product but with the emergence of digital marketing and specifically Instagram marketing the sale has increased in the businesses. More than 70% of users have used Instagram to increase their purchase all across the world. Among the 75% of the users take action which is also known as the call to action which means that they will visit the official site of the product and click further to check the service or the product.
Even if the user does not buy the product but the importance of the click remains, it takes you one step closer to your potential customer.
2. Inbound Traffic Increases
Instagram marketing increases your customer because without Instagram marketing your flow of customers will be limited to your website only. The increase in the inbound traffic will happen on the increase of Instagram Marketing. The latest and the best way to do digital marketing is through social media marketing which also includes Instagram marketing. There are different types of people with different backgrounds on Instagram and your product might cater to people of different economic strength hence the inbound traffic will be much more.
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3. Conversion Rate Increases
As much the visibility of your business increases the more is the opportunity to convert. Every blog post or a like on your blogpost can reach your TG to your website. This kind of marketing gives a better image to your business through humanization. Interactive brands or the brands that also do conversational marketing are able to much better in the conversion of their target audience. It has been proved that spending time with the consumer is much valuable addition to their business. In recent years about 66% of businessmen have successfully felt that lead generation is maximum through social media. This will also help you to get an understanding of what your product has and how can it be improved in the future.
4. Save Money
Social Media marketing, especially Instagram marketing save you a lot of money. If you want to create brand awareness through your Instagram account then all you have to do is make some creative posts for your site and post them on Instagram. This will save you a lot of money, Instagram Marketing is very much cost-effective. Being cost-effective is such an advantage because you can see a greater return on investment and retain a bigger budget for other marketing and business expenses.
If you want to do paid advertisement then do not spend bulk in the first go. Spend little and understand what should you expect from this paid advertisement. Only then spend more when you know what will you get back in return for what you have spent.
5. Being a Leader
Posting some well written sensible posts on your official website can give you the privilege of being a leader in the future. If you wish to be a social media expert then you will have to be much more communicative. Making good relation with your consumer or your customer is very important that will help you be a leader in social media.
When you connect with your consumer, it makes easier for them to rely on you and purchase your item on Instagram of social media itself. This will also help you become an influencer too in your social media.
The last but not the least! Get Started with the ideas, it is important to get started with all your like and share at least that will fetch you somewhere till you get into the business. Start finding out better SEO and you will be able to start your business from the peak asap.
Image credit- Canva
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